Chapter 102 Ascension Attack Power

Tang Yao took a close look at the top 100 golden names.

First place: Ying Wuming, 58 seconds.

Second place: Kaslov, 1 minute 02 seconds.

Third place: Winnessa, 1 minute and 03 seconds.


The 49th place, Chu Jian, 1 minute 58 seconds.


95th place, Alcott, 3 minutes and 04 seconds.


100th place, Bancliffe, 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

After reading it, Tang Yao was secretly surprised.

These 100 people are so strong!

In the current training camp, only the top three players in the battle power rankings have entered the first 100 of the first floor of the trial tower.

Moreover, the third Bancliffe ranks in the 100th place, and may be squeezed out sometime.

This Chu Jian’s ranking is really high, all in the top 50.

It’s no wonder that Chu Jian can beat Alcott and Bancliffe, who are 6-star warriors, with the strength of 5-star warriors, and become the first place in the battle power rankings.

According to Hou Hui, as long as one enters 100 years ago, even if the record is broken, there will be a lot of rewards for military exploits.

However, the difficulty is very high!

Moreover, Jushi only records the results of the first pass, so you can’t wait until the level is high to get the results.

With emotion for a while, Tang Yao took a deep breath and said, “Jun Tian, ​​start the trial of the first level of the trial tower.”

“The deduction of 100 points of combat merit is complete, and this trial will begin in 10 seconds. Please prepare student Tang Yao.”

There was a mechanical sound.

At the same time, in the virtual world, Tang Yao’s physical strength began to decline.

After 3 seconds, Tang Yao’s physical strength dropped from 76 to 10, and then stabilized at 10 physical strength.

The sharp decline in strength made Tang Yao very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Tang Yao could easily control a body with 10 points of physical strength, and after quickly punching a set of body-building punches, Tang Yao adapted.

At this moment, the time of 10 seconds came.



Along with two roars, 200 meters in front of Tang Yao, a dark upgraded wolf-shaped beast and a zombie with huge claws appeared out of thin air, with red pupils.

Junior Beast Soldier Spirit Wolf!

Primary upgraded corpse soldier giant claw!

Tang Yao’s eyes condensed, the difficulty of this trial is really not small!

Compared with the zombies and upgraded beasts of the same level, the spirit wolf is fast, and the giant claws are powerful. When they cooperate with each other, they will inevitably double the threat.

The moment they appeared, the wolf and the giant claw discovered Tang Yao, and both rushed towards Tang Yao frantically.

Tang Yao did not use weapons, but chose to confront the enemy with his bare hands.

Tang Yao’s purpose this time is to condense his own power and Ascension attack power, which can naturally be felt more real with his fists and feet.

Seeing the spirit wolf and giant claw approaching quickly, Tang Yao thought quickly in his heart.

The opponents in the trial tower, whether they are humans, zombies or upgraded beasts, have no combat power bonus.

According to Hou Hui, opponents who appear on the 1st floor have a basic physique of 10 points, but they are stronger in one aspect.

The speed of this spirit wolf should be equivalent to that of an upgraded beast with a physical strength of 15 points.

In other words, the speed of this spirit wolf is 15 points.

Based on this calculation, the power of the giant claw should also be 15 points.

In that case, double the power and speed!

This way, it’s safer and won’t be killed when it comes up.

If that were the case, the 100 points deducted would be too unjust.

Defense cannot be increased!

The virtual world of Juntian is controlled by the brain of Juntian. If Juntian detects my defense Ascension, it is not clear.

After all, the Practitioner under God of War doesn’t know how to use secret techniques, and can only use combat techniques and Movement Techniques to increase strength and speed, and it is impossible for defense to increase.

After making up his mind, Tang Yao directly used the primary secret technique to double the power and speed.

At this time, the faster Spirit Wolf had already rushed to Tang Yao’s front.

The Spirit Wolf leaped up, stretched out its wolf claws and grabbed Tang Yao fiercely.

Tang Yao flashed away and came to the left side of the spirit wolf, and then a whip kick was drawn on the spirit wolf’s head.


The Spirit Wolf screamed and was kicked away by Tang Yao.

Tang Yao whispered secretly, so hard head!

Worthy of being an upgraded wolf-like beast with a copper head and iron bone tofu body, this head is indeed hard enough!

After pulling the spirit wolf away, Tang Yao went straight to the giant claw without a pause.

Seeing Tang Yao coming towards him, the giant claw roared in excitement, and raised a pair of huge claws glowing with cold to grab Tang Yao.

Tang Yao let the sharp claw tip and aimed a punch at the back of the claw.


The giant claw was retreated by Tang Yao for two steps before he stood firm.

Through this punch, Tang Yao felt the power of the giant claw.

Strength 15 points!

After knowing what he knew, Tang Yao relieved the increase in strength and speed.

Otherwise, after doubling the increase, Tang Yao’s strength and speed will surpass the spirit wolf and the giant claw, and there will be no effect of sharpening himself.

Subsequently, Tang Yao used 10 points of physical strength to fight against the wolf and the giant claw.

During the battle, Tang Yao relied on the primary pupil technique to predict the attacking intentions of the spirit wolf and the giant claw again and again, and immediately launched an attack after dodge.




The sound of fists and flesh clashing from time to time.

Tang Yao launched attacks again and again, but he only used his fists.

Through punching again and again, feeling the force of his fist hitting the spirit wolf and giant claw, Tang Yao adjusted again and again.

At first, Tang Yao’s attack was basically ineffective.

Tang Yao’s strength is 10, and the defenses of Spirit Wolf and Giant Claw are also 10, so they can’t break the opponent’s defense at all.

In order to hurt the opponent, Tang Yao must gather his scattered power to increase his own attack power without using the secret technique to increase the amplification.

One hour later, with the powerful Mental Energy calculations and constant adjustments, Tang Yao finally gathered all the scattered strength on his own fist.

Tang Yao punched the spirit wolf on the back, breaking the spirit wolf’s defense, leaving a blood-red fist mark.

Tang Yaoyixi, finally got some results.

After the power was gathered, the attacks sent out really Ascension a lot.

Although the power of this punch was still 10, the attack it hit reached 11, an increase of 10%.

After fighting for a while, Tang Yao obviously felt that his progress was much slower.

Only the giant claws that can burst out with 15 power points can also bring some ascension to Tang Yao.

Although the speed of the spirit wolf is fast, it can neither hurt Tang Yao nor bring him Ascension.

Tang Yao knew that the pressure was less.

Without hesitation, Tang Yao directly increased his power and speed by 4 times.



With two punches, Tang Yao exploded all the heads of Spirit Wolf and Giant Claw.

After the spirit wolf and giant claw were killed, the corpse slowly disappeared.

At the moment when the corpse completely disappeared, two spirit wolves and two giant claws appeared in front of Tang Yao.

The strength is the same, but the number has doubled.

After the increase was lifted, Tang Yao frowned after fighting again for two minutes.

The pressure is still small!

With a fourfold increase again, Tang Yao easily killed the two spirit wolves and the two giant claws.

What followed were 4 spirit wolves and 4 giant claws.

The power of the spirit wolf was average, and it had little effect on Tang Yao.

Tang Yao used the secret technique to kill all the 4 spirit wolves first.

After the secret was lifted, Tang Yao looked at the remaining four giant claws with a smile on his face.

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