After the press conference, there was a sensation in all walks of life.

All major news media reported it extensively.

《Ten new drugs were born, and Professor Chen Yu became the contemporary god of medicine!》

《God bless Xiaguo medicine! Professor Chen Yu has become the ceiling of contemporary medicine!》

《Miracle medicine for hair loss and miracle medicine for vision, Professor Chen Yu is famous in the medical world!》

《How can a great country be without doctors? Professor Chen Yu has become the pride of the medical community in Xiaguo!》

《There is a cure for 250 million hair loss patients. Universal Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. has developed a miracle drug for hair loss!》

《God-like scientific research ability! Professor Chen Yu perfectly explained to us that studying medicine can save the people of Xia!》

《Universal artificial blood is now on the market! Huanyu Pharmaceuticals has developed ten miracle drugs, all of which have entered the clinical trial stage!》

《Medicine changes the world! Chen Yu developed special medicines for Alzheimer’s disease, hyperthyroidism inhibitory tablets, stem cell injection and other miracle drugs!》

《Nobel Prize guaranteed! Professor Chen Yu has developed ten miracle drugs and will definitely win the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in the future!》


When the whole network was hotly searched, even the most comprehensive Xiaguo News in China spent 10 minutes to report accordingly.

The host Kang Hui reported:”Yesterday, Suzhou Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. held a press conference.

At the press conference, the universal artificial blood developed by Professor Chen Yu was officially approved for listing, which will completely alleviate the blood shortage in the medical field.

At the same time,

Professor Chen Yu announced that he had conquered the in vitro cultivation technology of stem cells, bringing new options for organ transplant patients.

Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. also released ten innovative drugs.

Specifically, they include Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray, Universal Stem Cell Injection Solution, Universal Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets, Universal Hypothyroidism Suppression Tablets, Universal Oral Insulin Lozenges, Universal Beauty Ointment, Universal Nano Eye Drops, Universal Smoking Cessation Medicine, Universal Alcohol Cessation Medicine, and Universal Mannitol Sodium Capsules. The number of myopic people in my country has reached 600 million.

The number of smokers in my country has reached 350 million.

China The number of patients with hair loss has reached 250 million.

The number of alcohol addicts in China has reached 200 million.

The number of diabetes patients in China has reached 140 million. The number of hypothyroidism patients in China has reached 90 million. The number of hyperthyroidism patients in China has reached 10 million. The number of

Alzheimer’s patients in China has reached 10 million.

Every year, there are about 300,000 patients in China who are waiting for organ transplants due to end-stage organ failure.

With the development of ten miracle drugs by Professor Chen Yu.

Countless patients will have a new life.

The health and wellness field in Xiaguo will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

The medical research conducted by Professor Chen Yu has made an immeasurable contribution to promoting human health and reducing the suffering of patients.

This is the ultimate meaning of scientific research!

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

The camera lens turned.

The scene of the press conference of 523 Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was slowly broadcast.

From the launch of universal artificial blood, to the conquest of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation technology, to the new drug launch conference.

All kinds of scenes were presented to the national audience.

The camera switched again.

Bingbing, a field reporter from Yangtai, appeared in front of the camera.

At this moment, she was interviewing Chen Yu, the chairman of Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

The subtitles showed Chen Yu’s relevant resume.

Chen Yu, male, 26 years old.

Graduate school: Fudan University School of Medicine, 8-year clinical medicine undergraduate, master and doctoral program.

Personal education: doctoral student.

Personal degree: doctoral degree.

Personal position: Chairman of Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., professor of Suzhou University School of Medicine, professor of Suzhou University School of Life Sciences.

Personal achievements: performed the world’s first head transplant surgery, cured AIDS with umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation, developed universal artificial blood, published 161 papers in CNS top journals, and compiled 160 national textbooks.

Personal awards: Shaw Life Science and Medicine Award, Gairdner International Medical Award, Lasker Award, Xia Guo Physician Award, Wu Mengchao Medical Award, Future Science Award in Life Sciences, Xia Guo Medical Contribution Award…

Personal honors: Teaching Master Award, National Teaching Master, National Model of Teaching and Educating, National Teaching Achievement Award Special Award. As soon as this gorgeous resume came out, the audience in front of the TV was amazed.

Since last year, the name of Professor Chen Yu has frequently appeared in the public eye.

Even viewers who are not familiar with the medical community can learn some personal information about Professor Chen Yu from reports in major media.

They know that Chen Yu is a medical professor and a genius medical scientist.

But how great is he?

In fact, the audience did not pay much attention.

But now…

When the Xia Guo news program showed Chen Yu’s detailed resume, the audience finally realized that

Professor Chen Yu is far better than they imagined!


In the camera screen.

Field reporter Bingbing interviewed:”Professor Chen, Universal Pharmaceuticals has announced 10 new drugs with significant efficacy this time.

