February 28th.

In a rental house in Hangzhou.

Xu Hui is browsing online news.

He is an HIV carrier, has no friends, and dares not make friends.

Fortunately, the Internet is becoming more and more developed.

He can immerse himself in the world of the Internet and escape reality.

In society,

AIDS patients suffer from discrimination.

Even if he goes to the hospital to have a tooth pulled, see a stomach problem, or hang a bottle of saline, the doctor will suggest that Xu Hui go to a specialized hospital for infectious diseases for diagnosis and treatment.

Of course, Xu Hui also understands.

Ordinary hospitals are unwilling to admit infected people, and they are not obliged to accept infected people.

If you suffer from other diseases besides infectious viruses, you must go to a specialized hospital for infectious diseases.

Every time he goes to the hospital,

Xu Hui will receive strange looks and frequently die.

Loneliness has become the main theme of his life.

Even so,

Xu Hui still actively accepts treatment and takes free medicines provided in the basic drug list of the disease control agency.

Free medicines have side effects such as diarrhea and dyslipidemia, and diet must be strictly controlled.

Every time Xu Hui takes it, he will have sleep disorders and night sweats.

After a long illness,

Xu Hui knows that self-paid medicines are more effective.

The monthly cost of genuine self-paid medicine is about 5,000 yuan. The generic drugs from India are cheaper.

So Xu Hui bought generic drugs through channels.

But the import of generic drugs is very troublesome and the inspection is very strict.

Once, the channel dealer who purchased generic drugs on behalf of others was arrested and all the drugs were seized.

Xu Hui stopped taking the medicine for a week.

After only seven days of stopping the medicine

, all his previous treatment effects were gone, and his condition became more serious, reaching the middle stage of AIDS.

Because AIDS is an infectious disease,

Xu Hui could not become an employee of a large company, and his savings from working in the past were gradually consumed.

He can’t even afford generic drugs now, and can only take free drugs to survive.

To be honest. If he continues to suffer like this.

Xu Hui is about to have the idea of committing suicide on June 5th.

Just when he was desperate.

A news push suddenly appeared on the computer.

Xu Hui glanced at it and was stunned on the spot.

The news headline was”Professor Chen Yu of Huanyu Pharmaceutical, conquers AIDS! Live press conference!”

He did not hesitate.

I immediately clicked into the live video room.

On the screen, a grand press conference was being held at Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Hundreds of news media gathered at the scene.

At the beginning of the press conference,

Qin Shuang, the proud disciple of Professor Chen Yu, walked onto the stage.

She slowly said,”As we all know, the human body has a powerful immune system.

Bacteria and viruses from the outside world that want to enter the human body and cause trouble will be hit head-on by the immune system.

However, HIV is very smart and chooses to take a different approach.

It does not attack human tissues, nor does it directly cause illness or death.

Instead, it attacks immune cells, causing immune cell defects, leading to the survival of various diseases and cancers in the human body, and eventually developing into AIDS, also known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In

1981, humans discovered the HIV virus for the first time.

As of the end of 2014, a total of 35 million people were infected with AIDS worldwide, and the number of AIDS infections increases by 1 million to 2 million each year. In

Xia Country alone, the number of AIDS infections increases by 134,000 each year.

Faced with such a severe situation, researchers from all over the world are trying every possible way.

I hope that one day we can conquer AIDS!”


In front of the computer screen.

Xu Hui nodded with empathy.

AIDS is a difficult problem in the world’s public health field.

Unfortunately, the current level of medicine cannot completely cure AIDS.

In the live broadcast room.

Qin Shuang said:”Recently, Mr. Chen Yu, a professor at the School of Medicine of Suzhou University and chairman of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has made breakthrough progress in the fight against AIDS.

Professor Chen Yu used umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation to cure many late-stage AIDS patients.

The first batch of 20 late-stage AIDS patients have been successfully discharged from the hospital and are slowly recuperating at home.

The second batch of 30 late-stage AIDS patients are currently hospitalized for various complications and are recovering well.

It is worth mentioning that

50 late-stage AIDS patients no longer have any HIV virus in their bodies after umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation!

After a long period of recuperation, they will be able to recover as before and live a normal life.” As soon as the voice fell.

The scene was immediately sensational!

“Holy shit?! Has AIDS really been conquered?”

“Oh my god! 50 patients with advanced AIDS were cured by Professor Chen!”

“That’s great! Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation can save countless AIDS patients!”

“Today’s press conference is destined to shock the world!”

“Professor Chen Yu is truly the reincarnation of the God of Medicine! He will save millions of AIDS patients in Xia Country!”

