Qiu Jian is a medical representative born after 1985.

He graduated from a traditional Chinese medicine university, and after many rounds of interviews and competition, he finally entered a subsidiary of a leading pharmaceutical company.

The so-called medical representatives are sales personnel of pharmaceutical companies, and are the medium for communication between pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and doctors.

Qiu Jian heard from his predecessors in the company that medical representatives used to give doctors rebates so that doctors would not prescribe drugs according to efficacy, but prescribe drugs from their own pharmaceutical companies.

This kind of middleman drug dealer behavior of making a profit from the price difference has made medical representatives hated by everyone!

In recent years, the country has frequently rectified the pharmaceutical industry.

The outpatient halls and doctor’s offices of hospitals across the country have posted”Medical Representatives Are Not Allowed to Enter” signs.”、”Medical representatives are prohibited from entering the diagnosis and treatment area”、”Our hospital refuses to accept kickbacks”、”Posters such as”Business personnel please do not disturb” were posted.

Medical representatives can no longer be as flamboyant as before.

Not only that, doctors will deliberately avoid medical representatives in public.

Before Qiu Jian joined the company, his dream was to become a top medical representative.

Top medical representatives dress well, fly first class to major cities, stay in five-star hotels, hold academic conferences across the country, hold department conferences in top tertiary hospitals, and sit in the front row of medical experts’ academic conferences with exclusive seat cards.

However… reality is like the song”The First Dream”》

“If pride is not coldly slapped down by the sea of reality, how can one know how hard one has to work to go far~~”

Qiu Jian’s career is a complete mess.

He doesn’t even dare to enter the hospital’s consulting rooms and departments.

Every time he can only sneak in to”block people” when the doctors are eating or resting.

Every morning, he has to show his face in front of the doctor.

At noon, he helps the doctor order takeout and pick up express deliveries.

At four or five in the afternoon, he has to prepare snacks, cigarettes, and fruits, and go again.

Many times, night visits are made at ten o’clock in the evening.

Go home after the night visit.

He also has to write a review report at home to record the completion of the day’s prescription volume.

Qiu Jian felt very frustrated.

How can this be a medical representative?

It’s obviously a doctor’s nanny!

There is no way.

He became a medical representative at the wrong time.

In July 2013, GlaxoSmithKline, a well-known pharmaceutical group, was exposed to a commercial bribery scandal.

The state launched a campaign to rectify the”red envelope””、”rebate”、”Lecture fee”、”

The entire pharmaceutical industry is in a state of panic. Now

, Qiu Jian works hard for a month and barely makes a few thousand yuan.

He also noticed that the promotion strategy of pharmaceutical companies has changed a lot.

Top pharmaceutical companies have quietly renamed pharmaceutical representatives as”academic promotion specialists.””、”When academic and clinical experts participate in various academic conferences to promote their own treatment plans, pharmaceutical companies take the opportunity to promote their own products.

Medical representatives gradually become more academic, and the threshold is getting higher and higher.


June 25.

Anhui Province, Lucheng Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

7:30 am.

Qiu Jian, carrying a briefcase and holding breakfast, waited in the hospital parking lot.

Not long after,

Director Wang of the Endocrinology Department slowly drove into the parking lot.

After seeing Director Wang get out of the car,

Qiu Jian hurried forward.

He handed over the breakfast and asked with concern:”Director Wang, you haven’t had breakfast yet, right? Eat something to fill your stomach first.”

“No thanks.”

Wang Yan waved his hand to refuse and walked towards the hospital complex.

Qiu Jian quickly took out a thick stack of documents from his bag.

He followed quickly and said very quickly:”Director Wang, propylthiouracil developed by our Chaohui Pharmaceutical is an anti-thyroid drug that is currently used more frequently in clinical applications for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in the medical community. It can reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

It is a thioamide drug that can inhibit thyroid peroxidase, thereby blocking the production of thyroid hormones. It is mainly used to treat hyperthyroidism in adults.

The main mechanism of propylthiouracil is to inhibit the peroxidase system, so that the iodide taken into the thyroid cells cannot be oxidized into active iodine, and tyrosine cannot be iodinated.

The condensation process of monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine is blocked, so that thyroid hormones cannot be generated.

Propylthiouracil is the first choice for patients with severe hyperthyroidism, thyroid crisis, early pregnancy, and those who have a poor response to methimazole and are unwilling to accept 131I and surgical treatment.

Director Wang, you are an endocrinologist and you know this drug very well.

Now all major hospitals in the country have this drug.

Lucheng Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine was just established this year, and it will definitely need to purchase this drug.

If the hospital is willing to purchase on a large scale, our Chaohui Pharmaceutical can offer a lower price.”

After hearing this,

Wang Yan suddenly stopped.

Qiu Jian’s eyes lit up.

The drug he had been promoting for a long time finally attracted Director Wang!

“You are wrong in one thing!”

Wang Yan shook his head and said bluntly:”Now all major hospitals in the country have stopped purchasing propylthiouracil.

