Chapter 119 I’m Very Helpless

Looking at Yi Qingxuan with a dull gaze, Tang Yao smiled and took off the tactical glove on his right hand.

Stepping forward, Tang Yao raised his right hand and placed it on Yi Qingxuan’s fair and delicate face.

Talent ability: Frozen, can not be copied, can be replaced!

Perceiving Yi Qingxuan’s talents, Tang Yao was overjoyed.

This little lady is really the awakener!


If you don’t copy, you won’t perceive the specific effect.

However, the name should be used to seal the opponent with ice. As for the specific sealing method, it is not known.

Judging from the test just now, Yi Qingxuan’s mental energy intensity is about 80% of mine, which is quite strong.

However, as we break through the limits of the body again and again, Mental Energy continues to grow stronger, and the gap between her and me will grow wider and wider.

But why is this little lady’s body so cold?

It is several degrees lower than normal people!

Isn’t there something wrong?

Is it because of her frozen ability?

It doesn’t matter, it has nothing to do with me.

Thinking of this, Tang Yaogang wanted to withdraw his hand.

However, Tang Yao squeezed Yi Qingxuan’s cheek twice.

This little girl is kind of queer!

Tang Yao smiled, then turned and left.

With Tang Yu’s departure, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes gradually regained clarity.

Looking at the blurred back in the distance, Yi Qingxuan did not chase.

Yi Qingxuan knew very well that she was not that person’s opponent.

Ever since she felt that the other party had used her own talent, Yi Qingxuan wanted to use her own talent, but she couldn’t do it.

Not to mention the strength, just the Mental Energy contest, Yi Qingxuan was completely suppressed.

Standing in place, Yi Qingxuan was lost in thought.

Who is that person?

He shot at me without hurting me. What is the purpose?

And those eyes, I must have seen them!

Who is it?

Yi Qingxuan touched Own’s cheek with a strange expression, where the temperature that did not belong to her still remained.

That temperature is just the body temperature of a normal person.

But for Yi Qingxuan, who has endured the icy cold all year round, it is a different kind of warmth.


After leaving Yi Qingxuan, Tang Yao changed back to his own clothes in order to avoid being bumped into by the patrolling training camp teachers and instructors.

Afterwards, Tang Yao turned back and returned to the position where he had been pursuing Yi Qingxuan.

After advancing for nearly a hundred kilometers away from the landing of the war shuttle, Tang Yao stopped.

On the way, Tang Yao killed more than 20 beast soldiers and two junior upgraded beast leaders.

After stopping, Tang Yao took out the tactical watch from the Interspatial Ring and put it on his wrist.

Tang Yao smiled.

I am so far away from Yi Qingxuan, she should not doubt me anymore.

Immediately, Tang Yao clicked a few times on the tactical watch and called up the nearby map.

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up when he saw a small town 20 kilometers ahead to his right.

The town is nice!

With zombies, I have more room to play.

Moreover, the number of zombies and upgraded beasts in the town is not too much, and the chance of a corpse king and a beast king is not high, not as dangerous as the city.

After making up his mind, Tang Yao went straight to the town.

In less than 10 minutes, Tang Yao saw the town from a distance.

After getting closer, Tang Yao circled the town.

After discovering that there were zombie activities on the west side of the town, Tang Yao smiled and ran over.

After approaching the town, Tang Yao killed a few corpse soldiers and successfully entered a three-story building on the outermost periphery of the town.

Tang Yao went up to the top floor and looked into the distance.

The architectural styles of small towns in mainland Australia are very different from that of Xia Guo. They are all independent small buildings with their own gardens and a large area.

As far as Tang Yao could see, there were probably more than 50 small buildings sparsely located on the west side of the town.

Tang Yao frowned secretly, thinking about it!

According to this number, there were about 200 households in this small town before the disaster, and the number of people would never exceed 1,000.

Now, there are two or three hundred zombies in this small town.

Observing from the outside just now, the other three directions in this town are the sites of upgraded beasts, and there should be a lot of upgraded beasts.


Unlike zombies, upgraded beasts can reproduce.

There are no bases in the Australian mainland, and there are usually few practitioners, which gives the upgraded beasts a lot of time and space to multiply.

On the contrary, it is the zombies of the Australian mainland. Because there are few people coming, the source of the corpses is small, and the living space is squeezed by a large number of upgraded beasts.

In a few decades, I am afraid that all the zombies on the Australian mainland will be wiped out by upgraded beasts without human intervention.

After watching for a while, Tang Yao didn’t find the strong training camp patrolling, so he went directly to the first floor.

After putting on the big black clothes, Tang Yao’s heart moved.


Tang Yao’s corpse transformation skills are intermediate, and he can be transformed into an intermediate corpse king at the highest.

But Tang Yao didn’t do that, but turned into a junior corpse king.

Afterwards, Tang Yao strode out of this small building and came to the middle position on the west side of the town.


A sharp roar came from Tang Yao’s mouth and spread to the surroundings.

All the zombies on the west side of the town heard this roar, and after a moment of stunned, they moved closer to Tang Yao.

After 5 minutes, the zombies were assembled.

Tang Yao looked at the 200-odd zombies in front of him, and shook his head dissatisfied.

Depend on!

I will endure the small quantity, but the quality is not good enough.

The strongest one is the intermediate zombie leader.

There are not many junior zombie leaders, just three.

This strength is a real dish!

If you don’t have some usefulness, you don’t need to be a corpse king, I will sweep you all alone.



Tang Yao roared for a while.

After hearing this roar, all the zombies turned madly and rushed towards the north side of the town, except for the two primary zombies.



Tang Yao screamed again at the two remaining primary zombie leaders.

After the two primary zombies commanded the hearing, they also turned and left.

Tang Yao walked a few steps, walked into a small building, sat on the steps of the stairs casually, secretly proud.


An intermediate zombie leader led a junior zombie leader and more than 200 corpse soldiers, fighting in front.

Behind, two primary zombies commanded the collection of left ears and beast crystals.


The first place in this training is none other than me!

The upgraded beasts killed may not be high, but we have a lot of them!

It’s just a pity that the corpse soldiers didn’t have the consciousness, and let them fight by instinct. The collection of items would not work, and the two primary zombies could only be led by the two primary zombies.

Otherwise, the efficiency of killing will be higher and the harvest will be more.

As for me, stay here honestly and enjoy this pleasant time.

If I go out and don’t become a corpse king, those zombies and upgraded beasts will have to kill me first.

Being a corpse king, you can fight with the upgraded beasts along with the zombies, but once discovered by the patrolling training camp powerhouse, I’m in the cold.


We are not exhausted!

I am also very helpless!

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