Feng Lei is a stock trader.

At the end of November last year, he was hired by Chen Yu at a high salary to be responsible for stock trading.

The initial capital for stock trading was as high as 1 billion yuan.

It was a coincidence.

It coincided with the arrival of a super bull market.

The Shanghai Composite Index continued to soar from the lowest point of 2279 points.

When the time came to the first half of 2015, the stock market was even more bullish.

The Shanghai Composite Index has risen to an astonishing 5,000 points!

It is not an exaggeration to describe the domestic stock market as”picking up money”!

Major financial media have all added fuel to the flames.

On April 21, People’s Daily:”4,000 points is the beginning of the A-share bull market!

” On May 14, China Finance Network:”Fund managers only need to buy without thinking, and they will lose money if they think!

” On May 26, Securities Daily:”More than 700 billion new funds rushed to support the bull market!

” On May 29, China Securities Journal:”Short-term adjustments will not change the bull market trend, and 1.

46 trillion funds will flow into A-shares!

” Under the exaggeration of these media.

Even the aunties who buy vegetables in the vegetable market know that they can make money by speculating in stocks this year.

Ordinary stockholders even hate holidays because the market is not open on holidays!

Industry experts predict that the Shanghai Composite Index will still soar and rush to 6,000 points.

Countless stockholders are waiting, waiting for the market to hit a new high.

The A market has entered a period of soaring.

More and more people are attracted to the stock market.

The banknotes seem to suddenly turn into strings of numbers, bought and sold by countless people.

At this moment, Feng Lei is a little worried.

When others are greedy, he is afraid.

When others are afraid, he is greedy.

This is his consistent stock speculation creed!

Once you enter the stock market, it is as deep as the sea, and it is difficult to get back all your money.

The bull market will not last forever.

It is actually the most appropriate choice to stop while you are ahead!

In addition, as the funds in Chen Yu’s stock account increase, Feng Lei’s pressure is also increasing.

In the past six months, he has selected many bull stocks such as Lanshi Heavy Equipment, Zhongke Suguang, Jiuqiang Biology, Heduan Shares, Quartz Shares, Cuihua Jewelry, and Zhongfang Investment.

In the stock account.

The initial capital of 1 billion yuan has soared to 110 billion yuan!

A full 110 times high rate of return!

Of course, the numbers in the stock account are just numbers, and the money is in the pocket.

Feng Lei thought about it.

He was ready to suggest Professor Chen Yu to stop while he was ahead.

Before he could pick up the phone , Chen Yu called.

“Feng Lei, let’s exit the market immediately and put the money in the pocket!”

Hearing this,

Feng Lei’s eyes lit up.

Great minds think alike!

He hurriedly said,”Professor Chen, I was just about to suggest that you exit the market, but I didn’t expect that you had the same idea as me.”

On the other end of the phone,

Chen Yu smiled and said,”The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

Before the disaster, the stock market is always beautiful!

One generation and one road, support for Internet+, monetary policy cuts and interest rate cuts, interest rate marketization trials, and support for the liquidity of small and medium-sized enterprises have been introduced one after another.

All the information shows that a new round of economic growth is coming.

As a barometer of the economy, the stock market will naturally trigger a large influx of funds.

Coupled with the promotion and cheering of major financial media, the A-share bull market is coming.

But did you notice?

With the soaring trend of A-shares, margin trading, a business that has been silent for many years, has instantly become popular.

Large and small capital allocation companies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

This has led to a rapid reduction in the threshold for stockholders to borrow money to trade stocks, and the leverage has reached 10 times.

The popularity of capital allocation companies will cause the market to soar irrationally.

Faced with the out-of-control Shanghai Composite Index, the securities regulatory authorities will certainly start to investigate the off-market financing.

By then, the bull market will completely disappear, and even turn into a stock market crash.”

As a reborn person, Chen Yu clearly remembers that the stock market crash began on June 15, 2015.

In the two months after the stock market crash, there were 17 times when thousands of stocks hit the limit!

There were also several times when two thousand stocks hit the limit.

In the first half of the year, the whole market was bullish.

In the second half of the year, there was a green leek.

This is A!

Feng Lei heard Lu Chen’s words and nodded in agreement.

When investing in the stock market, greed is the most taboo. It is the best choice to lock in profits.



Feng Lei followed Chen Yu’s order and sold a large number of stocks in his hands.

Large sums of funds were continuously transferred into Chen Yu’s account.

In just a few days.

After deducting various fees such as stamp duty, transfer fees, transaction commissions, handling fees, and securities management fees.

Chen Yu’s personal account had an extra 109.848 billion yuan.

On the evening of the day when the funds arrived.

Chen Yu hosted a banquet for Feng Lei and three other stock traders at the Dushu Lake Hotel.

Feng Lei looked at the luxury box and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

In October last year.

He brought his younger brother Feng Yi to the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University to see Professor Chen Yu for treatment.

At that time, Professor Chen performed the world’s first head transplant surgery on his brother.

After the operation was a complete success.

