Chapter 116 Goodbye to the Human Face Spider

After listening to Hao Jing’s words and thinking for a while, some students gathered in twos and threes and began to discuss forming a team.

Someone also found Tang Yao, but he refused.

On the contrary, there was no one looking for Yuan Zhan beside Tang Yao.

Tang Yao realized after thinking about it, this guy is too aggressive, and teaming up with him is too dangerous.

Tang Yao also discovered that Yi Qingxuan was also looking for, but she also refused.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao’s right hand fingers kept tapping on the armrest, giving Yi Qingxuan a meaningful look.

If you are not strong enough to team up with others, you have to rely on it!

This little lady has a secret!

what is it?

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This little lady, isn’t she the Awakener too?

Well, it is possible.

No matter what, hit him three shots first if there are dates or not!

If she were the awakened, she would be best.

I can use her talents as an alternative, and if appropriate, copy them when I am promoted to the generals.

Moreover, with the same talent and ability, knowing her details, I can also be prepared.

If she hits me, my Mental Energy is strong, maybe she can be countered.

If she weren’t the Awakener, I would have nothing to lose.

However, Yi Qingxuan was wearing a combat uniform, except for her head, which was a bit difficult to handle.

But hey, can’t trouble me!

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao put down his seat and closed his eyes to rest.


Three hours later, Tang Yao opened his eyes because he felt Zhan Shuo slowing down.

Mainland Australia, here it is!

After another 10 minutes, the Shuttle landed on a flat piece of land.

At the moment when the landing was completed, Zhan Shuo suddenly erupted with a huge roar.

Tang Yao rolled his eyes silently, this is doing something!

Isn’t it good to be quiet?

Must make such a loud sound deliberately!

It is a strange thing that nearby zombies and upgraded beasts are not attracted!

At this time, Hao Jing stood up slowly and solemnly said to the 34 students: “Be careful and pay attention to safety. If you encounter a crisis, immediately use your tactical watch for help. Take care to protect your tactical watch. Do not damage or do not Included in the Interspatial Ring. Otherwise, if there is a problem and you cannot be located, you will not get timely rescue. At noon on the 30th, everyone will gather here. Okay, go!”

After Hao Jing finished speaking, all the students stood up, ready to set off.

However, the hatch did not open.

The students all looked anxiously at an instructor sitting in the cockpit. The zombies and upgraded beasts outside must be approaching. If they don’t leave, they will be surrounded.

But this person didn’t feel the students’ anxiety, and waited for a full minute before opening the hatch.

Seeing that the hatch had been opened, the students immediately jumped off the shuttle.

As soon as Tang Yao came out, he saw a large number of upgraded beasts rushing quickly, less than 200 meters away from the shuttle.

They are all upgraded beasts, not a single zombies.

After a little thought, Tang Yao understood.

Before the disaster, the population density in mainland Australia was not high, but there were particularly many animals.

Once humans appear, zombies and upgraded beasts are attracted by the breath of humans, and they will instinctively give priority to humans.

But if there were no humans, the zombies and the upgraded beasts would kill each other.

Now, it is estimated that there are still zombies in the city, and the zombies in the wild have basically been killed by upgraded beasts.

All the besieged were upgraded beasts, and they were normal.

Tang Yao shook his head, secretly a pity.

With fewer zombies, there is less room to play!

After getting off the battle shuttle, seeing that the upgraded beast had not yet surrounded the battle shuttle, the students immediately broke out.

There are more in groups and fewer independent practitioners.

Yuan Zhan let out a burst of laughter, excitedly waved the mace in his hand, and rushed towards the upgraded beast on the opposite side.

Tang Yao glanced at the direction in which Yi Qingxuan was leaving, and then chose a position similar to her, and also broke out.

Looking at the upgraded beast getting closer and closer to him, Tang Yao’s hand flashed, and a black spear appeared.

The style of the spear is exactly the same as the previous black gold, but the grade has been changed to 6, and the weight, hardness, toughness and sharpness are all Ascension a lot.

Tang Yao held the back of the black gold gun with his right hand, and then swept Qianjun towards the upgraded beasts in front of him with one move.



Four upgraded beasts of beast soldier level were cut in half by Tang Yao with a single shot.

Immediately, Tang Yao twisted his hands on the barrel of the black gold gun.


The 2.2-meter-long black gold spear immediately turned into two short spears.

A short gun is 1.2 meters long, and the cone-shaped tip is shining with cold light.

There are two blood guide grooves on both sides of the pipette tip, which can speed up the flow of blood.

There are several barbs on the spear blades on the other sides of the spear head. If you poke it in and then pull it out, it will inevitably bring out a large piece of flesh and blood.

The other short gun is 1 meter long, and the tip of the gun is simply tapered, with nothing else attached.

Tang Yao held guns in both hands, killing while advancing.

With the aid of the primary pupil technique, Tang Yao could easily find the flaws in the upgraded beast’s body.

Therefore, Tang Yao’s killing efficiency was very high, and he moved quickly.

Soon, Tang Yao’s efficient killing attracted the attention of a commander-level upgraded beast.

It was a huge spider, more than one meter high, with legs more than two meters long, and its body was emerald green, with two dark green jagged limbs from its mouth.

There are dense patterns all over the spider belly.

That shape is like a terrible human face.

Although this spider is only a junior commander, and its wisdom is only equivalent to a human 3-year-old child, the upgraded beast’s instinct is to kill and swallow a powerful body, thus Ascension’s own strength.

After discovering Tang Yao, the spider rushed towards Tang Yao.

Just when Tang Yao was about to leave after the breakthrough of 30 soldiers-level upgraded beasts.

Tang Yao found that on the left side of own, a huge spider was approaching quickly.

After seeing the appearance of this spider, a cold light flashed in Tang Yao’s eyes.

Human Face Spider!


In the last life, in order to save me, Old Tang died under the legs of a human-faced poisonous spider.

In the end, I blew myself up with the crystal armor I was wearing and the micro-nuclear bomb I robbed, and then I ended up with the commander-level human-faced poisonous spider.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Daddy arrived on the Australian mainland, he met one.

The pupils are green and slightly blue, indicating that this human-faced poisonous spider is about to be promoted to the intermediate command, and the physique will not exceed 400 points.

The elementary commander’s combat power is doubled by 800 points.

Now, my basic physique is 90 points, 8 times increase is 720 points.

Coupled with the double attack power bonus, the attack power is 1440 points.

Although the speed is slower than it, but with the aid of primary pupil technique, it is not difficult to kill it.

Now that you have encountered it, go to die!

While thinking about it, Tang Yao made up his mind.

Tang Yao ran away in no hurry, turned around, and rushed directly at the Human Face Venomous Spider.

On the way, after killing a few upgraded beasts, Tang Yao came to the front of this human face virus strain.

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