“The world’s 35 million AIDS patients will also have hope of life!”

“Professor Chen Yu is truly a peerless talent!”


During the discussion,

Chen Yu, wearing a white coat, walked up to the stage in high spirits.

Facing the gaze of hundreds of people,

Chen Yu was not stage-frightened.

He opened the PPT prepared in advance.

On the screen, a case of a patient with late-stage AIDS appeared.

Chen Yu said,”The diagnosis report on February 1 showed that the patient had a large area of abscesses and ulcers, and had complications such as kidney damage, liver damage, and headaches.”

He clicked the button.

The latest test report appeared on the screen.

Chen Yu added,”The HIV virus in the patient has been completely cleared.

The original complications have also recovered to a reasonable range under the dual treatment of the rebuilt immune system and drugs.

At present, the patient has been discharged from the hospital.

In the next five years, he will come to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University every week or two weeks for HIV testing.

Until there is no recurrence in the future.”


Chen Yu explained and compared dozens of late-stage AIDS cases with cured cases.

The media reporters on the scene were very excited.

There is nothing more exciting than a late-stage AIDS patient being cured!

After this session ended.

Those patients with advanced AIDS who were cured and discharged from the hospital walked up to the stage one by one.

They were full of energy and ruddy-looking, just like normal people.

They told their experiences and treatment process in front of hundreds of media reporters.

In order to protect their privacy, the media reporters would mosaic them and use pseudonyms when publishing articles.

Next, Chen Yu explained the AIDS cure process in detail from a medical perspective.

First, umbilical cord blood matching.

Second, SMYD2 methyltransferase destroys the patient’s immune system and activates all HIV viruses.

Third, use drugs to kill all infected cells.

Fourth, umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation rebuilds the patient’s immune system.

Fifth, treat various complications of the body.

Chen Yu explained every step clearly.

The medical experts listening in the audience were all fascinated.

Half an hour later.

Chen Yu said:”A more detailed report on the treatment of AIDS with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation.

I have published it in the latest issue of Nature in the form of a paper.

If you are interested, you can search it yourself.

Now let’s go to the media interview session.

” The reporter from Xiaguo TV asked:”In the medical field, the use of the word cure is very cautious.

Patients will generally use the word cure, while doctors often use the professional term clinical cure.

Professor Chen, I would like to ask.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) 50 patients with AIDS.

Was it completely cured or clinically cured?

“Clinically cured!”

Chen Yu said truthfully:”From a medical point of view, as long as the surface symptoms disappear, it is clinically cured, and the standard is no recurrence within five years.

However, the clinical cure standard in the field of AIDS is[]

The results of serological tests showed that the antibody did not exist.

Now, the surface symptoms of these patients have disappeared, and there are no antibodies, which is completely clinically cured.

Of course, the treatment of AIDS with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation is a new medical achievement after all.

In the next five years, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University will conduct follow-up tests on these patients to determine whether they are completely cured!”

Hearing this, everyone present nodded.

Before this, there was only one patient in the world who was cured of AIDS, and he was named the”Berlin Patient”.

He suffered from leukemia and AIDS at the same time.

From the perspective of the medical community, this is a person who is about to step into the grave.

Surprisingly, after he received bone marrow stem cell transplantation for leukemia, AIDS was miraculously cured.

However, bone marrow stem cell transplantation is difficult to match and the cost is high, and it is not possible to cure AIDS on a large scale.

Professor Chen Yu’s umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation method is obviously more suitable for AIDS patients!

The reporter of Renmin Daily asked:”Professor Chen, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has the conditions for umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation. I would like to ask, is the cost of treatment very high?”

Chen Yu replied:”I have discussed with Zhao Ming, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, that the cost of cord blood stem cell transplant is 1 million yuan, which is about the same as the cost of bone marrow transplant.”

A reporter from Tengxun.com asked:”Professor Chen, what if these cured AIDS patients develop HIV again after a few months or years?”

“That also proves that umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation is useful!”

Chen Yu said bluntly:”These 50 patients were originally patients with late-stage AIDS.

In other words, they only have one or two years left to live.

Even if they are infected with HIV, they are just ordinary HIV-infected people.

With timely treatment, they can live for many years, even close to a normal life span.

” As soon as the voice fell, everyone present looked at the Fujixun reporter with contempt.

So far, there has not been a single case of relapse in umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation.

A moment of celebration for all.

You are asking what to do if there is a relapse.

Isn’t that a spoiler? Next.

The media interview session continued.

The reporter from Yang Video asked:”Professor Chen, umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after the newborn is tied.