Professor Chen proposed to cooperate with him to help trade stocks.

More than half a year has passed.

He went around and returned to this luxury box.

And today, Feng Lei is attending the (cibj) celebration banquet!

This time.

Feng Lei and three other people traded stocks for Professor Chen Yu, and they could earn a total of 3% commission.

110 billion yuan in profits.

3% of the trading commission is 3.3 billion yuan.

If the four of them share it equally, each person can get 825 million yuan.

At the beginning of the banquet,

Chen Yu first said:”Everyone, the commission I promised earlier has been transferred to your personal accounts.”

“”Thank you, Professor Chen. I have received it!”

Feng Lei smiled.

Money, money, money, life is connected!

Although he is a little well-known in the industry, his net worth is only tens of millions. He is still a little short of the level of a billionaire.

And this time, he instantly became a rich man with a net worth of more than 800 million yuan!

At this time, Chen Yu took out four bank cards and handed them to Feng Lei and the other four.

He smiled and said,”These four bank cards are extra red envelopes I gave to everyone. There are 200 million yuan in each card. I hope you don’t think it’s too little.”

Hearing this,

Feng Lei and the other four thanked him again

“List���Professor, you are so magnanimous and generous!”

“These are two small goals!”

“”Thank you, Professor Chen, you are so polite!”

Feng Lei and his four companions smiled brightly.

They raised their glasses and toasted Chen Yu sincerely, thanking the boss for his generosity.

Chen Yu drank the wine in one gulp.

The initial capital of 1 billion yuan.

After more than seven months of operation by Feng Lei and his four companions, it has soared to 110 billion yuan.

The total commission and bonus given was only 4.1 billion yuan.

4.1 billion is just a drop in the bucket compared to 110 billion!

Without the manipulation of these professionals, even if he was reborn, he couldn’t make that much!

Now, with more than 100 billion, many of Chen Yu’s plans can be implemented smoothly.

No need to worry about funding issues.

At the celebration banquet, everyone talked happily and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Feng Lei and the other four people all wanted to improve their relationship with Chen Yu.

That’s right!

Improve the relationship!

Previously, Chen Yu was their boss and it was an employment relationship.

Now the employment relationship is over.

They all hope to be friends with Professor Chen, even if they are just ordinary friends.

You know,

Professor Chen is a professor at Gusu University, the first person in the contemporary medical field, and has a wealth of more than 100 billion.

Education, medicine, and business, a trinity!

In terms of social status, it is simply terrifyingly high.

If they are lucky enough to become friends with Professor Chen Yu, or continue to cooperate in the future, (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then their future lives will take off completely!


The next day. In the bright and clean meeting room of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


The top executives of Huanyu Group gathered together.

They were Chairman Chen Yu, General Manager of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Lin Fei, General Manager of Huanyu Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. Song Yao, General Manager of Huanyu Medical Devices Co., Ltd. Dong Xin, Director of Clinical Trial Center Ling Xiao, Director of Pharmaceutical Marketing Department Zhou Peng, Director of Pharmaceutical Department Luo Ping, Director of Laboratory Xue Bin, and Chen Yu’s two proud disciples Qin Shuang and Ning Feng.

At the beginning of the meeting.

Chen Yu said straight to the point:”Recently, I have made a lot of money from stock trading and am ready to increase my investment in several companies.

Now I will announce the company’s next related plans, everyone please take note.”


Everyone sat upright and took out banknotes to record.

Chen Yu said slowly:”First, I will take out 10 billion yuan to establish Huanyu Hospital in Suzhou.

At present, the only remaining pharmaceutical industry chain of Huanyu Group is the hospital. The

First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has reached a deep-level cooperation with us.

But after all, it is a public hospital.

If you want to carry out related business, you need to go through layers of approval, which is time-consuming and laborious.” As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is directly under the National Health and Medical Institution.

The current dean, Zhao Ming, has a very good relationship with the Universal Group.

But it is hard to say when the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University will change its dean.

If a dean who is unwilling to befriend the Universal Group comes, then they will be completely blind!

In addition, as the number of employees in the company increases,���More.

Establishing Huanyu Hospital.

It can allow employees or their families to see doctors for free in the hospital, thereby enhancing their sense of belonging to the company, and there are many benefits.

Seeing that everyone agreed.

Chen Yu looked at Qin Shuang and said,”Xiao Qin, the relevant matters of the preparation for the establishment of Huanyu Hospital are all handed over to you. From now on, you will be the director of Huanyu Hospital!”


Qin Shuang was shocked.

To let her be the dean of the Universal Hospital?

She hurriedly said:”Professor, my ability is limited and I can’t take on this important task!”

“What’s the big deal!”

Chen Yu smiled and waved his hands:”I taught you, I believe in your ability!”

“Well…thank you, professor, I will do it well!”

Qin Shuang said solemnly. At this moment, she was very excited.

Nowadays, it only costs 20 to 30 billion yuan to build a tertiary comprehensive hospital.

