Chapter 120 Attack Power Enhancement Skills Invalid

Tang Yao took out some food from the Interspatial Ring and was eating it on his own. He heard a roar of zombies and a roar of upgraded beasts coming from the north side of the town.

Tang Yao smiled, eating even more vigorously.

It smells so good!

After half an hour, the roar and growl became louder and louder.

Tang Yao raised his brows and smiled.

It seems that the upgraded beasts in the other two directions have also been attracted.

Now it’s getting more and more fun.

After more than ten minutes, the roar and roar gradually became quieter.

Tang Yao knew that the battle over there was about to end.

The result is self-evident, the zombie was defeated.

After a while, the two embarrassed figures came back with two bags.

Tang Yao smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

As long as the instructions are more accurate, the primary zombie leader’s wisdom is not high, but simple collection and escape can still be accomplished.

After Tang Yao collected the two bags into the Interspatial Ring, he exuded the coercion of the corpse king against the two primary zombie leaders.

Suddenly, a short gun appeared in each of Tang Yao’s hands.

However, the zombies and upgraded beasts that died in battle still provided Tang Yao with a large amount of left ear and corpse crystal beast crystals.

At this time, the number of left ears in Tang Yao’s Interspatial Ring has exceeded 2,000, and the number of corpse crystals and beast crystals has also exceeded 200, ranging from primary corpse soldiers to advanced commanders.

It’s just that there are few left ears and corpse crystal beast crystals at the senior commander level.

On the road, Tang Yao walked slowly, his eyes constantly swept to the sides.

Tang Yao would stop to pick medicinal materials with strong energy, regardless of whether he knew them or not.

As he walked, Tang Yao muttered.

This place is really vast and sparsely populated.

Not to mention the small number of zombies in each town, the distance between the town and the town is still far away.

In a small town, it took me an hour at most to summon the zombies after entering to the end of the battle with the trophies.

On the contrary, the time spent on the road and fighting on the road was much longer, at least two hours.

Otherwise, my gain can be doubled.

Fortunately, my current gains are almost the same, too much will cause others’ suspicion.

These gains are already amazing.

When I get back to training camp, I have to look at other people’s conditions before deciding how many left ears to use.

It’s too eye-catching, not good.

However, this place is not without good places.

There are fewer people and fewer medicinal materials are picked.

Not only are there many medicinal materials here, but the grades are generally not low.

The medicinal materials collected on the road can save me a lot of money.

Look at the scenery, gather herbs, and make adjustments from time to time. It’s good!

Isn’t it dangerous to practice every time?

Why don’t I feel anything!

This is zipper?

How do I feel on an outing!

Sure enough, because I was so good, I looked out of tune with those guys.

So distressed!

Tang Yao smiled, Tsundere on his face.

At 10 o’clock, Tang Yao saw the eighth town from a distance, about five or six kilometers away.

Tang Yao smiled and quickened his pace.

Just a few steps away, the corner of Tang Yao’s eyes suddenly noticed that a black shadow leaped high on his left side, and his two front paws flashing with cold light were grabbing against his head.

Tang Yao immediately squatted down, his feet slammed on the ground, and his body shot forward.

After avoiding the attack of the black shadow, Tang Yao immediately turned to look at the attacking own black shadow.

At this moment, a black leopard was standing opposite Tang Yao.

This leopard is more than 2 meters high, with four sharp paws shining with cold light, and a snow-white tail swaying constantly, like a steel whip being constantly waved.

A blood basin opened and closed continuously, exposing the sharp fangs and the scarlet tongue with barbs.

The leopard’s pupils were blue, and he was staring at Tang Yao.

After seeing the other side’s appearance, Tang Yao’s eyes narrowed.

Snow-tailed leopard!

Superior upgraded beast commander!

In the small town, Tang Yao met the senior zombie leader, but it was the first time he met the senior upgraded beast leader.

Tang Yao frowned secretly and gave a wry smile.

Depend on!

Uncle, I’m going to run naked again.

To deal with the superior upgraded beast commander, Tang Yao could only turn into a corpse king.

As long as Tang Yao turns into a junior corpse king and doubles his basic physique, he can still fight.

If he was transformed into an intermediate-level corpse king, his basic physique Ascension was 5 times higher, and Tang Yao would be able to get rid of the general high-level upgraded beast commander.

As long as Tang Yao restrains the breath of the corpse king, and be more careful not to let people see the color of his pupils, even if they are discovered by the patrolling training camp experts, they will not be sure that Tang Yao is the corpse king.

But he must not be dressed as neatly as in a small town, otherwise, once he is spotted by the patrolling training camp powerhouse, then he will be over.

Only the corpse king with complete wisdom will pay attention to own clothes and such neatly dressed zombies. If it is not the corpse king, it will be a hell.

Whether it is God of War or the warlord driving the war shuttle against Tang Yao, he cannot escape to death.

Tang Yao sighed helplessly.

There’s no way, go naked. Run naked. Run!

Seeing the snow-tailed leopard on the opposite side attacked again, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Intermediate corpse!

Tang Yao, who was planning to make a quick battle, instantly turned into an intermediate corpse king.

The body swelled a lot, and directly broke the clothes on Tang Yao’s body, and hung pieces of rags on his body.

Without the cover of rain and generous black clothes, Tang Yao was almost running naked.

After the corpse, Tang Yao’s basic physique Ascension was 5 times higher, reaching 450 points, which is equivalent to a 4-star warrior.

The physique of the warlord has broken one hundred, breaking through the limit of the body, and the multiple that can be increased.

1 Star Wars will be able to increase by 11 times, after that, for every level of Ascension, it can increase by 1 times.

Tang Yao’s current physical strength is equivalent to a 4-star warlord, which can be increased by 14 times.

After Tang Yao felt the multiple of the increase, he nodded secretly.

My original guess was that the elementary generals can increase by 12 times, the intermediate generals 16 times, and the advanced generals 20 times.

There are some differences, but not much.

After the increase, Tang Yao’s physical strength reached 6,300 points.

Unlike the tactics and movement techniques that only increase strength and speed, Tang Yao’s primary secret technique is a comprehensive increase in strength, speed, and defense.

Strangely, Tang Yao discovered that his primary attack power enhancement skills suddenly failed, and he could no longer increase his attack power.

The snow-tailed leopard noticed the change of the human opposite, and his imperfect mind gave a trace of doubt.

But driven by the instinct of the beast, it did not stop its attack on Tang Yao.

Seeing the snow-tailed leopard in front of him slapped him with a paw, Tang Yao didn’t have time to think about it. He leaped high and jumped over the snow-tailed leopard’s head.

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