Chapter 199 Lin Xiuyuan

Seeing Tang Yao standing still at the door, Wan Polu smiled.

Wan Polu said, “What are you doing standing there, come here!”

Hearing this, Tang Yao walked over quickly.

Walking to Wan Polu’s side, Tang Yao stood there respectfully.

At this time, the elegant middle-aged man put down the teacup and took a look at Tang Yao.

With this look, Tang Yao seemed to be seen through by the other party, his heart beating wildly.

Wan Polu respectfully said, “Teacher Lin, he is the Tang Yao I told you about, how about it?”

The elegant middle-aged man nodded and said: “He has a high affinity with the energy between heaven and earth, and his talent is very good. Even among the super geniuses, his talent is top-notch. Polu, you have a good vision.”

Wan Polu smiled triumphantly.

Immediately, the elegant middle-aged man looked at Tang Yao and said with a chuckle: “Little guy, how are you! I am Lin Xiuyuan.”

Wan Polu explained: “Tang Yao, Teacher Lin is the first powerhouse above God of War after the master of the Juntian Martial Arts Center. He is the first patrolling envoy of our Martial Arts Center, or the Juntian Martial Arts Center of Beijing Base. The first general director of the museum. Now, the important affairs of our martial arts gym are also handled by Teacher Lin.”

Tang Yao was taken aback.

Sure enough, he is a big boss above God of War.

Tang Yao bowed slightly and said respectfully: “I have seen the inspector!”

Lin Xiuyuan waved his hand and said, “Sit down, they are all Practitioners, there are not so many rules.”

Tang Yao nodded and sat on the chair beside Wan Polu.

As soon as Lin Xiuyuan raised his right hand, a mellow white pill appeared in his hand.

In the pill pill, smoke continuously circulates and dances, like a series of smart dragons.

Lin Xiuyuan smiled and said, “When we meet for the first time, I will give you a gadget.”

With that, Lin Xiuyuan handed the pills forward.

Tang Yao was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

Good stuff!

Great opportunity!

Tang Yao immediately said gratefully, “Thank you, Lord Inspection Envoy!”

With that, Tang Yao got up and took it with both hands.

Because the pill pill was too small, Tang Yao’s hand inevitably touched Lin Xiuyuan’s hand when he took it.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed the skills Lin Xiuyuan possessed.

Primary alchemy, cannot be copied!

Intermediate pupil surgery can be copied!

Intermediate archery, cannot be copied!

Intermediate body forging technique, cannot be copied!

Elementary forging magic, can be copied!

Intermediate astrology, can be copied!

Intermediate risk control technique, cannot be copied!

Without time to think about it, Tang Yao directly copied the intermediate pupil art, elementary forging god art, and intermediate astrology that could be replicated.

While copying, Tang Yao looked at Lin Xiuyuan gratefully and watched the changes in Lin Xiuyuan’s expression.

Lin Xiuyuan’s expression remained unchanged until Tang Yao took the pills and sat back in his seat.

Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, even if it replicates the skills of the strong on God of War, it will not be discovered.

Fortunately, more than an hour has passed since I used the charm power in the hotel, and my mental energy has recovered a lot.

Copying three skills consumes 36% of my mental energy, which can reach the critical point of mental energy consumption.

Even if Lin Xiuyuan has more skills that can be copied, I dare not copy anymore.

Once Mental Energy is consumed too much, it is very likely that Lin Xiuyuan and Lao Wan will find an abnormality.

Wan Polu looked at the pill in Tang Yao’s hand and smiled enviously: “Tang Yao, you have got a good thing. The pill in your hand is called the original pill. The smoke-like thing inside is the origin of Star.”

“Only a strong person like Teacher Lin can collect the origin of the Star and make this origin pill. However, even if it is a strong person above God of War, it is not easy to collect the origin of the star. Just this one origin pill, three Within a day, the Practitioner’s control over one’s own body quality can be Ascension 100 points.”

“After you take it, you will definitely be promoted to the strength of Ascension, and you will be in control faster. Your kid’s luck is really good.”

Hearing this, Tang Yaoyi was overjoyed.

My luck is really good!

Originally, I rushed to Lao Wan’s fire ability.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains.

Moreover, my harvest is more than just a pill of origin.

Tang Yao once again said gratefully to Lin Xiuyuan, “Thank you, the inspector!”

Lin Xiuyuan smiled indifferently, and said, “Xiao Wan has already told me his thoughts. What do you think about taking over as the chief curator of Juntian Wuguan in the capital base?”

Tang Yao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wan Polu.

Xiao Wan?

Wan Polu glared at Tang Yao and ignored him.

Tang Yao did not answer immediately, but thought for a while.

Whether it is physical skills, tactics, movement techniques, astrology, or occult techniques, a high-level Practitioner can help others at best, making the level of Ascension first-level lower than him.

Lao Wan wants to advance to the top of God of War, the most important thing is astrology.

Now, Lao Wan’s astrology level is elementary.

Lin Xiuyuan’s astrology level is intermediate, and he is also a powerhouse above God of War.

He can point out Lao Wan’s cultivation, but the effect will not be particularly prominent.

The master Yingjun’s astrology may be advanced, and it can help the old general’s astrology level Ascension to intermediate, and speed up the speed of old Wan’s promotion above God of War.

But whether it is Ying Jun or Lin Xiuyuan, they are the mainstays of high-end combat power against zombies and upgraded beasts, and they certainly don’t have that much time.

Even if you can squeeze some time, there are many characters in the Juntian Martial Arts Hall who have reached the peak of God of War like Lao Wan, and they can’t teach them.

But I can!

Just now, through duplication, my original intermediate astrology has been Ascension to advanced.

In other words, I can help Lao Wan upgrade his primary astrology Ascension to intermediate level.

In this way, Lao Wan’s cultivation speed will inevitably be faster, and the time it takes to advance to God of War will also be reduced a lot.

Lao Wan wanted me to take over from his original intention, which is to advance to the top of God of War faster.

But now, I can do this even if I don’t succeed him.

Moreover, Lao Wan didn’t have to wait until I was promoted to God of War before getting out.

Tang Yao took a deep breath and said, “Thank you for your love to me from the inspector and Wan senior. However, I don’t want to take over the post of the general curator of the Juntian Martial Arts Center in the Beijing base.”

Upon hearing this, Wan Polu was anxious.

Wan Polu said: “Tang Yao, it’s not that you will take over now, you are not qualified, but you have to wait for you to be promoted to God of War. Moreover, before you come, Teacher Lin has promised. As long as you agree, wait. After you are promoted to God of War, you can try to manage the Juntian Wuguan in the capital base.”

“If your ability is okay, the martial arts gym will provide resources to help you increase your Ascension strength. Although managing the martial arts gym will consume a lot of your time, with the support of these resources, your Ascension speed will not slow down. , It may be faster.”

“When you are promoted to the advanced God of War, I will formally give you the position of Chief Curator. Tang Yao, I hope you can consider it carefully. This kind of opportunity is also rare for you. It can even be said that only this time.”

After Wan Polu finished speaking, Lin Xiuyuan also nodded to Tang Yao.

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