June 10th.

In a single-family villa in Suzhou City,

Zhu Xiulin, president of Suzhou University, was sitting on the sofa, leisurely watching”Suzhou News”.

On the TV screen.

The female host Zhao Xue reported:”Today, Huanyu Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. held a press conference.

The company’s general manager Song Yao announced that Huanyu First Aid Pills, Huanyu Baiyao, Huanyu Pain Relief Pills, Huanyu Heart Saving Pills, Huanyu Enteritis Clear, Huanyu Kidney Tonifying Pills, Huanyu Qi Tonifying Pills, and Huanyu Cold Granules are in the stage of clinical trials.

These 8 different Chinese patent medicines were all developed by Professor Chen Yu and have significant therapeutic effects.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

Seeing this hope.

Zhu Xiulin nodded secretly.

Professor Xiao Chen is really omnipotent in the field of medicine!

New drugs in various fields such as biological drugs, chemical drugs, and Chinese patent medicines can be successfully developed.

Such a high level of medicine.

It’s amazing!

These 8 new drugs, even if they are not as amazing as other drugs, are similar to the Chinese patent medicines on the market.

Just based on the name of Professor Xiao Chen.

After the new drugs are launched on the market, they will definitely be crazily sought after by all walks of life.

By then, Huanyu Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. will quickly become one of the top Chinese medicine companies in the country.


On the TV screen.

Zhao Xuebo reported:”Today, Huanyu Medical Device Co., Ltd. held a press conference.

The company’s general manager Dong Xin announced the development of a series of high-end medical devices, including the Huanyu 3.0T MRI, Huanyu surgical robot, Huanyu photon counting dual-source CT, Huanyu vascular interventional surgery robot, and Huanyu transcatheter aortic valve replacement system.

From now on, these medical devices will enter the clinical trial stage.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

Seeing this news,

Zhu Xiulin’s eyes lit up.

There has been little progress in the field of domestic high-end medical devices.

And Huanyu Medical Devices Co., Ltd. has made so much scientific research progress not long after opening?

This is incredible!

Of course, it is too early to say this now.

Only after it is truly approved for listing, the instruments and equipment produced by Huanyu Medical Devices Co., Ltd. can be sold on the market.


On the TV screen.

Host Zhao Xue reported:”Today, Suzhou Universal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. held a press conference.

The company’s chairman, Professor Chen Yu, announced that Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray, Universal Stem Cell Injection Solution, Universal Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets, Universal Hypothyroidism Suppression Tablets, and Universal Oral Insulin Lozenges have been officially approved for marketing.

Starting tomorrow, these five new drugs will be sold simultaneously in major pharmacies across the country.

At the same time, Professor Chen Yu has submitted the original data, clinical research data, pharmaceutical research data, and approval documents of the five new drugs, Universal Beauty Ointment, Universal Nano Eye Drops, Universal Smoking Cessation Medicine, Universal Alcohol Cessation Medicine, and Universal Mannitol Sodium Capsules.

The letter of intent, the approval consent form of the Jiangsu Provincial Drug Inspection Institute and other documents were submitted to the Xiaguo Drug Supervision and Administration Agency for approval.

The Xiaguo Drug Supervision and Administration Agency stated that it would fast-track the approval of these five new drugs and complete the new drug approval work within 60 days.

In addition.

Universal Pharmaceutical Co.

, Ltd.

announced that Universal Hepatitis B Specific Drug, Universal Cerebrovascular Specific Drug, Universal Coronary Heart Disease Specific Drug, Universal Heart Failure Specific Drug, Universal Atrial Fibrillation Specific Drug, Universal Pulmonary Heart Disease Specific Drug, Universal Rheumatic Heart Disease Specific Drug, Universal Peripheral Arterial Disease Specific Drug, Universal Hypertension Specific Drug, and Universal Hemostatic Spray are in the clinical trial stage.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

The camera panned.

Chen Yu, with a straight posture and handsome appearance, spoke slowly on the high platform.