In the medical field, umbilical cord blood is a very precious medical resource and a non-renewable resource.


Since AIDS patients need cord blood stem cell transplantation to be cured, can the scarce cord blood resources only cure a small group of people, but not millions of AIDS patients?”

Chen Yu said,”If it was before, I can answer you with certainty that this method cannot be popularized on a large scale.

But with the birth of universal artificial blood , cord blood will no longer be rare!

Universal artificial blood can be improved into universal artificial cord blood.

This artificial cord blood also contains rich hematopoietic stem cells, which can rebuild the human hematopoietic and immune systems, and the effect is no worse than real cord blood!” As soon as the voice fell, thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

Cord blood stem cell transplantation + artificial cord blood!

The combination of the two can treat tens of millions of AIDS patients!

The reporter of Suzhou Daily asked,”Professor Chen, the medical expenses of 1 million yuan are an astronomical figure for many AIDS patients who have no source of income.

They certainly want to come to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University for treatment, but they are unable to come because of their lack of money.

What should these patients do?”

Chen Yu smiled and said,”I have discussed this issue with Zhao Ming, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University.

Finally, we reached an agreement and decided to launch a medical benefit plan for AIDS mortgage treatment.

Patients can go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University or the Global Clinical Trial Center and choose the mortgage installment method.

Treat the disease first and repay the loan later, with a maximum repayment period of 20 years.

When the patient is healthy, he will truly have the ability to repay the loan and become self-reliant!”

Hearing this, applause broke out again.

Treat the disease first and repay the loan later, this is indeed the gospel for all AIDS patients!


In front of the computer screen,

Xu Hui’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

AIDS can be completely cured at a price of 1 million yuan!

Moreover, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University and the Universal Clinical Trial Center have launched a medical plan of treating the disease first and paying later.

This is tailor-made for him!

If umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation can be included in medical insurance in the future, the price will be even cheaper!

Xu Hui stood up and started to pack his things immediately.

He wanted to go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University as soon as possible to treat his AIDS.


After the press conference, all major news media published news.

After the press conference, all major news media published news.

《AIDS killer! Professor Chen Yu creates a medical miracle!》

《Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation! Good news for millions of AIDS patients!》

《50 late-stage AIDS patients have recovered. Professor Chen Yu is unparalleled in the country!》

《A milestone in the fight against AIDS. From now on, AIDS patients will no longer have to suffer from the disease!》

《1 million yuan can completely cure AIDS! The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has launched umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation!》


As soon as the news report came out, there was a sensation in all walks of life.

Professor Chen Yu used the method of cord blood stem cell transplantation to cure 50 patients with advanced AIDS, creating a medical miracle!

From now on, AIDS will be completely conquered!

On the Internet, countless netizens are discussing

“WTF? AIDS has been cured 4.7 times? Professor Chen Yu is amazing!”

“Professor Chen Yu became a legend in one battle, and umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation will be engraved in the history of modern medicine!”

“Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Saving the lives of millions of people, Professor Chen Yu would be deified in ancient times and a temple would be built to worship him!”

“Professor Chen Yu is truly a medical god! His contributions to the present and future generations will surely be recorded in the history of medicine!”

“Every time I see news about AIDS patients, I feel sorry for them. Now, with cord blood stem cell transplantation, humans will completely defeat AIDS!”

“Doctors have a kind heart and are compassionate to help people. They are selfless and their moral character is better than gold. This is Professor Chen Yu!”

“In the past, we always joked that AIDS was nothing, it was probably gonorrhea, and warts were no big deal. Now, AIDS has been conquered!”

“From now on, the gate of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University will be trampled by countless AIDS patients!”


AIDS is the enemy of all mankind.

Chen Yu’s conquest of AIDS is equivalent to saving millions of people from danger.

After the news report,

AIDS patients in China who meet the financial conditions rushed to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

At the same time, countries around the world are reporting that AIDS has been conquered.

Foreign patients who meet the financial conditions have also come to Xiaguo for treatment.

In addition, because the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University and the Universal Clinical Trial Center jointly launched a medical benefit plan for AIDS mortgage treatment, you can treat the disease first and pay later.

For a time, countless patients came in droves.

Because there were too many patients, the Department of Infectious Diseases of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University and the Universal Clinical Trial Center were instantly crowded with AIDS patients.

Facing AIDS patients from all over the world,

Chen Yu’s specially trained disciples used their superb medical skills to carry out umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants again and again.

After rebuilding the immune system, the HIV virus in their bodies completely disappeared.

Every day, a large number of patients recover and regain their lives.

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