Many of these drugs, once approved for listing, will be able to subvert existing industries.

For example, Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray will break the pattern of hair transplantation.

For example, Universal Nano Eye Drops will gradually cause the national eyewear industry to go bankrupt.

For example, Universal Stem Cell Injection Solution will gradually cause the national dental clinics to go bankrupt.

For example, Universal Beauty Ointment will cause the national beauty industry to suffer setbacks.

For example, Universal Smoking Cessation Drugs and Universal Alcohol Cessation (ccdj) Drugs will sharply reduce the number of smokers and drinkers in the country.

What do you think of these changes?”

Chen Yu pondered and said,”The birth of emerging drugs will inevitably bring great impact to traditional fields.

If Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray is listed in the future, it will definitely affect the hair transplantation field.

Is it because of this? , should we not develop new drugs to treat hair loss?

There are 250 million hair loss patients in Xiaguo.

Expensive hair transplant surgery, plus subsequent hair growth and hair care, costs about 500,000 yuan.

On average.

Contemporary young people spend 25 yuan per hair.

Their economic situation makes it difficult to afford the high cost of hair transplant.

Young people are bald.

It not only affects their appearance, but also their psychology and social life.

The Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray will indeed cause a great blow to the field of hair care, hair care, hair transplant institutions, and wig industries.

But as long as it can cure the hair loss of 250 million people.

I think it is worth it!

Similarly, the existence of Universal Nano Eye Drops has benefited 600 million myopic patients.

After benefiting from myopic patients, many people will no longer wear myopic glasses.

But the eyewear industry can be transformed.

Sunglasses, plain glasses, etc., still have a big market.”

Hearing this,

Bingbing nodded secretly.

The medical field is a winner-takes-all industry.

If you can develop new drugs with significant efficacy, you can monopolize the market segment.

She asked,”Professor Chen, some pharmaceutical companies, even if they have strong scientific research capabilities, will not choose to develop new drugs in one step.

Instead, they choose to continuously innovate.

Every new drug that comes to the market is better than the old one.

In this way, pharmaceutical companies can firmly control patients in a certain drug field and make money continuously.

What do you think about this?”

Chen Yu said bluntly,”I don’t care about other pharmaceutical companies.

The purpose of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to develop new drugs is to cure patients’ diseases.

If it really wants to make money.

When I use umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation to cure AIDS patients, I will not set a price of 1 million yuan, but a price of 2 million yuan.

Patients want to completely cure the disease.

I think even a price of 2 million yuan will not affect the business.”

Bingbing gave a thumbs up in admiration.

Professor Chen Yu has a big picture, there is nothing to say about this!

Bingbing asked again,”Professor Chen, your Huanyu Pharmaceutical press conference has just ended.

There are some comments on the Internet that are unfavorable to your company.

Judging from these comments.

It seems that there are Internet water armies behind it.

I wonder if you have heard about it?”

“I heard about it!”

Chen Yu nodded.

Hair transplant institutions, wig industry and other institutions are scolding Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. online, believing that hair loss regeneration spray is a way to cut off people’s wealth.

Major eyewear companies and eyewear stores are also scolding Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., believing that Huanyu Nano Eye Drops will make everyone unemployed.

They didn’t scold openly.

Instead, they said how hard they worked, how difficult their lives were, and they had families to take care of.

Especially in the eyewear industry! (To read violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

How many families are behind the 1.2 million eyewear-related companies in China?

They rely on glasses to make a living.

The existence of nano eye drops infringes on the interests of these companies and businesses!

Chen Yu said directly:”When a new drug is launched, there are as many people who scold as there are people who like it.

And there are far more people who like it than those who scold it! []

The progress in science and technology has undergone great changes from ancient times to the present.

Peddler, letter writer, scale maker, telegraph operator, movie projectionist… These professions have been eliminated with the development of science and technology.

The global launch of Huanyu Nano Eye Drops does not mean that no one will wear glasses.

There are also some other people.

They are traditional in their thinking and will still choose to wear myopic glasses.

In other words, eyewear companies and businesses still have a few years to slowly transform.

If after a few years, these eyewear industries cannot adapt to technological changes, they are destined to be eliminated by this ever-changing society!”

Hearing this, Bingbing nodded in agreement.

The field of television media where she works is also changing with each passing day.

With the advent of the mobile Internet era, how many paper media and television media have been eliminated?

Every technological leap will cause a large number of occupations to disappear, but new industries will also be born.

Everything depends on whether you can seize the opportunity!

Chen Yu continued:”The medical field is always progressing.

Today, I don’t develop new drugs.

Maybe in a few years, medical scientists from other countries will develop this new drug.

By then, will these Internet water armies scold each other for affecting their financial path?

I personally think they won’t.

They just want to find a soft persimmon to squeeze!

I am a practitioner in the pharmaceutical industry.

When I was studying, I swore a medical oath.

