Early April

《Nature” editorial department.

George is an academic editor of Nature journal and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His daily job is to browse through paper submissions from all over the world, select some high-quality papers, and submit them to the editor-in-chief for review.

To be honest.

George has been very depressed recently.

There are many papers in the mailbox, but very few of them are of high quality.

If there are no more high-quality papers.

As an academic editor, he will definitely be scolded by the editor-in-chief.

George browsed through the papers in the mailbox, muttering to himself:”This one is not good, and this one is not good either.”……”

While flipping through the pages, he was suddenly attracted by a paper titled”Bionic Nanoparticles of Alveolar Active Substances (PS-GAMP) Enhanced Resistance to Heterotypic Influenza Infection”.

He clicked on the paper and saw that

George’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

This academic paper is of high quality!

The author of the paper revealed the role and mechanism of bionic nanoparticles as mucosal adjuvants for universal influenza vaccines.

Because the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of influenza often mutate, the mismatch between the predicted and updated toxic and epidemic strains each year greatly limits the efficacy and application of vaccines.

Therefore, the medical community urgently needs safe and efficient mucosal adjuvants to promote the body to produce protective immunity to cope with the threats posed by different influenza infections.

The author of the paper prepared a bionic nanoparticle (PS-GAMP) based on cGAMP design to simulate influenza infection.

The study found that it can activate AMs and AECs without destroying the surfactant (PS) and alveolar epithelial barrier (AEC) in the lungs, and promote the vaccine to produce efficient humoral and CD8+T cell protective immune responses to resist the attack of multiple heterotypic influenza.

The results showed that AECs play a very important role in producing broad cross-protection against various influenzas, indicating that PS-GAMP may be a potential mucosal adjuvant for a”universal” influenza vaccine.

After patiently reading the entire paper,

George was amazed.

As we all know, influenza can cause 3 million to 5 million infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, posing a great threat to people’s lives and health.

If you follow the author’s idea.

From now on, alveolar active substance bionic nanoparticles will significantly enhance resistance to heterotypic influenza and benefit countless influenza patients!

George glanced at the paper’s signature: Yu-Chen (Soochow University).

He was stunned.

Chen Yu?

Soochow University?

Why had he never heard of this university before?

George opened the search engine and searched the name of the school, then he suddenly realized.

It turned out that Suzhou University was a university in Xiaguo, located in Suzhou City.

He was not very familiar with this university.

But it is undeniable that this paper is of high quality, and its conclusions represent substantial progress in the understanding of an important issue and have direct and far-reaching impacts.

It fully meets the publication standards of the main journal”Nature”.

After checking the paper for plagiarism,

George also focused on the format and layout of the manuscript.

《The Nature journal has extremely high requirements for paper submissions.

Once the format is incorrect, it will be sent back immediately and the author of the paper will be asked to revise it.

For example, original research articles should use the Articles format and cannot have more than 50 references.

For example, Articles need to provide an abstract of up to 150 words and separated from the main text.

For example, the main text can contain subheadings, no more than 6 in total, each no more than 40 characters, that is, the text length of the subheading is less than one line.

For example, Articles usually have 5-6 display items, that is, figures or tables.

For example, manuscripts should use double line spacing and be written in English, etc.

There are hundreds of format requirements like this.

George finally found a high-quality paper.

He naturally hoped that there would not be too many problems with the paper format.

Fortunately, the author is very good at submitting papers and could not find any flaws in the format.

After George checked it several times, he quickly passed the preliminary review of the paper and sent the paper to 4 reviewers of the Nature journal for review.

The paper belongs to the field of medicine.

We need experts in the medical field to cross-check!


George was in a good mood after passing a medical paper through the preliminary review.

With this paper as a foundation, he should not be scolded by the editor-in-chief!


George continued to browse the papers.

The next paper, called”Major progress! Discovery of a new mechanism for protein degradation in cells!”

The authors of the paper discovered a protein called midnolin, which plays a key role in the degradation of many short-lived nuclear proteins.

In the field of genes, short-lived proteins control gene expression in cells and perform many important tasks.

This helps the brain form connections to help the body with immune defense.

These proteins are produced in the cell nucleus and are quickly destroyed once their tasks are completed.

Although these proteins are very important.

But for decades, scientists have not known the process by which they are degraded and cleared from cells when they are no longer needed.

Studies have shown that midnolin has a”catch-domain” that can capture other proteins and send them directly to the proteasome for subsequent degradation.

This”catch domain” consists of two separate regions, connected by amino acids, which can grab a relatively unstructured area in the protein, allowing midnolin to capture many different types of proteins.

Midnolin works by grabbing these proteins directly and pulling them into the cell’s waste disposal system, the proteasome, where they are destroyed.

Midnolin also participates in the degradation of hundreds of other transcription factors in the cell nucleus.

See here.

George nods approvingly

���The paper was of a very high standard!

He glanced at the signature of the paper: Yu-Chen (Soochow University).


The author is Chen Yu from Suzhou University in Xiaguo?

One person actually submitted two papers at the same time, which is amazing!

After George checked the format of the manuscript, he also passed the preliminary review of this paper.



George continued to review the manuscript

《A review of cancer cell metabolism and anti-tumor immunity!》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)

《Uncovering a special coordination mechanism of gene expression in tumors!》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)

《Using genetically modified Acinetobacter pasteurii to detect tumor DNA in vivo!》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)


《Dau-d4, a compound derived from Chinese herbal medicine, could improve the efficacy of existing diabetes drugs》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)

《A novel KRAS-solving strategy has been developed that is expected to overcome the”undruggable” obstacle!》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)

《The gut hormone PYY, which controls appetite, also plays an important role in regulating the fungal microbiome!》——Paper author: Yu-Chen (Soochow University)


After reading a series of papers,

George was stunned.


What happened?

Chen Yu from Suzhou University in Xiaguo actually submitted 10 high-quality papers at once?

Is it too exaggerated?

From his perspective as an academic editor for many years, at least 7 of these 10 papers can be published in the main journal of Nature.

If he is lucky, even all 10 papers will have the opportunity to be published in the main journal!

Who is this medical expert named Chen Yu?

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