Hundreds of news media gathered below the stage to listen to Professor Chen Yu’s speech, taking pictures with cameras from time to time.

In the interview session.

Chen Yu pointed to the big screen and said to the camera:”In the past, people always joked that studying medicine could not save the Xia people.

In fact, Mr. Lu Xun’s original words were.

Since that time, I feel that studying medicine is not a critical matter.

All the weak and foolish people, no matter how strong and healthy they are, can only be meaningless materials for public display and spectators.

That is to say.

He can save the patient’s body, but he can’t save the soul that has long been rotten.

So Mr. Lu Xun gave up medicine and turned to literature, and attacked the heart through articles.

Now, people’s minds are no longer rotten, but their bodies are no longer healthy.

The goal of the establishment of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is to save tens of millions of Xia people and dedicate everything to the development of Xia’s medical cause.”

The media reporters looked at the big screen.

There was a string of statistics on it.

There are 330 million patients with cerebrovascular diseases in the country.

There are 350 million people with hypertension in China.

There are 110 million people with coronary heart disease in China.

There are 90 million people with heart failure in China.

There are 90 million people with hepatitis B in China.

There are 50 million people with atrial fibrillation in China.

There are 50 million people with pulmonary heart disease in China. There are 50 million people with peripheral arterial disease in China.

There are 25 million people with rheumatic heart disease in China.

There are 20 million people with congenital heart disease in China.

Such a huge number made the media reporters gasp.

But soon.

They all stood up and applauded Professor Chen Yu.

Studying medicine can really save the people of Xia!


As soon as he finished speaking,

Zhu Xiulin in front of the TV exclaimed:”Professor Chen, you are really amazing!”

“Of course not!”

Beside the sofa, Zhu Xiulin’s wife Ge Bing said with a smile:”Professor Chen is a treasure of our Xia country’s medical community and is praised as the god of contemporary medicine!”


Zhu Xiulin raised his eyebrows and asked,”Does the medical community think so highly of Xiao Chen?”

His wife Ge Bing was a doctor before she retired.

Even now that she is retired

, she has a good understanding of the little things in the medical community with her connections.���I know very well


Ge Bing said with emotion:”Those respected seniors in the medical field all said that Professor Xiao Chen made the medical field of Xiaguo progress by a hundred years with his own efforts.

Old Zhu, think about it yourself.

How much contribution has Professor Xiao Chen made to the medical field after his rise?

In the field of surgery.

He pioneered the world’s first high-difficulty surgery, such as the world’s first head transplant surgery, the world’s first pig kidney transplant surgery, and the world’s first pig heart transplant surgery.

In the field of internal medicine.

The massive number of top journal papers he wrote directly point to the essence of various branches of medicine.

In the field of difficult and complicated diseases.

He conquered the technology of stem cell in vitro organ cultivation, the umbilical cord blood stem cell cure for AIDS, and the multi-operative treatment of epilepsy some time ago.

In the field of medicine, let alone.

Universal artificial blood, hair loss regeneration, tooth regeneration, vision correction, smoking and alcohol cessation, sodium mannote capsules, etc., each of which is a sensational achievement in the medical field.

If someone in the medical field can achieve any of the above achievements.

Academicians of the two academies and the Nobel Prize are a foregone conclusion!

It is no exaggeration to say.

Professor Chen alone is equivalent to 100 academicians in the medical field!”

“The emergence of Professor Chen is a blessing for the medical community!”

Zhu Xiulin sighed first, and then added:”It is also a blessing for our Soochow University!”

Ge Bing glanced at Zhu Xiulin and said,”Old Zhu, you have been mediocre all your life. When you are about to retire, a great man like Professor Chen appears in the school. You must feel very complicated, right?”

“Let’s not talk about this!”

Zhu Xiulin interrupted quickly.

If he were five years younger, and a great man like Professor Chen appeared in the school, he would definitely be appreciated by educational institutions and transferred to a top university as president, with a bright future.

