Chapter 198

When he reached the door, Tang Yao seemed to have thought of something and paused.

Tang Yao turned around and said to Chu Fei: “The dining table was broken by me, you remember to pay it to others.”

After speaking, Tang Yao took Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi out of the restaurant.

After the meal, Chu Fei sighed helplessly.

Immediately, Chu Fei took a vicious look at Yuan Hui, and his chest burned with anger.

Yuan Hui was trembling with horror in his heart.

Regarding Yuan Hui, Tang Yaoli was ignorant.

The Yuan family has the Chu family to deal with.

Tang Yao didn’t want to take action against the Yuan family, and he didn’t have that time.

Moreover, Tang Yao’s own strength and influence were average at this time.

Tang Yao relied on Juntian Martial Arts Hall, especially Wan Polu and Jiang Changhai who valued him.

If he really wants to attack the Yuan family, he still has to ask for help, it’s not worth it.

After leaving the hotel, Tang Yao and the three walked towards the Beijing Zhanfu.

As he walked, Tang Yao said to Yuan Xi: “Yuan Xi, if you have the Chu family come forward, even if it’s resolved. Moreover, Chu Jian’s veteran behavior will inevitably warn the Yuan family. Coupled with my deterrence, presumably The Yuan family dare not do anything to you anymore.”

“What about you, go back and clean up and prepare. Three days later, you will take the civilian war shuttle to the Ningcheng base. Before you go, you should contact me. I have something to deal with, so I won’t be with you.”

Yuan Xi nodded and said happily, “Tang Dage, thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would have to marry Chu Fei’s second generation ancestor. If that were the case, my whole life would be ruined.”

Tang Yao asked: “The Yuan family forced you to marry Chu Fei. You didn’t tell your brother, did you?”

Yuan Xi nodded.

Tang Yao sighed and said solemnly: “In the future, don’t carry anything by yourself. Tell me and your brother in time. If we knew earlier, you wouldn’t have to be scared for so long. And, if I happened to meet you today, The consequences are unimaginable. You must bear in mind the lesson this time.”

Yuan Xi stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice, “Well, I know.”

Tang Yao smiled and shook his head.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao transferred another 5 million yuan to Yuan Xi.

Later, Tang Yao said, “You take the money first. You are a pharmacist, and you have to spend money. If you don’t have enough, tell me.”

Yuan Xi smiled and nodded, but did not refuse.

Turning his head, Tang Yao looked at Han Shuyao and said, “Sister Shuyao, after I return to the Ningcheng base, I will go to the Ningcheng Research Institute to go through the transfer procedures for Yuan Xi. At that time, the capital war house will have trouble. you.”

Han Shuyao smiled and said, “You kid, be kind to me. Can I not help with the little stream?”

Yuan Xi hopped to Han Shuyao’s side, held Han Shuyao’s arm, and said with a grin: “Sister Shuyao is the best.”

Han Shuyao tapped Yuan Xi on the head lightly, and smiled: “You, after arriving at Ningcheng Base, cultivation and study hard and avoid trouble. If you encounter any problems, please contact you Tang Dage in time. If you are bored, please contact me. I. As soon as I have time here, I will visit you at the Ningcheng base.”

Yuan Xi said: “Sister Shuyao, I have to stay in the capital base for three days, and I don’t leave right away. For these three days, you have to accompany me well.”

Han Shuyao chuckled and said, “Okay.”

At this time, Tang Yao asked suddenly, “Sister Shu Yao, what level are your physical skills, combat skills, and Movement Techniques now?”

In fact, Tang Yao was a bit taboo about this issue, but Han Shuyao didn’t care.

Han Shuyao said: “Physical skill is great, tactics and Movement Technique are above great success, and they are all 13 times increase before they reach perfection.”

Tang Yao nodded.

With the strength of Sister Yao’s 6-star warrior, it’s not bad.

Her talent should be similar to the third-class genius in the training camp.

But compared with the more talented genius, it is a bit worse.

The maximum increase of the 6-star warlord is 16 times, that is, both the tactics and the movement technique have reached completion.

13 times, still a bit low.

Tang Yao said, “Sister Shuyao, or else, you can go to Ningcheng Base with Yuan Xi in three days! At that time, I will help you ascension the level of physical skill, combat method and Movement Technique. Not today, I There is still something to do. By the way, I can also take you around the Ningcheng base together.”

Both Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi looked at Tang Yao in surprise.

This guy has just been promoted to the general, right?

Can actually guide the 6-star warlord cultivation!


Han Shuyao smiled and said, “Okay, it’s cheap, I have to take it.”

Yuan Xi smiled and said: “It’s great, so I don’t have to ride a civilian war shuttle alone. Tang Dage, I also want the level of Ascension, combat and Movement Technique. Also, you can call me Xiaoxi directly. Yes, Sister Shuyao and my brother both call me that.”

Tang Yao nodded and smiled: “Okay!”

After sending Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi to the gate of the Capital War Palace, Tang Yao waved goodbye to the two.

Afterwards, Tang Yao took a maglev taxi and headed towards the main hall of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

On the way, Tang Yao received a message from Yuan Zhan, still two words.


Tang Yao rolled his eyes.

I helped you so much, so you sent me away?

You should show your loyalty and swear a poisonous oath or something!

Tang Yao replied with dissatisfaction: Give me back the money, the space bracelet 50 million, the corpse crystal beast crystal and medicinal materials 7.5 million, the pocket money 5 million, and the 62.5 million move.

Soon, Yuan Zhan’s reply message came.

What you are willing to give has nothing to do with me. If you want, you go to the creek.

Tang Yao sighed silently.

Yuan Zhan, this guy is really buckling!

Fortunately, I didn’t plan to take it if I gave it.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Tang Yao returned to the main hall of Juntian Wuguan in the capital base.

After getting out of the taxi, Tang Yao sent a message to Wan Polu.

After a while, Tang Yao received a reply.

Wan Polu’s reply message contained only 6 characters.

Come to my office!

Tang Yao frowned.

its not right!

Old Wan is not enthusiastic!

Tang Yao shook his head and walked into the Wuguan Building with a smile.

Taking the elevator, Tang Yao went directly to the top floor.



Walking to the door of the Director General’s office, Tang Yao knocked on the door.

Wan Polu’s vigorous voice came from the office.

“Come in.”

Tang Yao pushed the door and walked into the office.

Tang Yaogang wanted to say hello to Wan Polu, but found that there was a middle-aged man in the office besides Wan Polu.

The man is well-proportioned, has an elegant face and a calm expression. He is drinking tea.

Although the elegant man did not exude a strong aura, he sat there, as if he was fused with the world, giving people a sense of unpredictability.

Tang Yao condensed his eyebrows, he had a feeling.

This elegant man is extremely powerful.

Even more powerful than Wan Polu.

Moreover, looking at Wan Polu’s expression, he seemed to be extremely respectful to this elegant man.

Tang Yao’s heart jumped.

This elegant man is not a strong one above God of War, is he?

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