Dai Lu is a female teacher at the School of Medicine of Suzhou University.

In addition to her daily teaching, she spends some time writing a diary every day to record every detail of her life.

“On February 15, a handsome male teacher named Chen Yu came to the School of Medicine.

He graduated from the 8-year clinical medicine program of Fudan University School of Medicine, and he is a top student!

Coincidentally, Chen Yu was assigned to my office.

From a simple interaction, I can tell that Chen Yu is a sunny boy, full of vigor!”


“On February 17, when I was passing by the teaching building, I happened to see Chen Yu teaching students of Class 10 Clinical Medicine (1).

With a curious attitude, I listened in from the window for a while.

I really didn’t expect it!

Teacher Chen’s teaching level is simply amazing!

Such a high level.

Not to mention being a lecturer in the medical department, even being a senior professor is a piece of cake.

By the way, are the teaching level and medical attainments of young people nowadays so outrageous?

If all new teachers in the future can reach the level of Teacher Chen,

I am afraid that a teacher with average level like me will be fired by the school?


Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

I also went to listen to the lectures of other new teachers.

Except for Teacher Chen, they are just average.

Haha, this time I won’t be fired!”


“On February 21, I found that Teacher Chen was very busy all day. What was going on? It turns out that the teaching load for a new lecturer is not that heavy!

After asking, I found out.

It turned out that Teacher Chen went to the Academic Affairs Office and volunteered to take over the courses of three teachers who were on leave and teach the students.

Oh my God?!

Is it necessary to work so hard!

Teacher Chen taught 10 classes at once, covering the”Clinical Surgery”》、《Clinical epidemiology》、《Surgery》、《Medical Pathology, these four courses.

Calculated based on one class per week, that’s 10 classes!

Generally speaking, there are five days in a week, and students can only have 20 classes if they are fully scheduled.

Young people are full of energy, it’s amazing!”


“What happened to Teacher Chen on February 23?

I heard that in addition to teaching 10 large classes to students, he also asked other teachers if they wanted to substitute for him? Did he think his teaching load was not heavy enough?

The teachers in the medical department all have scientific research tasks and have to go out to attend lectures and academic speeches.

They are eager for someone to substitute for them!

Teacher Chen, aren’t you just running into someone’s gun?”


“February 25th, Teacher Chen is really amazing!

I heard that in addition to his own 10 classes, he will also teach for Teachers Wang, Qin, Sun, Li, and Huang this week.

The course involves”Histology and Embryology》、《Medical Psychology》、《Anesthesiology》、《Rehabilitation Medicine》、《Oncology”.

I didn’t expect it.

Teacher Chen is quite versatile in the medical field!

But his classes are packed every day, which is really hard.

Every day, Teacher Chen has to teach students every day except in the morning, noon and evening. In the evening, he probably has to prepare lessons in advance.

If this continues, even an iron man can’t bear it!”


“On February 28, today, I learned from my colleagues the real reason why Teacher Chen worked so hard.

It turned out that Teacher Chen was very short of money.

He didn’t smoke, drink, or fall in love. He worked so hard every day to teach just to earn that little bit of tuition fee.

At Suzhou University, the lecturer’s tuition fee is 50 yuan per class.

According to Teacher Chen, who teaches 20 classes a week, the tuition fee is 1,000 yuan. In a month, it is 4,000 yuan.

Generally speaking, there are 34 weeks of teaching in a school year.

If Teacher Chen maintains this intensity, he can earn an additional 34,000 yuan in tuition fees on top of his annual salary of 200,000 yuan.

In fact… I don’t think it’s worth it.

After all, just to make money, you can do scientific research in your spare time.

Once scientific research makes progress, the amount of money you make will be very exaggerated.

However… scientific research results are not so easy to achieve.

In short,

I hope Teacher Chen’s financial situation will get better as soon as possible!”


“On March 1, the Medical Department assigned me a task.

They said that in a week, it would be the International Women’s Day Gala.

The Medical Department asked me to write a copy to pay tribute to all women.

But… my writing skills are limited and I can’t write it at all.

What should I do?

Haha, there is always a way out!

During lunch break.

Teacher Xiao Chen saw my anxiety and asked me what was wrong?

I told him the truth.

Knowing that my writing skills were not good,

Teacher Xiao Chen took a piece of paper, helped me write a copy, and asked me if I could do it.

When I saw it, I was immediately shocked.

The copy reads like this:

‘Someone once said that we can’t bear high-intensity pressure, we can’t complete the intense medical work, child-rearing and marriage will affect the operation of the hospital, and we can’t enter the operating room. But is it really like this?

In 1921, Lin Qiaozhi was admitted to Union Hospital. A hundred years ago, she started the research on cervical cancer in Xiaguo, saving the lives of countless women. She delivered more than 50,000 babies in her lifetime and was called the mother of ten thousand babies.

She herself remained unmarried and childless because the letter of appointment she received that year required that if she got married and pregnant during the term of employment, her employment contract would be automatically terminated.

……Someone once said that we are incapable of logical work, we are irrational, we cannot understand the rules behind the characters on the screen, and we cannot write code that changes the world. But is it really so?

The first programmer in human history was a woman. Her name was Ada Lovelace. In 1842, she wrote the first programming flowchart in history, and the revolution of information technology was launched.

……Someone once said that we are short-sighted and only suitable for simple work. We are not allowed to operate astronomical telescopes. Our intelligence cannot understand complicated celestial bodies and difficult calculations. But is it really so?

When others just sorted and organized simple observatory photographic plates, Henrietta Leavitt was not satisfied with this. She studied the formula for the brightness change of stars. From then on, the world knew that the Milky Way was not the whole universe. There is a wider and larger universe behind the Milky Way!”

……Please remember each of them who shines brightly, so that the world can be changed by more and more of us together! ‘

I have to say.

The copywriting written by Teacher Xiao Chen is simply a perfect composition.

Haha, I didn’t expect that Teacher Xiao Chen is also a treasure boy!

With this copywriting.

I can easily complete the task assigned to me by the Medical Department, thank you Teacher Xiao Chen!”


“On March 3, the copywriting that Teacher Xiao Chen wrote for me was selected as the opening speech for the 2014 International Women’s Day Gala of Soochow University, which earned me an award from the School of Medicine.

I wanted to treat Teacher Xiao Chen to dinner to express my gratitude.


Teacher Xiao Chen declined.

He said that he had been very busy with work recently. He taught during the day and prepared lessons, recorded teaching videos, wrote medical textbooks, and prepared SCI medical papers at night. He was busy until midnight every day and didn’t even have time to eat.

I understood this and was shocked.

It turned out that Teacher Xiao Chen worked harder than I thought.

Such a young male teacher is really amazing!

The stars will not let down those who are on the road.

He will definitely succeed!

It’s okay, there is a long way to go.

When Teacher Xiao Chen is not so busy in the future, I will definitely treat him to a good meal!”

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