But he was about to retire…

At this time, he could only hate his bad luck.

Of course…

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
From the perspective of school development.

Chen Yu has a great favor to Gusu University!

Ge Bing understood her husband’s mood and changed the subject:”Old Zhu, there have been a lot of fun things happening in the overseas medical community recently.

When some of the top medical students in the country went to study medicine in famous overseas universities, they suddenly discovered that the textbooks they were studying were compiled by Professor Chen.

They all sighed.

I went abroad to study and was left alone!

Moreover, they found that foreign medical students were holding Professor Chen’s original Chinese medical books, looking up dictionaries and reading them.

It is said that these foreign medical students are also preparing to learn Chinese!”

Hearing this.

Zhu Xiulin smiled slightly.

In the past, textbooks for various subjects were basically English translations. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the translated versions are separated by a layer, and sometimes it is impossible to understand the author’s original intention.

If domestic students want to move to a higher level, they must learn English and read original English textbooks.

Things change.

Now it is the turn of foreign students to read original Chinese books!

Ge Bing suddenly remembered something and asked,”Professor Chen, what have you been doing during this period?”[]

Zhu Xiulin said frankly:”He has been busy guiding students and preparing multiple research groups in the School of Life Sciences in recent days.

There seem to be gene regeneration research groups, gene repair research groups, animal language research groups, animal intelligence research groups, paleontology research groups and so on.

The funds for the research groups are all provided by him personally, and the school has not asked for a penny.

These students are really lucky!

They will definitely learn a lot from following Professor Chen.”

“That’s right!”

Ge Bing nodded in agreement.

As far as she knew, the students who first followed Professor Chen to do research have now become very outstanding.

For example, Qin Shuang, who can perform various world-class operations.

For example, Ning Feng, who participated in multiple surgical procedures to cure epilepsy last month.

As for other students, they will either become top surgeons or top internists.

Obviously, Chen Yu is not only excellent himself, but also very good at teaching apprentices.

He is worthy of being a national-level teaching master!


On the TV screen.

Host Zhao Xue reported:”Today, Chen Yu, a citizen of Suzhou, professor of the School of Medicine of Soochow University, and medical consultant of Sucheng Military Sub-district, was awarded the first-class individual merit.

The levels of military merit are divided into the August 1st Medal, honorary title, first-class merit, second-class merit, and third-class merit.

There is a saying in the army.

The third-class merit is received standing up, the second-class merit is received lying down, and the first-class merit is received by family members.

If you want to make merit in the army where there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers, you need to have excellent skills.

Professor Chen Yu participated in the army’s medical projects and made outstanding contributions, and he was awarded the first-class merit for the first time.

Just today, the Sucheng Military Sub-district and Sucheng officials beat drums and gongs to send the meritorious service report, the plaque of the first-class meritorious home, and the meritorious service bonus to Professor Chen Yu’s home.

At the same time, Professor Chen Yu’s deeds will also be recorded in the Sucheng local chronicles and become a heroic model for the citizens of Sucheng to learn from.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

The camera scene changes.

It is early morning.

In a villa in Dushu Lake, Suzhou.

Chen Yuanyang has just finished breakfast and is preparing to walk around the villa area.

Before he goes out, the sound of gongs and drums comes from far away. A large team is seen walking towards the Chen family.

Some are holding good news and gifts.

Some are holding envelopes with first-class merit awards. Some are holding plaques printed with the words”Home of a First-Class Meritorious Person”.

Some are holding plaques that read”Warm congratulations to Comrade Chen Yu for winning the first-class merit award”.”、”The team was led by Chen Yu , who was carrying a big red flower, Li Mingyang, the mayor of Sucheng, Chu Bo, the deputy mayor of Sucheng, Qin Gui, the military division chief of Sucheng, and Yang Hai, the military division chief of Sucheng.

There were also a large number of official personnel accompanying them.