The reason is that the side effects of this drug are too high.

I know that you medical representatives want to make money.

But I can’t buy drugs from you, so just give up this idea!”

Having said that, he added:”To tell you the truth, our hospital will sign a three-year drug purchase agreement with Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.’s pharmaceutical sales today.

In the agreement, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will provide us with 6 new drugs.

One of the new drugs is called Huanyu Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets.

This drug is a real hyperthyroidism miracle drug.

After patients use Huanyu Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets, the secretion of thyroid hormones will slow down, allowing the hormones to reach normal levels, and the side effects are minimal.

Tell me yourself.

Why does our Lucheng Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine use propylthiouracil produced by your company?”


Qiu Jian, who has always been eloquent

, hesitated at this moment and could not speak.

Wang Yan finally said:”Qiu Jian, don’t come to our hospital in the future. I’m afraid that the pharmaceutical sales of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will misunderstand!”

After that, he left quickly.

Qiu Jian looked at the back of Director Wang leaving and sighed in his heart.

As a pharmaceutical sales.

He naturally knew the various shortcomings of propylthiouracil.

But there are very few hyperthyroidism drugs on the market.

Even if propylthiouracil has more side effects, it does have the effect of treating hyperthyroidism.

Patients have no choice at all!

But now…

With the approval of Huanyu Hyperthyroidism Suppression Tablets for marketing.

Hyperthyroidism, a chronic disease, will be completely cured.

From now on.

Any other hyperthyroidism drugs will have no way to survive!

Although Qiu Jian knew that he had lost, he didn’t want to leave in disgrace.

Before leaving.

He wanted to meet the pharmaceutical sales of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Even if he lost, he had to lose clearly!


At 10:30 am,

Qiu Jian finally met Song Bin, a pharmaceutical salesman from Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., in the parking lot of the hospital.

Song Bin was tall, handsome, and well-dressed.

He looked like a successful person.

Song Bin glanced at Qiu Jian and asked,”Why are you stopping me in the parking lot?”……”

Qiu Jian got straight to the point and said,”I heard that you are a pharmaceutical salesperson at Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

You have signed a three-year drug purchase agreement with Lucheng Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine.

I just wanted to take a look.

What’s the difference between you and me, an ordinary medical representative?”

Hearing this,

Song Bin smiled lightly.

So we are in the same industry!

He smiled and said,”I am indeed different from you medical representatives.

All new drugs of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are developed by Professor Chen Yu, and the efficacy is very significant.

The buyer’s market is larger than the seller’s market.

The moment a new drug is developed, the drug will not worry about selling.

Let me say something hateful.

As a pharmaceutical salesperson at Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., you just need to have hands to sell drugs!”

Qiu Jian’s mouth twitched. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Just need to have hands to sell drugs?

Is this sentence a mockery of all pharmaceutical companies?

Song Bin took out a business card from the inner pocket of his suit and handed it to Qiu Jian:”The professional term for the pharmaceutical salespersons of our Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is Huanyu Pharmaceutical Academic Specialist, not a medical representative who is like a rat crossing the street!”

Qiu Jian took a deep breath.

He said unconvincedly:”Song Bin, you are just luckier than us!

If you didn’t work for Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,

I’m afraid you would have to buy breakfast and pick up express deliveries for the doctors like us!”


Song Bin said with a smile:”If I were not an academic specialist of Huanyu Pharmaceutical.

I would now be working at Huanyu Pharmaceutical Laboratory, responsible for drug research and development.

The year before last, I graduated from Xiaguo Pharmaceutical University with a major in pharmacy and am a doctor of pharmacy.

After graduation, I worked at the State Key Laboratory of Natural Drug Active Ingredients and Efficacy of Xiaguo Pharmaceutical University, responsible for the research and development of new drugs, and won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

Later, I was hired by Gao Yu to work at Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Due to the company’s business adjustments.

I was transferred from Huanyu Pharmaceutical Laboratory to Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as a medical academic specialist with an annual salary of over one million.

In two months,

I should be transferred to Huanyu Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd., with an annual salary of over one million.

You are standing in front of me now and say that I am luckier than you.

Do you really think it’s appropriate?”

After the words fell,

Qiu Jian looked embarrassed.

He misunderstood Song Bin.

Excellent people are excellent everywhere.

Without Huanyu Co., Ltd.,

Song Bin could also be a drug developer with a decent career in the National Key Laboratory of Xiaguo Pharmaceutical University.

Now it seems that

Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. can sell drugs with hands.

But this sentence must be added with a precondition.

If you want to become a medical academic specialist of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., you must be a great person in the field of drug research and development.


After a few words,

Song Bin was about to leave when he noticed the propylthiouracil in Qiu Jian’s hand.

He sneered,”This drug has serious side effects. I advise you not to sell it anymore to avoid harming people!””

“Hey, you are going too far!”

Qiu Jian said quickly:”Propylthiouracil has side effects, but it can treat hyperthyroidism. Do you admit this?”

“Don’t quibble!”

Song Bin took out a tablet from his briefcase.

