Chapter 200 Can I Trust You

After listening to Wan Polu’s words, Tang Yao didn’t take it seriously.

What only this time?

On the Ningcheng base, Jiang is also approaching the peak of God of War.

As the chief curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base, I will definitely win.

Tang Yao shook his head and said with a smile: “Senior Wan, sorry! Again, my family and friends are in the Ningcheng base, and my foundation is there. I still think that the Ningcheng base is more suitable for me.”

“Curator Jiang is also approaching the peak of God of War. I think I can get the position of the director of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base.”

Wan Polu shook his head disappointedly, trying to say something, but in the end he just sighed helplessly.

Lin Xiuyuan looked at Wan Polu and smiled and said, “Tang Yao’s words are not unreasonable. I just came from the Ningcheng base and Jiang Changhai is already the pinnacle of God of War. Currently, he is also looking for a suitable candidate. Although the Beijing base is more important than the Ningcheng base, this kind of thing still depends on Tang Yao’s personal wishes.”

Wan Polu smiled bitterly and nodded.

Lin Xiuyuan continued: “Since Tang Yao doesn’t want to, don’t force it. You should pay more attention to other people, and train them if they are suitable. Also, don’t relax your guard against the lurking Corpse King and Saint League. I have to rush to the devil. It’s a base, so I won’t stay with you for a long time.”

After speaking, Lin Xiuyuan got up and walked towards the door.

Wan Polu and Tang Yao also hurriedly got up to see each other.

When he reached the top of the building, Lin Xiuyuan patted Wan Polu on the shoulder, and said, “I know that the situation on the capital base is complicated, and you are under a lot of pressure. But you know the importance of the capital base. Therefore, the martial arts gym dare not dare. Easily let someone else take over for you. If you have any needs, just bring them up, and I will satisfy them as much as possible.”

Wan Polu nodded and said with a smile: “Teacher Lin, please rest assured, I’m fine. If there is any need, I will find a teacher as soon as possible.”

Lin Xiuyuan nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Lin Xiuyuan turned to look at Tang Yao and said, “Little guy, work hard. The future of the martial arts center still depends on you young people.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded respectfully.

Lin Xiuyuan waved his hand, and a black circular flying saucer suddenly appeared in the air.

Tang Yao frowned.

The strong above God of War, really good!


These things are all from relics.

Moreover, 100 billion is the bottom line.

The most important thing is that if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Lin Xiuyuan waved at Wan Polu and Tang Yao, and stepped into the flying saucer.

Under the gaze of Wan Polu and Tang Yao, the flying saucer quickly went away.

The speed of the flying saucer was more than ten times faster than the limit speed of Tang Yao’s small war shuttle.

The flying saucer disappeared from sight, Wan Polu turned around and gave Tang Yao a fierce look.

Afterwards, Wan Polu walked towards his office.

Tang Yao smiled indifferently, and followed behind Wan Polu.

Walking to the door of the office, Wan Polu saw that Tang Yao had been following him, frowning and asked: “Why are you still not fucking? You are still fucking with me?”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “It’s okay to get out of here, but you must not regret it, Wan senior.”

After finishing speaking, Tang Yao looked at Wan Polu with an unpredictable appearance.

Wan Polu disdainfully said: “You have rejected all of daddy’s proposals. What else can you do? Get out of here!”

After speaking, Wan Polu opened the door and walked into the office.

Tang Yao followed, and walked into the office.

Sitting on the sofa, Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao who was sitting on the opposite side unceremoniously, and his anger surged.

Tang Yao swallowed.

Damn it!

Old Wan is going crazy!

Tang Yao hurriedly sat down, looking at Wan Polu solemnly, and asked: “Chairman Wan Poluo, can I trust you?”

Wan Polu was taken aback by Tang Yao’s question.

What kind of nerves does this little bastard make?

Wan Polu said angrily: “Believe it or not!”

Tang Yao said solemnly: “Wan senior, this matter is my greatest secret, and it is also closely related to you. I hope senior can answer my questions cautiously. Director General Wanpolu, can I trust you?”

Seeing Tang Yao seriously asking the same question again, Wan Polu’s expression became more solemn.

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao puzzledly.

Is closely related to me?

What kind of demon is this kid going to be?

Isn’t it serious?

After a while, Wan Polu solemnly said: “Although I am a vulgar man, I sit upright, and I have no shame in my heart, I am worthy of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall, and I am worthy of mankind. As for your boy, believe me or not. , Then you have to ask yourself.”

Tang Yao nodded and smiled.

In fact, Tang Yao can ask this, it means that he has a certain degree of trust in Wan Polu.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao knowingly asked: “Wan senior, which level is your astrology?”

Wan Polu glanced at Tang Yao and said, “Elementary.”

Although only the pinnacle God of War can cultivate astrology, Tang Yao, as a super genius, is also in the genius training camp, so it’s not surprising to know.

In this regard, Wan Polu didn’t doubt anything.

Hearing this, Tang Yao exhaled, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

At the same time, Tang Yao’s eyes brightened a lot, and he looked like a bamboo in his chest.

Tang Yao smiled confidently: “Wan senior, I have a way to speed up your cultivation.”

Wan Polu was taken aback, then looked at Tang Yao suspiciously, and asked: “You? You, a little guy who has just been promoted to the rank, can help me Ascension Cultivation speed? Did you know that the peak God of War cultivation is all astrology? .”

“Astrology is an upgraded version of physical arts. Cultivation is even more difficult! If you can help me Ascension cultivation speed, unless your astrology level is higher than mine. At a young age, the tone is not small.”

Tang Yao secretly slandered in his heart.

Lao Wan, didn’t he just reject your proposal?

The anger is not small!

Be stingy!

Tang Yao didn’t speak, but looked at Wan Polu with a smile.

Wan Polu was a little confused by Tang Yao.

After a while, Wan Polu asked uncertainly: “You kid, don’t you really cultivate astrology?”

Immediately, Wan Polu shook his head and said, “It shouldn’t be! Astrology is different from physical arts. The cultivation of astrology involves the communication of energy between heaven and earth. Only the physical strength reaches the limit of God of War, and when the breakthrough is approaching , It is possible to link the energy between heaven and earth.”

“This is also the reason why astrology can only be awarded to the Realm of God of War at its peak. Without certain insights, it is impossible to find a unique and unique astrology operation method suitable for own. Astrology can not work, even if someone takes the basic framework of astrology If you teach it to you, you can’t cultivation.”

“Your kid has just been promoted to the rank of warlord, how could you have cultivated astrology? Tang Yao, isn’t your kid making fun of me?”

At the end, Wan Polu’s anger came up again.

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