Reporters from Sucheng TV station were filming along.

The onlookers in the villa area also joined in the fun.

“You are Chen Yu’s father, Chen Yuanyang, right? Congratulations, you have a good son!”

Li Mingyang stepped forward and congratulated

“”Ah?! You are Li… City Lord Li!”

Chen Yang was startled at first, then he quickly reacted.

“”Dad, let me introduce them to you!”

Chen Yu introduced these people one by one.

While introducing them, his mother Liu Cui also walked out of the villa.

Seeing this scene, she was shocked.

What’s going on?

How come all these big shots seen on TV are here today?

Sucheng Military Division Si Ling Qingui knew that Chen Yu’s parents were both teachers, and hurriedly explained:”Teacher Chen, Teacher Liu, your son Chen Yu has won the first-class merit, and we are here today to deliver the good news of his meritorious service!”

“”Ah? First-class merit?”

Chen Yuanyang and Liu Cui looked at each other, both very surprised.

If their son was a soldier, they would feel very proud.

But the problem is… their son is not a soldier?

He is just a university professor. Is he mistaken?

Usually only when serving in the army can one have the opportunity to make merit, right?

Qin Gui continued to explain:”Teacher Chen, Chen Yu is the medical consultant of our Sucheng Military Sub-district. He participated in the medical projects of our army and made outstanding contributions, so he was awarded the first-class individual merit!”

“”I see!”

Chen Yuanyang nodded in sudden realization.

He knew that his son was the medical consultant of the Sucheng Military Sub-district.

But can a medical consultant still make meritorious service?

What kind of medical project is this brat engaged in?


The scene was filled with gongs and drums, and people were crowded.

After a while of excitement.

Li Mingyang, the lord of Sucheng, read out the good news of meritorious service and awards in public under the witness of everyone in the villa area, and presented flowers to the military families. Qin Gui, the bell ringer of the Sucheng Military Sub-district, put on ribbons and distributed condolence money (De De Zhao) for Chen Yuanyang and Liu Cui, and presented the plaque of”First-Class Meritorious Family” to the Chen family.

He looked at the old couple and said loudly:”Teacher Chen, Teacher Liu, thank you for cultivating good seedlings for the country, supplying good talents for the Sucheng Military Sub-district, and winning new honors for your hometown.

I hope that Professor Chen Yu can make new contributions to the army, the country, and the medical community.

Serve the motherland with even better performance and strive to add luster to your hometown!”

The gongs and drums were beaten to send the good news.

The honor was celebrated with joy.

The plaque of the first-class meritorious family with red silk was officially hung on the main door of the Chen family villa.

The reporter took a photo to commemorate it.

This scene was preserved forever.


Seeing this scene, the neighbors in the villa area were envious.

“Wow, the family of a first-class hero!”

“The Chen family is so blessed!”

“I have never seen so many leaders before, and I finally saw them today!”

“Bring honor to our family! If my family can become a first-class meritorious family, I would be willing to die now!”

“Professor Chen Yu is the number one in the contemporary medical field. Even though the Chen family is a scholarly family, being able to train Professor Chen Yu is a great honor!”

“More than that? From now on, it seems that the Chen family has built an ancestral tomb in the green smoke!”

“The Chen family’s plaque of being the home of a first-class hero can be treated as a family heirloom and passed down from generation to generation!”

“How enviable! If my family could become a first-class hero family, my parents would be so happy!”


In front of the TV,

Zhu Xiulin and Ge Bing took a deep breath after reading the news.

What’s going on?

A medical consultant of the army can be awarded the first-class individual merit?

���It was mentioned in the news report that

Chen Yu participated in the army’s medical project and made outstanding contributions, so he was awarded the first-class individual merit!

But what kind of medical project is it?

What level of medical project can make Professor Chen, who is not even an active soldier, receive such a great honor?

You don’t have to think about it.

It must be a medical project that is of great benefit to the army.

Professor Chen, you are really amazing!.

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