I am determined to do my best to eliminate human diseases, help perfect health, and maintain the sanctity and honor of medical skills. I will save the dying and the wounded, endure hardships, pursue persistently, and fight for the development of the motherland’s medical and health cause and the physical and mental health of mankind for my whole life.

No matter how many people smear me. No matter how many obstacles I encounter.

I will develop more new drugs to heal the people!”

After the words fell,

Bingbing and the audience in front of the TV nodded heavily.

Doing their best to eliminate human diseases.

Professor Chen Yu and his Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have really done it!


After the Xiaguo news ended, the whole network was talking about it

“Oh my god? Professor Chen Yu is so amazing!”

“From today on, Professor Chen Yu is my idol!”

“No, they should be national idols! Such medical stars are the stars that our contemporary young people should chase after!”

“Universal artificial blood + the world’s first head transplant surgery + in vitro cell organ cultivation + umbilical cord blood stem cells to cure AIDS + 10 kinds of miracle drugs, Professor Chen Yu is simply the contemporary god of medicine and pharmacy!”

“That’s right! Professor Chen Yu has created a medical miracle! Based on his current achievements, he has become the number one in the medical field, or the GOAT in the medical field!”

“Not only that! Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., founded by Professor Chen Yu, will become the world’s top pharmaceutical company as these drugs are launched on the market!”

“I hope these drugs can complete clinical trials quickly, be approved for marketing as soon as possible, and save hundreds of millions of patients!”


As Chen Yu’s popularity continues to rise, the first batch of AIDS patients who came to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University or the Universal Clinical Trial Center have spoken out online, adding fuel to Chen Yu’s fire.

Facing an interview with Xiaguo News’s field reporter Bingbing, a 30-year-old patient, Xiao Wang, said with deep emotion:”Six years ago, I learned from the doctor that I was infected with HIV.

At that time, I broke down and cried, as if the sky had fallen, and I regretted it very much.

Later, I chose a new city to work and live.

Let strangers always be strangers, and no longer make friends.

As time passed,

I became painful and numb, and began to reflect on the disease itself.

The 90 million hepatitis B virus carriers in China are still discriminated against, let alone people like us?

When I went to the hospital for treatment and confessed that I was carrying the AIDS virus, the medical workers had different reactions.

They would get up and go to the sink and wash their hands repeatedly with alcohol.

Even if I just wanted to have a tooth pulled or see a stomach problem, they all suggested that I go to a specialist hospital for infection.

Later, I realized that ordinary hospitals were unwilling to treat infected people and had no obligation to accept them.

People with diseases other than viral infections must also go to infectious disease specialist hospitals.

All kinds of strange looks made me socially dead frequently.

Loneliness became the main theme of my life.

After that, I began to actively receive treatment and take free medicines from the basic drug list provided by the disease control agency.

Free medicines have side effects such as diarrhea and dyslipidemia, and diet must be strictly controlled.

It also deprived me of sleep, often bringing nightmares, continuous night sweats, and frequent awakenings.

There are only eight free medicines.

Drug resistance is very common.

Changing medicines too frequently will lead to a situation where there is no medicine available.

Later, I checked the information and found that self-paid medicines would be more effective.

Genuine self-paid medicines generally range from 1,000 to 2,000 yuan per month.

In addition, I also bought some Indian generic drugs through the channels of fellow patients.

In an accident, the generic drugs were out of stock for a few days.

All my previous treatment effects were wiped out.

Gradually, my condition became more and more serious, and I have reached the middle stage of AIDS.

I am not afraid of you laughing at me.

I once thought of committing suicide.

But it was a coincidence.

Some time ago, I bought a lottery ticket and won two million.

It happened that Professor Chen Yu successfully cured AIDS with the method of umbilical cord blood stem cell transplantation.


I immediately came to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University for treatment.

In the end, I completely got rid of the disease and welcomed a new life!”

Bingbing said:”Xiao Wang, congratulations on your recovery! At this moment, do you have anything to say to AIDS patients?”

Xiao Liu thought for a while and said:”The road to fighting AIDS is long and difficult.

We AIDS patients often suffer from strange looks from all walks of life.

But please be firm in your faith.

Because Professor Chen Yu has completely conquered AIDS!”


At the same time, many AIDS patients who were interviewed anonymously said similar things.

They mentioned in their responses during the interview that after being diagnosed with AIDS, they felt that their future lives had become borrowed time.

This borrowed time could be five or six years, seven or eight years, or even more than ten years.

But without exception , they lost the ownership of their bodies!

No one can tell when God will take away the borrowed time.

With Professor Chen Yu’s successful conquest of AIDS, these middle-aged and late-stage patients have been reborn!

From now on, they will usher in a brand new life and will no longer be tortured by illness!


As these interviews fermented,

Chen Yu’s popularity remained high and he gradually became a national idol!

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