On March 15,

Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was in the press conference hall.

A grand press conference was being held.

The theme of the press conference was”Press conference for the approval of the new drug Universal Artificial Blood!”

Hundreds of media reporters gathered to report on this grand event.

All major video websites were broadcasting live simultaneously.

At the beginning of the press conference,

Chen Yu’s favorite disciple Qin Shuang took the lead and walked onto the stage.

Facing the crowd, she did not feel awkward or restrained at all.

Qin Shuang looked around and said loudly:”Dear guests, welcome to the press conference of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

As early as the beginning of January this year, our company submitted the original data of artificial hemoglobin cell antibody preparations (universal artificial blood), clinical research data, pharmaceutical research data, approval consent from the Jiangsu Provincial Drug Supervision and Administration Department, approval consent from the Jiangsu Provincial Drug Inspection Institute, and field investigation report forms of dispatched personnel to the Xiaguo Drug Supervision and Administration Agency for approval.

Due to the particularity of universal artificial blood.

The approval of this drug follows the 60-day fast approval channel.

To date, universal artificial blood has been approved by the Xiaguo Drug Supervision and Administration Agency, obtained the national medicine approval number, and officially approved for listing.

The listing of this drug will provide a new blood supply plan for ischemic patients across the country.

From now on, our Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will quickly produce universal artificial blood and bring it to the market!”

“”Pa pa pa!”

The applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

Since the advent of universal artificial blood, the whole network has been reporting on it.

The medical community is eager to see it on the market as soon as possible.

However, the road to the market for new drugs is long.

All walks of life generally believe that it will take many years for the drug to pass the approval.

Unexpectedly… in just over two months, universal artificial blood passed the approval of the National Drug Administration and obtained the National Medicine Approval Number.

Such a fast approval speed is really incredible!



Lin Fei, the general manager of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., walked up to the podium.

He slowly said,”Everyone, getting the new drug approval for Universal Artificial Blood is just the first step.

If drugs want to enter the pharmacies of major hospitals across the country, they must pass provincial access, that is, drug bidding.

The average bidding cycle of each province is 14 months.

If you miss this 14 months, you can only wait until the next cycle.

After the drug is awarded, it must be purchased by the hospital.

Most hospitals only hold a pharmacy committee meeting once every one or two years to select drugs.

But I can assure you that before Universal Artificial Blood enters the hospital pharmacy, it will first enter the Huanyu pharmacy in major cities across the country.

Consumers can buy Universal Artificial Blood at the drug store with a doctor’s prescription.”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes lit up.

New drugs launched in the past few years.

Only 20, in the second year, obtained access qualifications in 11 to 13 provinces.


Universal Artificial Blood is an epoch-making miracle drug, suitable for ischemic patients of any blood type.

The emergence of this drug can alleviate the blood shortage in the medical community and completely end voluntary blood donation.

It is estimated that it will not take a few months.

Universal artificial blood will be available in major tertiary comprehensive hospitals across the country and will be widely used.

As for patients who can’t wait, they can also go to Huanyu Pharmacy to buy it in advance.


After the approval of the universal artificial blood for marketing, the press conference ushered in the second part.

Qin Shuang walked up to the podium again.

She said solemnly:”Organ transplantation is currently an important medical method to save patients with end-stage organ failure.

Without donation, there will be no transplantation.

But the number of patients who need organ transplants far exceeds the number of donors.

At this stage, in the field of organ transplantation in Xia Country, there are about 300,000 patients who are waiting for organ transplantation every year due to end-stage organ failure.

And the number of organ transplants is only about 20,000 per year.

The gap in transplantation is very large!

Countless patients died helplessly while waiting in line for a long time for organs.”

After the voice fell, everyone present nodded.

The medical community lacks various types of blood, and also lacks various types of organs.

Last year, Professor Chen Yu pioneered the world’s first pig kidney transplantation surgery and the world’s first pig heart transplantation surgery, creating a milestone in xenotransplantation.

Why was it so sensational at the time?

The reason is that the medical community is too short of organs!

As long as it can keep patients alive.

They are willing to transplant the kidneys and hearts of genetically modified pigs!

At this time, Qin Shuang continued,”Some time ago, Professor Chen Yu, the chairman of our Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., successfully mastered the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation.

He used the patient’s own stem cells to successfully cultivate 61 organs such as heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and bladder outside the patient’s body.

During the clinical trial stage, the patient used his own in vitro cultivated organs for transplantation.

Because the patient did not reject the organs, the operation was very smooth.

This transplantation method can be carried out on a large scale, solving the problem of insufficient number in the field of organ transplantation once and for all.

From now on, the millions of patients with end-stage organ failure in Xiaguo every year will no longer have to wait for organ transplants.….…”

Seeing this news, there was an uproar at the scene!