10 billion yuan of hospital construction funds are enough to make Huanyu Hospital the best in the country in terms of hardware and software facilities!

In addition, compared with other hospitals,

Huanyu Hospital will have great advantages.

If you lack western medicine, you can find Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

If you lack Chinese medicine, you can find Huanyu Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd.

If you lack medical equipment, you can find Huanyu Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

If you lack scientific researchers, you can ask Huanyu Laboratory for help.

Chen Yu continued:”Second, I will take out 40 billion yuan as the development fund for Huanyu companies.

Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Huanyu Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., Huanyu Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., and Huanyu Clinical Trial Center, each company or institution will receive 10 billion yuan for subsequent development.”

Swish, swish, swish!”

Lin Fei, Song Yao, Dong Xin, and Ling Xiao took notes with excitement.

Each of their institutions received 10 billion yuan in funds!

During this period, due to the sales of new drugs, the technology of in vitro cultivation of organs with stem cells to treat organ transplantation, and the cure of AIDS with umbilical cord blood stem cells,

Huanyu Pharmaceutical and Huanyu Clinical Trial Center are not short of money.

But it is undoubtedly a good thing to have 10 billion yuan in funds for subsequent development.

Among the four people,

Song Yao and Dong Xin were the most excited.

Huanyu Chinese Medicine and Huanyu Medical Devices have no products on the market, resulting in very tight funds for the company.

The remaining funds must also be used for scientific research and related clinical trials.

Now it’s good.

With 10 billion yuan in funds

, the development of the company can enter the fast lane!



Chen Yu looked at Zhou Peng and Luo Ping and said,”Third, the Huanyu Pharmaceutical Marketing Department and the Huanyu Pharmaceutical Department will be separated.

These two departments will be renamed Huanyu Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd. and Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

The two companies will each receive 10 billion yuan in development funds.

Mr. Zhou, Mr. Luo, I have a request for you!

I need to open Huanyu pharmacies all over the country.

At the same time, Huanyu pharmacies should not only have the new drugs we produce, but also purchase other drugs with significant efficacy.

Do you two have confidence?”

“”Be confident!”

Zhou Peng and Luo Ping said in unison.

Although they managed their expressions very well, everyone could still see the smiles on their lips, which were almost uncontrollable.

This is indeed the case.

The Pharmaceutical Marketing Department and the Pharmaceutical Department were just two departments of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. before they became independent. No matter how important a department is, its manager can be replaced.

After the establishment of the company, the power held by Zhou Peng and Luo Ping will increase exponentially.



Chen Yu looked at Xue Bin, the director of the Universal Laboratory, and his disciple Ning Feng.

He said:”Fourth, from now on, the Universal Laboratory will be renamed the Universal Medical Laboratory.

The laboratory will be operated independently, and Ning Feng will be the director of the laboratory.

I will take out 10 billion yuan as the development fund of the Universal Medical Laboratory, which will engage in the fields of medicine and life sciences.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Director Xue Bin managed the laboratory well and did not make any mistakes!

How could the position of laboratory director be abolished for no reason?

Xue Bin was about to ask a question.

But Chen Yu said:”Fifth, from now on, the Universal Science Laboratory will be established.

The laboratory will be operated independently, covering all disciplines such as physics, chemistry, materials, and machinery.

I will take out 20 billion yuan as the development fund of the Universal Science Laboratory.

The director of the laboratory will be Xue Bin!”

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became cheerful.

Xue Bin, who was originally preparing to raise questions, was now grinning from ear to ear.

And Ning Feng was also very happy.

He is also a disciple of Professor Chen.

Qin Shuang is already worried���The director of Huanyu Hospital.

His medical skills are not worse than Qin Shuang’s. He can’t just be an assistant, right?

Now it’s all right.

The professor entrusted him with an important task and made him the director of Huanyu Medical Laboratory.

This position will undoubtedly maximize his talent!


After the meeting, the top executives of Huanyu Group did some mental calculations.

They were shocked to find that

Mr. Chen had quietly taken out 100 billion yuan of funds today?!

This is too big!

Mr. Chen said that he made a lot of money in the stock market.

This is more than just a sum of money, it is a”hundred million” of money!

Mr. Chen is so rich and inhumane!


Chen Yu was no longer interested in the discussion of the senior executives.

The 110 billion yuan he earned from the stock market this time, minus stamp duty, transaction commissions and other fees, commissions and bonuses for stock traders, and 100 billion yuan in development funds for the Universal Group, was actually almost gone.

At most, there was only more than 5 billion left.

For this money,

Chen Yu’s plan was very simple.

That was to buy a better house for his family.

On the islands in the middle of the”double lakes” of Dushu Lake and Jinji Lake in Suzhou, there was a real estate project called Sunac Suzhou Peach Blossom Land.

There were 351 garden villas on the island, all of which were Chinese-style courtyards.

The cheapest one cost more than 20 million.

And the most expensive garden villa even cost more than 1 billion yuan! He made more than 100 billion yuan from the stock market this time.

It shouldn’t be too much for him to buy a 1 billion garden villa?.

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