March 30th.

Soochow University.

In a teacher’s apartment.

Chen Yu turned off the camera, finished recording the online class tonight, and uploaded it to the Internet.

Time flies.

March will pass quietly.

Looking back on this month.

Chen Yu’s days are very fulfilling.

From Monday to Friday.

He needs to teach 4 large classes during the day, giving different courses to students in different classes.

This month,

Chen Yu has finished”Clinical Surgery”.》、《Clinical epidemiology》、《Medical Pathology》、《Histology and Embryology》、《Medical Psychology》、《Anesthesiology》、《Rehabilitation Medicine》、《Oncology”, eight courses have been completed.

In the evening.

Chen Yu will record two online courses, each for one hour.

Often after the recording is completed.

The time has come to around 9 pm.

Including today.

He has recorded 60 online course videos in March.

Calculated as 15 videos for one medical subject.

He has posted the full content of four subjects online.

Due to his superb teaching level.

Chen Yu’s online courses are not drowned in the vast sea of teaching videos, but are very popular through word of mouth from students outside. The four online courses he released are”Surgery” and”Oncology”.》、《Medical Imaging》、《Ultrasound diagnostics》、《Otolaryngology”.

To be honest.

With the support of the system.

In fact, he only needs to give students a medical course to complete this subject.

However… in the spirit of being responsible to students.

Chen Yu either does not upload online courses.

As long as he uploads it, he must teach all the knowledge of the course!

After 9 p.m..

He did not wash up and go to bed.

Instead, he used the quiet time at night to write SCI medical papers, an average of 3 hours a day.

At the rate of writing one paper every three days.

As of today.

Chen Yu already has 10 papers on hand that have not yet been published.

As for Saturdays and Sundays.

He did not waste his time.

Chen Yu uses 8 weekends a month to write textbooks in the medical field.

He has currently finished writing one.

Next, he needs to deal with publishing matters.


A whole month has passed.

Chen Yu is busy every day.

But he feels that such days are very fulfilling.

Once people are free, they will think about all kinds of things.

Many times,

Chen Yu feels that it is better to be busy.

In addition, his teaching level has improved a lot this month.

On the one hand, his comprehensive medical level has improved.

On the other hand, giving lectures to students is a way to sort out his own knowledge and improve his teaching level.

With this thought,

Chen Yu focused his attention on the virtual panel in front of him.

【Host: Chen Yu】

【Age: 25】

【Education: PhD】

【Degree: PhD】

【Position: Lecturer, School of Medicine, Soochow University】

【Personal halo: famous teacher halo, teaching feedback halo, medical ability halo】

【Classes: 10 Clinical Medicine (1), 10 Clinical Medicine (2), 11 Clinical Medicine (1), 11 Clinical Medicine (2), 11 Clinical Medicine (3)……】

【Course subjects:”Surgery”·Unparalleled in the World,”Clinical Surgery”·Unparalleled in the World,”Clinical Epidemiology”·Unparalleled in the World,”Medical Pathology”·Unparalleled in the World… 12 courses in total】

【Master Points: 0】

【Top journal papers: 4】

【National textbooks: 0】

【Chinese: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Mathematics: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Physics: 3 points] (Currently no points can be added)

【Chemistry: 3 points] (Currently no points can be added)

【English: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Medicine: 92 points (80 points + 12 points)] (Note: The medical ability aura is being enhanced, and points cannot be added at present)


After reading the updated data on the panel,

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

All 12 courses have been added points, and all have reached the level of [unparalleled in the world].

Together with his overall medical level, it has reached 92 points!

What is the concept of 92 points?

In the definition of the system, the level of academicians of the two academies is only 80 points.

And his current medical level is an exaggerated 92 points!

If calculated by mathematical formula,

92 points = 1 academician of the two academies + 3 doctors of medicine.

This shows how superb Chen Yu’s current medical level is!

Thinking of this, he took out a piece of white paper and began to plan the”addition plan” for this semester.

First, complete the teaching tasks during the day.

Second, publish new teaching videos online, covering more subjects.

Third, publish the 1 textbook that has been written, and maintain the output of 1 textbook per month.

Fourth, publish the 10 medical papers that have been written, and maintain the output of 10 medical papers per month.

Fifth, in April, May, and June, continue to maintain a fulfilling life every day.

Sixth, before the summer vacation, try your best to see if you can be promoted from lecturer to associate professor.

Seventh, use your spare time to lead and complete a scientific research project at least at the provincial level as a lecturer.

In Chen Yu’s opinion, as long as he can successfully complete the task before the end of this semester, his medical level will usher in a new leap!

By then…

Chen Yu will be able to carry out a new plan and go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University during the summer vacation to carry out medical practice courses. With theory and practice going hand in hand, he will be able to truly become famous in the medical community!

Starting from the next semester, he will not need to take so many medical classes, but will have more personal time to do what he wants!

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