Has the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation been completely conquered?

Many guests present today are medical practitioners.

They have a deep understanding of the field of organ transplantation.

At present, there are about 35,000 hospitals in Xiaguo.

Among so many hospitals, there are 68 medical institutions with heart transplant qualifications.

There are 51 medical institutions with lung transplant qualifications.

There are 110 medical institutions with liver transplant qualifications. There are 144 medical institutions with kidney transplant qualifications.

There are only 33 hospitals with the qualifications to practice heart, liver, lung and kidney transplants!

Every year, there are millions of patients in Xiaguo waiting for organ transplants, but due to the lack of organs, only 20,000 patients have the opportunity to complete the transplant each year.

Countless patients died helplessly while waiting in line for organs for a long time.

There are 980,000 organ shortages in this area alone every year.

The legal sources of transplanted organs in domestic hospitals at present are spouses, direct blood relatives or collateral blood relatives within three generations, etc., who donate relatives.

Some of them are legally donated organs after death, and then allocated by the computer system.

Therefore, patients who want to undergo organ transplantation need to wait for allocation.

If they are lucky, they can wait for half a year to get the organ.

If they are unlucky, they will be gone while waiting.

With the birth of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation technology, all patients in Xia country who need organ transplantation will be able to undergo organ transplantation directly without waiting.

In their view,

Professor Chen Yu is simply a savior in the field of organ transplantation!

It is no exaggeration to say that this technology alone is enough for Professor Chen Yu to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!



Chen Yu walked up to the podium.

Under the gaze of the audience, he described the various processes of conquering the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation.

Because there are too many medical terms in it.

The media reporters did not understand it very well, so they could only try to write down these terms.

The knowledgeable medical experts were all fascinated by it.

From the perspective of curing diseases and saving lives.

The technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation is no worse than the universal artificial blood!

Finally, Chen Yu said:”Dear guests, since I conquered the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation, I have successively conducted corresponding attempts on hundreds of patients who need organ transplants. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The organs cultivated in this way are very healthy and have no sense of rejection with themselves.

After the transplant operation, the patients had good signs.

After a period of hospitalization, they have all recovered successfully.

Here I would like to say something to the majority of netizens watching the live broadcast.

If your relatives and friends need organ transplants, they can go to the newly established in vitro cultivation department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, or come to the Universal Clinical Trial Center for treatment.”[]

As soon as the words fell, everyone present stood up and applauded Professor Chen Yu


After a while, the applause gradually died down.

Qin Shuang said,”Everyone, today is a good day.

Not only has the universal artificial blood been approved for marketing, and the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation has been mastered, but also the day when our company’s ten new drugs start clinical trials.

The first new drug is called Huanyu Hair Loss Regeneration Spray.

It is an innovative clinical drug independently developed by Professor Chen Yu for patients with androgenic alopecia.

In the early stages of the research and development, Professor Chen discovered that a key chemical substance, avicenniaquinone, was found in a tree called Avicennia.-C

This chemical prevents enzymes from producing hair loss hormones and also helps to purchase proteins that promote hair growth.

After a series of studies,

Professor Chen successfully developed the Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray and conducted clinical trials.

In the just-concluded phase 1 clinical trial,

Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. conducted corresponding clinical trials on 300 male and female patients with hair loss.

The test results show that the drug has a significant effect on patients with androgenic alopecia.

Just spray once in the morning and evening every day.

The hair loss area can be restored to its original state within a month.

Starting tomorrow, the Universal Clinical Trial Center will look for 2,400 patients for phase 1 clinical trials of the Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray!


The second new drug, called Huanyu Stem Cell Infusion Solution… will be put into Phase 1 clinical trial tomorrow.

The third new drug, called Huanyu Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets… will be put into Phase

1 clinical trial tomorrow. The fourth new drug, called Huanyu Hypothyroidism Suppression Tablets… will be put into Phase 1 clinical trial tomorrow.

The fifth new drug, called Huanyu Oral Insulin Lozenges… will be put into Phase 1 clinical trial tomorrow. The sixth new drug, called Huanyu Beauty Ointment… will be put into Phase 1 clinical trial tomorrow. The seventh new drug, called Huanyu Nano Eye Drops… will be put into Phase 1 clinical trial tomorrow.


The eighth and ninth new drugs are called Huanyu Smoking Cessation Drug and Huanyu Alcohol Cessation Drug.

Smoking cessation field.

Relying solely on willpower to quit smoking is very uncomfortable for many people and is prone to relapse.

