Chapter 101-Trial Tower

Opening the door, the one who appeared in front of Tang Yao was a thin young man named Hou Hui.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Brother Hou is here, please come in.”

After walking in, Hou Hui waved his hand awkwardly and said, “Brother Tang is polite. Although you entered the training camp after me, your current ranking is ahead of me. Just call me Junior Brother Hou.”

Tang Yao has paid attention to Hou Hui’s ranking on the battle power rankings, 1025th, 4-star warrior.

Tang Yao said: “Okay, then I will ask you to call you Junior Brother Hou. Junior Brother Hou, please come inside.”

The two of them sat on the sofa in the reception area, and Hou Hui asked, “I wonder if Brother Tang called me over, what’s the matter?”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Junior Brother Hou, I have just entered the training camp and I am very unfamiliar with the situation here. Mr. Hao has not introduced much, and there are no arrangements for the training camp. I am now blinded! So, please Hou Brother Hou came here, hoping that Junior Brother Hou could help me with my doubts. Of course, as a reward, I can equip Junior Brother Hou with genetic medicine for free during the training camp.”

Hou Jue’s eyes lit up and said, “Brother Tang is polite! I joined the training camp two months ago. At that time, I was as at a loss as Senior Brother Tang is now. The same was targeted. It is a pity that I am strong. It’s a far cry from Senior Brother Tang, and the 100 points of initial combat merits could not be kept.”

Tang Yao nodded.

Sure enough, the same as I guessed.

It is for this reason that I found you.

Hou Hui continued: “Without the help of veteran students, it took me half a month to figure out the situation of the training camp. The training camp adopts stocking management for the trainees. What you want to do is up to the trainees to decide. . If you have any requirements, you can ask, and the training camp will try our best to satisfy you. Even if you want to find a peak God of War to teach you hand-in-hand, the training camp will arrange for you. The premise is that you have enough combat skills.”

“Military exploits are the only currency in the training camp, but combat exploits and combat exploits are also different. The only function of combat exploits exchanged with money is to open the cultivation room. By doing tasks, killing zombies, upgraded beasts, and entering the combat power rankings. There is no limit to the use of the battle exploits obtained through Ascension rankings, Ascension trial tower levels, record-breaking and gambling battles after the top 500.”

Hearing that, Tang Yao nodded, no wonder Song Gan didn’t want 10 million compensation, but instead drew my attention to my 100 initial exploits. That’s how it happened.

Tang Yao asked, “Junior Brother Hou, what level of trial do you mean?”

Hou Hui said: “In the virtual world of Juntian, the area dedicated to the genius training camp is divided into two parts. One part is the battle zone, which is dedicated to competitions between students. Both parties can choose to fight openly. This way, Others can watch the battle or choose to hide the battle process. Of course, life and death battles can only be carried out on the battlefield in the real world. After the two sides have signed the life and death documents, it can begin.”

“The other part is the trial area, which is actually a 9-story trial tower. The trial is very helpful to the students’ Ascension combat power. In the trial tower, the strength of the Practitioner will be suppressed to the level of 1 star warrior. Opponents include humans, zombies, and upgraded beasts. The strength of humans is between 1 star warrior and 3 star warriors. Zombies and upgraded beasts are both junior corpse soldiers and beast soldiers. According to their strength, the trial tower will control them Divided into 1-3 stars. The trial is divided into 9 levels, and each level cleared will be rewarded.”

“Each level 1 trial requires 3 matches. The difference lies in the number. For level 1-3 trials, the opponent is 1 star soldier. For the 4-6 level trial, the opponent is 2 star soldier. In the 7-9 level trial, the opponent is the 3-star soldier level.”

“Because it is one-to-many, the increase in the combat technique and the Movement Technique is very important. When the combat technique and the Movement Technique cannot be Ascension temporarily, you can only find a way to condense your own power and strike a stronger attack. Previously, you and Song When fighting, you should have felt it? Song Gan’s attack is more condensed and more powerful than yours, and that is what he honed in the trial area.”

“Furthermore, whether it is a trial or a battle, it is completely real. The pain and despair of Death is still frightening when I think about it now.”

Tang Yao nodded. Under this circumstance, Ascension is inevitable.

Moreover, no matter how real it is, it is also a virtual world, and it will not really die.

The genius training camp is really extraordinary if it allows students to Ascension combat power without danger.

Later, Hou Hui gave Tang Yao a brief introduction to other situations in the training camp, such as the biannual training camp, the pharmacy hall, the arsenal, the Tiange… and so on.

After listening to Hou Hui’s introduction, Tang Yao finally had a general understanding of the genius training camp.

The genius training camp is said to be a training camp, but in fact it is a platform to provide students with various convenient cultivation facilities.

As for how to use these facilities, it is up to the trainees to decide, and the training camp does not interfere.

Tang Yao thought for a moment, and then he understood.

The students in the genius training camp are all geniuses, and the speed of progress is already fast. The teaching method like a school is not suitable for them.

At this time, Tang Yao said: “Junior Brother Hou, we are all transferred to the training camp, and we are all members of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall. In the future, we may all return to the Ningcheng base and fight together. If this is the case, Junior Brother later If there is anything I can do, just speak up.”

Hou Hui was overjoyed and said with a smile: “Then I would like to thank Brother Tang first! Although my talents are not bad, I came from a civilian and I lack resources, so I must trouble Brother Tang. If there is anything I need to do, Brother Tang, Please also speak up.”

“I really need the help of Junior Brother! After today’s events, those people in Hongyan District will definitely have a grudge against me. If Junior Brother finds anything unusual about them, please let me know.”

“Senior brother is polite, if I find anything, I will notify the senior brother as soon as possible.”

Tang Yao smiled and nodded.

The two chatted a few more words, and after exchanging contact information, Hou Hui left.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao got up and went to the basement floor.

Taking out the virtual helmet from the Interspatial Ring, Tang Yao entered the Juntian virtual world.

Tang Yao said: “Jun Tian, ​​send me to the genius training camp trial area.”

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Yao disappeared from the door of the Martial Arts Mall.

When he reappeared, Tang Yao was already in the trial area of ​​the genius training camp.

A huge nine-story tower stands in the endless gray sky.

Tang Yao looked at the tower, then walked straight into the first floor of the tower.

The space on the first floor is huge and endless.

Not far from the entrance, stands a 10-meter-high boulder.

On the top of the boulder are 100 huge golden names, followed by a string of time.

Below the golden name, there are 1,120 black names, and there is also a string of time behind the names.

Thanks to Hou Hui’s introduction, Tang Yao knew that the 100 golden names on it were the shortest 100 people in the past years to pass the first level of the genius training camp.

The 1120 black names below are the current rankings of all students in the genius training camp, except for Tang Yao and Yi Qingxuan, who have just entered the training camp.

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