Chapter 115 Target: Australian Continent

Yuan Zhan smiled heartily and said: “A word is a deal!”

With that, Yuan Zhan stretched out his right hand and slapped Tang Yao’s right hand.

The primary attack power is strengthened and can be copied!

I quickly sensed that among the skills Yuan Zhan possessed, only this one was useful to Tang Yao, and Tang Yao copied this skill without hesitation.

After copying, Tang Yao’s attack power enhancement skills were upgraded to intermediate level, and the attack power bonus reached 4 times.

But at present, Tang Yao’s physical strength is limited, and he can only use up to twice the bonus.

Tang Yao nodded secretly, and it was exactly the same as I had guessed.

After the attack power enhancement skills are presented, you can perceive the attack power enhancement skills of others, copy and upgrade them.

Yuan Zhan’s attack power bonus should be more than twice, but it must not be 4 times.

Otherwise, his attack power enhancement skills will be intermediate.

After chatting for a few more words, seeing a medium-sized war shuttle flying in the distance, the two stopped talking.

Soon, the medium war shuttle landed on the open space in front of everyone.

As soon as the hatch opened, Hao Jing walked out of it.

After a glance at everyone, Hao Jing said, “Some of you are participating in the field training of the training camp for the first time, and some are already participating in the third time. Even new students who have not participated, you must be I also learned from the veteran students the dangers of field training.”

“Next, I will tell you two sets of data. You judge the danger yourself. In the previous training camps of the Juntian Martial Arts Center, the least loss was the one that died, 6 were seriously injured, and 2 of the 6 seriously injured remained. She suffered permanent disability. The biggest loss was 72 deaths, including two God of War who were responsible for protecting trainees. 527 people were seriously injured, and 156 were left with permanent disability.”

Hearing this, some people looked horrified and couldn’t believe it.

The injury rate of the zipper that suffered the most was over 50%, which is too high!

Even God of War died in battle, how strong was the opponent you encountered?

Some people didn’t change their expressions. Obviously, they already knew what Hao Jing said.

Yuan Zhan beside Tang Yao chuckled, and said in a low voice: “Every time I set off, I have to tune this, and the training camp is not too annoying. Apart from scaring a few cowards, it’s no use! Born in this chaotic world, there is no danger. Training. The camp’s field training is okay. God of War is the bodyguard. After leaving the training camp, you won’t be out of town without a bodyguard? Those who can come here can be regarded as the favorites of the same generation. Who is willing to be a waste!”

Tang Yao smiled, noncommittal.

It’s still useful, at least it can help the newly joined geniuses to converge, so as not to die because of arrogance.

After a pause, Hao Jing continued: “The location for this field training has been selected, it is the Australian mainland. You think about it yourself, and if you plan to participate, go to the war shuttle. If you don’t plan to go, don’t force it. After 5 minutes, Let’s go.”

After speaking, Hao Jing turned and returned to the shuttle.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhan laughed and said excitedly to Tang Yao: “The location chosen for this training camp is somewhat interesting, unlike the previous two training locations. One was at the Angel Base in Eagle Country, and the other was at the Euro Alliance. The eternal base over there. The Juntian Martial Arts Hall of the two bases sent people to protect it, and the fighting was not full of fun.”

“This time is great! There is no base in Australia. Although the training camp will send God of War to protect, but the number will not be too much. There are more than 1,000 training camps, which can’t be taken care of. That’s right! Don’t face life and death crisis, How to become stronger?”

Hearing this, Tang Yao smiled and said: “It sounds like it’s quite interesting.”

After speaking, Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan walked towards Zhan Shuo together.

People around him also heard what Yuan Zhan said.

Some veteran students shook their heads helplessly, Yuan Zhan, the character of Madman Wu did not change at all.

The veteran students did not hesitate, and immediately walked towards Zhan Shuo.

The new students are a little entangled and a little nervous.

After getting on the shuttle, Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan found a place to sit down.

Five minutes later, the hatch of the war shuttle closed, and then flew towards the Australian mainland.

Tang Yao glanced around and found that all 34 students from Ningcheng Base were there.

Tang Yao nodded, it seems that what Yuan Zhan said is right.

All are the pride of the sky, no one is willing to stay behind.

In addition to the students, there are 8 people on the battle shuttle, including Hao Jing.

Tang Yao knows that these people are training camp teachers and instructors responsible for protecting students.

Except for exclusive teachers like Hao Jing, these people are basically not in the training camp, they are all busy.

Only when the students spend their combat merits and ask them to teach, they will return to the training camp.

In addition, they are responsible for protecting students when it is similar to field training.

Tang Yao glanced at these eight people, secretly guessing in his heart.

I don’t know how many God of War among these people?

These people have hidden their breath, but they can’t see it.

At this time, Yuan Zhan seemed to have seen Tang Yao’s doubts, and said: “The students on each shuttle are from the same base, and there are 8 guards on each shuttle. Among them, 1 intermediate God of War, 2 junior God of War, and the remaining 5 people, including teacher Hao Jing, are all senior generals. In addition, there will be two top God of War and 10 senior God of War on the battlefield. Continuous inspections on the board, ready to respond to emergencies at any time.”

Tang Yao was startled and said, “This guard force is quite powerful!”

“It’s very powerful, but it’s spread out, that’s it. Take the 34 students on our war shuttle as an example. Once they enter the battlefield, they may move within a radius of several hundred or even thousands of kilometers. Training needs to be carried out. For 3 days, you may not see a strong person in charge of guarding until the end of the training.”

Tang Yao nodded, really.

The Practitioner has a strong physique, and running one or two hundred kilometers in an hour is nothing at all.

If you encounter a crisis situation, it is possible to run thousands of kilometers under the chase.

Then the two chatted, mainly Yuan Zhan was talking and Tang Yao was listening.

Tang Yao really didn’t expect that this lunatic Wu was still talking.

About half an hour after the war shuttle took off, Hao Jing stood up.

Facing 34 trainees, Hao Jing said: “Tell me about the rules of this training. This training will last three days. After arriving in Australia, we will randomly select an area and place you in it. What you have to do, Just survive!”

“Although we will patrol nearby, we can’t achieve complete coverage. Moreover, it is not a life or death crisis, we will not take action. The purpose of the training is to Ascension your combat effectiveness and survivability. Although the virtual world can also sharpen you, but After all, it’s not really going through life and death, it’s always worse.”

“This training is based on the left ear. Whether it is killing a zombie or an upgraded beast, remove the left ear. After returning to the training camp, you will be evaluated based on the left ear of the zombie and the upgraded beast you provided. According to your record, the training camp will issue corresponding rewards.”

“Now, there are about three hours before arriving in the Australian mainland. You can take a break. When you get to the battlefield, it is difficult to get a solid sleep.”

After speaking, Hao Jing sat back.

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