The Huanyu Smoking Cessation Drug developed by our company can suppress smokers’ craving for cigarettes, completely eliminate smokers’ mental depression, malaise and other withdrawal symptoms during the smoking cessation process, help them relieve discomfort and prevent relapse.

It is a partial agonist of neurotransmitters that can bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, thereby blocking the binding of nicotine to receptors, completely relieving smokers’ addiction to cigarettes and achieving the purpose of quitting smoking.

In clinical trials, we conducted experiments on 100 smokers.

In just one week, smokers completely quit smoking.

And in the following month, there was no relapse.

Alcohol cessation field.

Many people try to quit drinking again and again, but they break the habit repeatedly because of the addiction mechanism.

Drinking seems to be nothing.

But once you drink too much, you are prone to get drunk, speak ill of others, beat and scold relatives and friends, and violate social order.

The global alcohol cessation drug developed by our company can suppress the drinker’s craving for alcohol and completely prevent relapse.

In the clinical trial, we conducted experiments on 100 alcoholics.

In just one week, the alcoholics completely quit drinking.

And in the following month, there was no relapse.”

Hearing this, there was a sensation at the scene.

The media reporters present need to write articles every day.

When they are upset, they need cigarettes to refresh themselves and provide inspiration.

Over time, they have a heavy addiction to smoking.

This is not only bad for the body, but also will attract complaints from their families.

Now the global smoking cessation drug is effective.

They can completely quit smoking!

Guests from all walks of life are also very excited.

They have always needed to drink because of work and social activities.

Now the global alcohol cessation drug is effective.

In the future, they can choose to completely quit drinking!


A moment later.

Qin Shuang introduced:”The tenth new drug launched by our company is called Huanyu Ganlut Sodium Capsule.

Alzheimer’s disease, also known as senile dementia, is a neurodegenerative disease that commonly affects the elderly.

After the elderly suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, their memories turn into quicksand, their relatives become strangers, their minds are like children, and the world is reset to zero.

Alzheimer’s disease is like an eraser of memory, ruthlessly erasing the patient’s memory.

According to statistics, there are 50 million Alzheimer’s patients in the world. There are about 10 million Alzheimer’s patients in China, which is the number of patients in the world. The countries with the largest number of dementia cases.

Existing drugs on the market cannot slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

However, Professor Chen Yu, chairman of our company, has developed a new drug for Alzheimer’s disease.

His research found that imbalance in the human intestinal flora can induce neuroinflammation in the brain, thereby increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Using a mouse model, Professor Chen found that during the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, changes in the composition of the intestinal flora can lead to the accumulation of phenylalanine and isoleucine in the peripheral circulation, thereby inducing the differentiation and proliferation of peripheral immune cells such as Th1 cells, and promoting their infiltration into the brain..

The Th1 cells and M1 microglia infiltrating the brain are activated together, inducing brain neuroinflammation, and ultimately (Li Nuo’s) leading to impaired cognitive function.

In the process of human aging.

The composition of the intestinal flora becomes unbalanced.

Some beneficial bacteria gradually decrease, while harmful bacteria increase, and affect the human brain through the gut-brain axis, thereby causing cognitive impairment and disorder, leading to the occurrence of neurological diseases.

Starting with the intestinal flora, Professor Chen Yu developed a new drug that can restore the balance of the patient’s intestinal flora-Huanyu Manlut Sodium Capsules!

This drug can regulate the imbalance of intestinal flora and reshape the body’s immunity. Homeostasis, thereby reducing neuroinflammation in the brain and preventing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

At the same time, Professor Chen Yu added a type of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) to the Huanyu Manluten Sodium Capsules.

Medical practitioners who are familiar with umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells should know that it has many unique advantages such as a wide source, low immunogenicity, and immune regulation. It has broad clinical application value in the treatment of various diseases.

Professor Chen has conducted many clinical trials and found that umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells have the function of repairing damaged nerve cells and can be used through HGF-cMet-AKT-The GSK3 pathway regulates tau phosphorylation and significantly improves the learning, memory and cognitive abilities of Alzheimer’s disease model animals.

In simple terms,

Huanyu Mannitol Sodium Capsules can not only reshape the intestinal flora of patients, but also repair the damaged nerve cells of patients.

The combination of the two.

Huanyu Mannitol Sodium Capsules can effectively treat mild, moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease and improve patients’ cognitive functions!”


As soon as the words fell, thunderous applause rang out in the press conference room, which lasted for a long time.

Among the people present, perhaps everyone has a relative who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

If this drug really works,���It works.

It will undoubtedly save thousands of families!

After a moment of shock, everyone present was excited.

There were too many explosive points in today’s press conference.

Professor Chen Yu developed a large number of innovative drugs, which was crazy!

Once the report is released, it is bound to cause a sensation in the entire medical community!

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