Chapter 145 The Development Direction of Charm

On the sofa, Tang Yao lowered his head, lost in thought.

Charm ability!

Mei, I guess I’m out of play

Confused, it can be studied.


Confusion, temptation, bewitched!

If you use abilities to confuse the opponent, can you tempt the opponent to tell some secrets?

Is it possible to confuse the other person to do something?

Even if the other party is not conscious, if a piece of accurate information is injected into the other party’s mind and induced, is it possible to tamper with part of the other party’s memory?

Is it possible to restore the tampered memory of the other party?

It is more difficult to tamper with, but as long as it can be tampered with, recovery is not a problem, just erase the memory of tampering.

Earlier, I wanted to study the direction of the charm ability.

This is also a way.

It seems that someone has to try it out.

If it is feasible, through continuous experimentation, the success rate should be higher and higher, and it will help me more and more in the future.

Yi Qingxuan can’t do it, she is the awakened, and Mental Energy is powerful.

If she was asked to do experiments at the very beginning, it would be difficult and easy to be spotted.

The best choice is a creature with an imperfect mind.

From this point of view, you still have to choose a zombie, and it has to be a leader-level zombie.

The wisdom of the primary zombie leader is only equivalent to a 3-year-old child.

Then start with the primary zombie commander.

As long as I become a corpse king, I can also suppress the primary zombie leader, and the difficulty is even lower.

A little bit of experimentation, as long as I can confuse the senior zombie leader without using suppression, I can experiment with humans.

Ordinary people can’t do it, but it’s okay to have grudges and grudges with me.

Besides, I can also choose some prisoners on death row.

When the time comes, give some compensation.

If they want, then try it out.

Not willing, and there is no need to force it.

If it is really feasible, as long as I can confuse Yi Qingxuan within 3 months, then she will no longer be an unstable factor for me.

My original plan can continue to be implemented.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Tang Yao finally had a general direction for the future development of the charm ability.

Tang Yao thought for a while, then shook his head.

The two abilities of copying and healing, I really can’t think of any special development direction.

Maybe it does, but at least, I can’t think of it now.

Juntian base is surrounded by sea beasts, it is not suitable for me to test the charm ability, I still have to return to Ningcheng base.

Time is tight, and it seems that I must hurry to break through to war.

After breakthrough to the general, I immediately returned to the Ningcheng base.

There is still a lot to do.

Rivalry, experiment with the Ascension charm ability, test Lu Wenju, explore the relationship between the Heavenly Corpse Cult and the zombies, use the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King to improve the physique of Lao Tang and his mother, and look at the Eight Precepts and the dead face.

Also, I promised Gu Li at the time that he would also go to Ningcheng Research Institute.

Tang Yao sighed and rubbed his temples tiredly.

After this period of work, you must take a good rest.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao took out the virtual helmet.

After entering the Juntian virtual world, Tang Yao came to the Wuguan Mall and directly bought a 100 cubic Interspatial Ring.

Tang Yao never took the thick branch of the Red Maple Demon King back.

At that time, Tang Yao secretly made up his mind to buy an Interspatial Ring with more space.

Interspatial Ring has 10 million cubes, and 100 cubes equals 1 billion.

Fortunately, Tang Yao’s martial arts center has a 5-star rating, which is a 25% discount.

After deducting 750 million, Tang Yao’s original wealth of 1.034.3 million has been reduced to 284.3 million.

Tang Yao waited for less than an hour, and the staff of the martial arts gym delivered the Interspatial Ring.

Unlike weapon combat uniforms, Interspatial Ring does not need to be customized, and the Juntian Martial Arts Hall is in stock.

Moreover, the genius training camp is not far from the headquarters of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, and the speed of delivery is naturally very fast.

After refining the new Interspatial Ring, Tang Yao transferred everything from the original Interspatial Ring to the new Interspatial Ring.

Then, Tang Yao went to the Tiange Pavilion and spent 3000 points of combat merit to buy 3 Xuanyuan Fruits.

After returning to Building No. 33, Tang Yao placed a delivery order.

In the original Interspatial Ring, after leaving 4 bottles of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King and 3 Xuanyuan Fruits, Tang Yao released the refining.

Half an hour later, the martial arts staff in charge of the delivery came and took away Tang Yao’s original Interspatial Ring.

After the incident, Tang Yao smiled.

Originally I gave Lao Tang an Interspatial Ring, plus this, both my mother and Lao Tang have an Interspatial Ring, which is much more convenient.

Huang Yuanguo and Xuanyuanguo are prepared for the mother according to the maximum amount that can be used, which can save her a lot of cultivation time.

Old Tang should be the same as me now, who are all 9-star warriors, if Di Yuanguo, wait until he breaks through to the war general.

With the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King to improve the physique, coupled with the effect of the Body Purifying Pill, the talents of Old Tang and his mother can be ascension to the level of second-class genius, and the cultivation speed can be ascension a lot.

When Tang breaks through, he should be able to advance to the 2-star warlord directly, not bad.

Tang Yao checked the time, it was almost 8 o’clock in the evening.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao dialed Jiang Changhai’s communication according to the original plan.


Juntian Base, in a luxurious ward on the top floor of Juntian Martial Arts Headquarters Hospital.

In the room that should have only one bed, two beds appeared.

Fortunately, the room is big enough and not crowded.



After two soft sounds, the glass doors of the two medical cabins next to the two luxurious hospital beds opened.

Two men walked out of the medical cabin.

The man on the left is of medium build and has a gentle face, but there is a long and thin scar on his left face that makes him look a bit fierce. It is Jiang Changhai.

The man on the right, with a tall stature, a big beard and a fierce bandit, is just Wan Polu.

After the two got out of the medical cabin, the medical cabin automatically contracted and moved under the bed.

Wan Poluo rushed into the bathroom and began to rinse the nutrient solution attached to his body.

Jiang Changhai, who was covered with nutrient solution, was dissatisfied and yelled: “Wanpolu, your uncle! There are so many wards in the hospital, you have to be crowded with daddy, are you sick!”

Wan Polu, who was taking a shower, smiled and said: “Nonsense, whoever is not sick lives in the hospital. Old Jiang, your brain was broken by the corpse king, right?”

Jiang Changhai took a deep breath and said nothing.


I don’t want to take care of this old stuff.

After washing them one after another, the two lie down on the hospital bed.

Wan Polu took out a large cigar, lighted it, and took a sip.

Jiang Changhai frowned, glanced at Wan Polu with a bad look, and said nothing.

Wan Polu, the old bastard, was too thick-skinned, and it was useless to scold him.



At this moment, Jiang Changhai’s tactical watch vibrated.

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