Chapter 201 Actually, I’m a Dual Ability Awakener

Looking at Wan Polu, Tang Yao shook his head, but he secretly complained.

Make you foolish?

Am I so free?

I only heard about the cultivation conditions of astrology from your mouth today.

As for how I can cultivate astrology, how do I know?

It will be copied anyway.

What a simple thing.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao said lightly: “I knew the basic method of astrology cultivation three years ago. Moreover, I have been deducing for the past three years. I think my astrology level should be higher than yours.”

Wan Polu frowned and said, “If you are not at the peak God of War level, how can you be awarded the basic method of cultivation astrology. Besides, 3 years ago, your kid just entered high school, right?”

“You just cultivated at that time, and physical skills were just starting out. How could you know astrology? What kind of deductions are you talking about! The Realm at the peak of daddy God of War, after two years of cultivation of astrology, has it reached the elementary level.”

“Even if you were awarded the basic cultivation method of astrology 3 years ago, you are a kid, you can deduce astrology to a higher level than me in 3 years? I think you kid, you really owe it! ”

Tang Yao said: “Wan senior, you were not awarded astrology until you became the pinnacle of God of War, because your talent is not good. I can be awarded at the beginning of the cultivation, which involves what I just told you, my biggest confidential.”

Speaking of this, Tang Yao paused, pretending to be hesitant.

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao suspiciously.

Is daddy talent not good?


Is daddy also a first-class genius?

Although not as good as you, but also talented Transcendent.

The biggest secret?

What else is this kid hiding?

After a while, Tang Yao gritted his teeth and looked at Wan Polu and said solemnly: “Wan senior, I believe you, and only told you. At this time, you must keep secrets for me.”

Seeing Tang Yu’s serious expression, Wan Polu nodded solemnly.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao said seriously: “Actually, I am a dual power awakener.”

Hearing this, Wan Polu’s heart trembled.

Double power awakener!

It has been 118 years since the catastrophe, and the known dual-power awakeners have counted both hands.

This kid Tang Yao is actually a dual power awakener!

Depend on!

This shit luck, heaven-defying!

Seeing the shock on Wan Polu’s face, Tang Yao was secretly proud.

Mock up, I can’t scare you!

Tang Yao continued: “One of the abilities, Wan senior should have guessed, is mental shock. My other ability is called Jingwu. Once I use the Jingwu ability, I will be in various cultivation methods of Insight. His comprehension will be greatly Ascension, the thinking will become extremely active, and the efficiency will be much higher than usual.”

“Actually, I had reached the perfection level a long time ago in physical skills, tactics, and movement techniques. Since then, I have been deducing astrology and secret techniques. So, ten thousand senior, although your strength is much stronger than me, But the level of astrology is really not necessarily higher than mine.”

Wan Polu nodded, that’s it.

This kid’s first ability is already very strong.

The second one is even more outrageous!

Increased understanding!

What other people can comprehend in a month may be done in a few days.

It seems that this kid’s astrology level is higher than mine, but it is possible.

After thinking about it, Wan Polu asked, “Who taught you the basic cultivation methods of astrology and secretary?”

Tang Yao smiled and said: “Wan senior, I am a pharmacist. You know this. When my Master passed on my knowledge of pharmacy, I learned that I had the ability to quietly enlighten, so I advanced the basic cultivation methods of astrology and secretary. Taught me.”

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao enviously, and said with emotion: “Yes, with the ability of tranquility, it is necessary to know the basic cultivation methods of astrology and secretary in advance. If you can teach you this, then your master must be God of The strong above War. You kid, good luck makes people jealous.”

“The Master and the teacher are completely different. You can let the strong above God of War accept you as a disciple, and your kid can be considered two times. At that time, the previous chief curator of Juntian Wuguan in the Beijing base died in battle, and I just took over. At that time, inspection envoy Lin Xiuyuan took me for a period of time.”

“But, I didn’t have the luck of you, and I couldn’t get into his eyes. Up to now, I can only call him Teacher Lin. Then you Master, who is the strong?”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Wan senior, when my Master accepted me as a disciple, he had a three chapters with me. One of them was that he could not disclose his information. In fact, his old man did not mention his identity to me. I I don’t know who he is.”

There are not a few people who are powerful and have weird personalities. Tang Yao said that, and it made sense.

Hearing this, Wan Polu nodded.

Immediately Wan Polu sighed helplessly, and said, “Even if your astrology level is higher than mine, it is useless. Because everyone’s astrology is unique and is the most suitable for own. If I learn your astrology, My astrology may be ascension in a short time.”

“But after all, it’s not the most suitable for me, and there are not too many Ascension’s. Moreover, in the long run, it will affect my future cultivation. Otherwise, the strong above God of War in the martial arts hall, they can Use Mental Energy to instill the perception of astrology to others, Ascension everyone’s astrology level.”

Tang Yao smiled.

This is not a matter at all.

The astrology I copied is simply the most basic method of operation.

I didn’t make any adjustments at all, so I just used it.

Just like the talent ability that I copied, it’s just the most basic ability.

Like healing powers, I just used them directly, without making any adjustments.

Like the charm ability, I developed it myself, and it can be used.

Currently, I have only made adjustments to the charm ability.

Other abilities are just the most basic effects.

Just leave the most basic things of astrology to Lao Wan.

As for how Lao Wan wanted to turn these basic things into things that belonged exclusively to him, that would be Lao Wan’s own business.

At least, it was much faster than Lao Wan started researching from the basics.

You can’t talk directly to Lao Wan like this, you have to change your opinion.

However, Lao Wan reminded me.

Mental Energy instills!

This, I will!

Although my Mental Energy is definitely not as good as the strong above God of War, I am familiar with using Mental Energy to convey information!

At the beginning, I used the charm ability to tamper with the memory. Isn’t it just to instill a piece of accurate information into the other’s mind and induce it?

I have done this on zombies many times, and I have long been familiar with it.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao said half-truth to Wan Polu: “Wan senior, it’s not the same. I haven’t really used astrology for cultivation, let alone adjusted to my own direction for astrology.”

“My understanding of astrology is actually the most basic mode of operation. I can give it to you, and these are the same. Once the basic things are in hand, how to make it suitable for you, unique to your astrology, still have to Wan senior, try it yourself.”

“But with the most basic astrology operation method, you can definitely shorten the time of your Ascension astrology level. So, I can ascension your cultivation speed. As for how to achieve the conditions for being promoted to God of War, this is me If you don’t understand, you have to rely on yourself.”

Hearing this, Wan Polu looked overjoyed.

What Tang Yao said is really possible.

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