He swiped the page with his finger and handed the tablet over.

Qiu Jian took it and looked at it, and was stunned.

He saw a video playing on the screen.

A young man was smashing things in the endocrinology department of a hospital.

More and more people were watching. Facing the indignant eyes around him, the man held a pile of examination documents and said angrily:”Everyone, take a good look, this is Wang Quan, an endocrinologist in our local hospital!

I was in the endocrinology department of this hospital, and during the treatment of hyperthyroidism,

Wang Quan prescribed me propylthiouracil once a week, saying that this drug is very good.

Hyperthyroidism patients all over the country are using it.

I didn’t understand it at the time, so I let it go.

As a result, after taking the medicine for three years, my hyperthyroidism has not been cured.

I don’t blame him for this, because many hyperthyroidism patients need to take medicine for life.

But the key to the problem is.

Starting from the third year,

I gradually developed complications such as rash, fever, cough, coughing up blood, hematuria, joint swelling and pain, abnormal liver function, abnormal kidney function, and toxic hepatitis.

Then I got angry and went to see Wang Quan.

He said shamelessly that if you have a rash, you should go to the dermatology department, if you have a cough and fever, you should go to the internal medicine department, if you have abnormal liver function, you should go to the liver department, if you have abnormal kidney function, you should go to the nephrology department, and if you have joint pain, you should go to the arthritis department.

When I heard this, I knew he was a complete quack!

At that time, I was eager to get treatment and didn’t bother much.

I simply went to a large hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

After a detailed examination.

I found that these complications were all caused by long-term use of propylthiouracil!

In large hospitals.

Now basically no one is given���The doctor prescribed this medicine because the side effects were too great.

After I was treated in a large hospital for a period of time.

Although the hyperthyroidism was not cured, the various complications on my body were gradually recovered.

Professor Chen Yu of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. developed a hyperthyroidism inhibitor tablet and officially launched it.

I used the new drug to completely cure hyperthyroidism!”

The voice fell.

The surrounding spectators all understood the whole story.

But there are still people who stand on the moral high ground and say sarcastic words

“Hey man, it’s a good thing that your hyperthyroidism has been cured, but there’s no need to smash things in the hospital, right?”

“Yes! We know you are angry, but smashing things is definitely wrong! You might even get sued!”

“Young man, your hyperthyroidism has been cured, we are happy for you. But you are also wrong, you should go to a big hospital for medical treatment!”

“That’s right! Nowadays, small hospitals only treat colds and the like. You should have gone to a big hospital a few years ago!”

“Let me say this! The hospital’s endocrinologist, Dr. Wang Quan, is indeed a complete quack, but it’s a small place, the doctors are just like that!”


Hearing some people’s sarcastic remarks, the young man laughed in anger and said bluntly,”If Wang Quan is just a quack, I really have nothing to say.

I will only blame myself for being unlucky and for not having common sense.

But just yesterday,

I was having a meal at a restaurant in town. I unexpectedly discovered that Wang Quan was sitting in the box next to me.

The restaurant has very poor sound insulation.

I heard everything they said.

Wang Quan was meeting with pharmaceutical representatives for private transactions.

The pharmaceutical representatives hoped that when Wang Quan prescribes drugs for patients with hyperthyroidism, he would prescribe propylthiouracil instead of Sezhi Methimazole Tablets or Huanyu Hyperthyroidism Suppressant Tablets.

As for the dosage, prescribe as much as possible.

Anyway, this medicine is not expensive and patients will not notice it.


Wang Quan said that propylthiouracil has side effects. It’s too big. Hyperthyroidism patients who know a little about thyroid gland probably won’t take this medicine.

The medical representative said, it’s okay. What can patients in small places know?

Wang Quan said, now Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has launched hyperthyroidism suppressing tablets, which can completely cure hyperthyroidism. What if the patient strongly requests a new drug?

The medical representative said, you can prescribe hyperthyroidism suppressing tablets, but you also have to prescribe some propylthiouracil, saying that the two drugs are more effective when taken together.

Wang Quan said, isn’t this bad? What about my reputation?

The medical representative said, money! Do you want the money? Do you want money or reputation?

At this point.

I realized it completely.

Wang Quan is not a quack doctor, he is just simply bad and greedy.

What do you think I should do?”

“Smash him!”

After finding out what happened, the onlookers were furious and started smashing the endocrinology department of the hospital.


After watching the video,

Qiu Jian said with a complicated expression:”You are right, propylthiouracil is indeed harmful!”

“There are good and bad medicines, and you can’t say that they harm people!”

Song Bin said,”It is the quack doctors, the ill-intentioned medical representatives, and the greedy doctors who only want to make money that harm people!”

At this point, he added,”I advise you to learn some medical knowledge and transform yourself into a medical academic specialist as soon as possible!”

Then, Song Bin got in his car and drove away.

Qiu Jian was left with a complicated and melancholy expression.

After a moment,

Qiu Jian took a deep breath and made up his mind.

From today on, he will work hard to become an excellent medical academic specialist like Song Bin!

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