Chapter 146 Daddy Is Almost He Is A Toilet Paper

Jiang Changhai raised his wrist and found that Tang Yao had sent him a communication.

Jiang Changhai frowned, what trouble is this kid causing?


Wouldn’t it be daddy to wipe his ass again?

Fuck, daddy is almost like toilet paper.

Just after wiping the bastard Wan Polu’s ass, Tang Yao found the bastard again.

Don’t want to pick it up!

The tactical watch vibrated for a while, and Jiang Changhai still connected to the communication.

After connecting to the communication, Tang Yao appeared on the light curtain in front of Jiang Changhai.


Genius training camp, building 33.

Tang Yao looked at the light curtain in front of him, and saw that Jiang Changhai was okay except for his pale face, and he was relieved a lot.

Looking at the environment Jiang Changhai is in, it seems that he is in a hospital.

Without speaking to Tang Yao, Jiang Changhai said impatiently: “Tang Yao, what’s wrong with your kid?”

Tang Yao was speechless for a while, Xiaoye is a troublemaker in your eyes!

Tang Yao smiled and said, “General curator, it hurts you to speak like this. I want to send you a newsletter just to ask, what’s wrong with you and curator Wan?”

Jiang Changhai breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn’t cause trouble.

Jiang Changhai said: “How do you know…Oh, yes, you were there when I set out to save Lao Wan that bastard. We were all right, we were all alive, but we were just injured. After the corpse king’s trap, daddy doesn’t have to lie in the hospital for so long.”

Wan Po, who was next to Jiang Changhai, smoked a big mouthful of cigar and gave Jiang Changhai a white look.

This old man scolds daddy when he finds an opportunity.

Forget it, because you are trying to save daddy’s injury, so I don’t bother to care about it with you.

Tang Yao looked at Jiang Changhai with some doubts.

Old Jiang scolded so happy, won’t Wan Polu be by his side?

Tang Yao said, “Chancellor General, I am not at the Ningcheng base now, and I can’t see you. I’m not allowed to leave the Juntian base if I haven’t arrived at the generals. After a while, I’ll be able to break through to the generals. I will go back to the Ningcheng base to see you.”

“Huh, you guys have a conscience. But you can see me without going back to Ningcheng Base. I’m at the Martial Arts Headquarters Hospital of Juntian Base. If you want to see me, just roll over. I’m being trapped every day. This is so boring.”

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up and said, “Okay, please wait a moment, Director General, and I’ll go over right away. Which room are you in? By the way, is General Director Wan also there? Last time at the Beijing base, Director General Wan I have not thanked you personally for helping me.”

Before Jiang Changhai could speak, Tang Yao heard a rough voice coming from the tactical watch.

“In Ward No. 6 on the top floor, Jiang and I are both here. Boy, get out of here.”

Tang Yao has heard this voice.

Wan Po prisoners!

The two are really together!

No wonder Old Jiang just scolded so vigorously.

After Tang Yao responded, he hung up the communication.

After Tang Yao sent a message to Hao Jing, he walked out of Building No. 33 and went straight to the headquarters hospital.

In the Juntian base, the trainees of the training camp can move freely.

However, if you leave the training camp, you must report to the dedicated teacher.

Walking on the road, Tang Yao smiled.

Great opportunity!

I was trying to find an opportunity to expose my healing powers, Lao Jiang and Lao Wan were injured, and they were still in the Juntian base.

Just take this opportunity to reveal it.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it will not appear too abrupt to treat someone who has helped me many times.


At this time, a cool sea breeze passed.

Tang Yao only felt comfortable all over, and even his mind seemed to be more clear-headed.

Suddenly, Tang Yao stopped, his expression ugly.

Damn it!


Several people in the Yellow Springs team have seen me use the charm ability, although they don’t know what my ability is.

But my ability can delay opponents, they know it.

It is estimated that Lao Wan also knows it.

If I revealed the healing power today, then Lao Wan would immediately know that I have dual powers.

Although there are a handful of dual power awakeners in this world, although one day I will expose more than one power, it is too worthless to expose now.

It is exposed at a critical moment, but it may be life-saving.

Tang Yao took a long sigh of relief, secretly frightened.

Fortunately, I reacted in time, and if it is a while later at night, it will be exposed.

In this case, it’s better to show my charm ability to the outside.

But it can’t be said to be a charm ability, it needs to be hidden slightly.

Hmm… it’s called mental shock.

The effect is that it can make the opponent fall into a sluggish state, and it is consistent with the effect of the ability that I previously revealed.

That being the case, it’s not in a hurry to reveal it.

Moreover, I am not afraid of others revealing the effects of my powers.

In this way, some unstable factors will no longer exist.

As for the development direction of the charm ability, it cannot be changed.

The test is still to be carried out.

Well, that’s it!

After careful consideration, Tang Yao raised his foot and continued to walk towards the headquarters hospital after not discovering any omissions.


The genius training camp office area, in a large conference room.

Since returning to the training camp, 42 people including Liang Shaohui have started meetings, and everyone hasn’t even eaten dinner.

Actually is not how urgent this meeting is, because there are too many people, and the meeting can’t be finished for a while.

Except for Liang Shaohui, the other 41 people all made reports. After sorting out the information and data given by everyone, everyone started talking again.

In the field training once every six months, in addition to protecting the students, the leader must also collect some intelligence on the location of the training.

For those who lead the team, it’s not that difficult.

Originally, they had to keep patrolling, and gathering information was a matter of convenience.

At 8 pm, the meeting finally ended.

It can be over in more than 3 hours, which is considered highly efficient.

Counting it down, it means that each person has less than 5 minutes to speak.

After the meeting, 40 God of War went out one after another, chatting as they walked.

Liang Shaohui did not leave. He would sort out the contents and conclusions of today’s meeting and report them to the senior officials of the martial arts hall.

Liang Shaohui drank his mouth and looked up and found that Wang Yongshan was still in the meeting room.

Liang Shaohui smiled and said, “Pharaoh, why don’t you go to dinner? It’s not easy for you guys to get together, don’t you go and chat with them?”

Wang Yongshan said: “Don’t worry about it now, Lao Liang, take a look at this first.”

After speaking, Wang Yongshan sent two videos to Liang Shaohui.

Liang Shaohui looked at Wang Yongshan a little puzzled, then bowed his head and opened the first video.

The first video is not long, Liang Shaohui finished watching it soon.

Lifting his head, Liang Shaohui said with a gloomy face: “If you want to attack other students, you deserve it if you die. None of the five people has beaten the two opposite people, trash. Pharaoh, I know Hao Jing is the student you took. This old guy threw the problem to me. Okay, you tell Hao Jing, I will take the trouble outside the training camp. She solves the problems inside the training camp.”


Wang Yongshan nodded and said with a smile.

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