Chapter 203

Tang Yao smiled happily, his eyes filled with excitement.

The method of cultivation Mental Energy!

With God forging technique, I can take the initiative to cultivate and continuously strengthen my own Mental Energy through God forging technique.

In the past, although Mental Energy was also growing on weekdays, it was passive and the effect was minimal.

Only when breaking through the realm of the realm, Mental Energy will increase.

Although the increase is not small, after all, this growth will only occur when the breakthrough is big.

Now that I have the primary forging magic technique, I can grow Mental Energy every day.


Hehe smiled, Tang Yao closed his eyes again and cultivated forging gods.

Three hours later, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy all recovered.

But Tang Yao didn’t stop cultivation, he wanted to see the effect of Ascension Mental Energy.

After another ten minutes, Tang Yao opened his eyes.

Tang Yao shook his head in disappointment.


I think it’s so beautiful!

My current mental energy intensity has reached the limit of current physical intensity.

Mental Energy still has to limit the strength of the receptor, which is why Mental Energy will increase significantly every time the physical limit is broken.

Forging the gods technique for me now is just one effect, doubling the recovery speed of Mental Energy.

I want to use Ascension Mental Energy, but I can’t do it now.

However, it’s great!

The faster Mental Energy recovers, the more life-saving costs will be.

Rumor has it that breaking through to Realm above God of War is a transition of the essence of life.

If you want to use Ascension Mental Energy, it is estimated that you will have to wait for the promotion to God of War.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao took out the pen and paper from the Interspatial Ring and wrote line by line.

Primary alchemy, cannot be copied!

Intermediate pupil surgery can be copied!

Intermediate archery, cannot be copied!

Intermediate body forging technique, cannot be copied!

Elementary forging magic, can be copied!

Intermediate astrology, can be copied!

Intermediate risk control technique, cannot be copied!

Looking at the skills on the paper in his hand, Tang Yao fell into deep thought.

Among these skills of Lin Xiuyuan, I have copied the intermediate pupil technique and directly upgraded the elementary pupil technique in the five-senses exploration technique to the intermediate level.

The primary forging magic and the intermediate astrology have also been copied.

Among the remaining skills, the primary alchemy cannot be copied. It should be because my primary alchemy is incomplete and must be completed to continue to upgrade.

Intermediate archery?

This is the first time I have seen a skill with a weapon name.

It seems that the strong above God of War attach great importance to the cultivation and use of weapons and have formed skills.

And this bodybuilding technique, as the name suggests, is definitely a way to strengthen the body.

The body-building boxing taught in the genius training camp did not know whether it had anything to do with the body-building technique.

But what can make the strong above God of War cultivate, the inevitable effect is very powerful.

It’s a pity that Lin Xiuyuan’s bodybuilding technique is intermediate and cannot be replicated.

Otherwise, with this physical exercise technique, my strength Ascension may be faster.

Intermediate risk control?

Just by looking at the name, it is a skill to control the wind.

But logically speaking, shouldn’t this be a talented ability?

How is it just a skill?

Could it be that after being promoted to God of War, what changes will happen to the talents?

Moreover, the name Wind Control is too big.

Is it possible to control the various effects of wind?

Wind is the upgraded attribute of the wood attribute. Although it belongs to Five Elements, it covers a wide range.

There are wind blades, hurricanes, flying wind… etc. just the wind talents that I know about.

If Lin Xiuyuan controlled the various effects of the wind, then this wind control technique would be too awesome.

If the powerhouses above God of War have mastered the attribute control of a category, it is much more powerful than I thought!

Thinking of this, Tang Yao’s eyes were a little shocked and a little excited.

This is the best, I copy and merge it, it is much more convenient.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao took out two things from the Interspatial Ring.

One is the battle suit and the other is the original pill.

The speed at which I control my strength is much faster than usual.

The original source pill is used now, but it is a bit wasteful.

Ascension’s strength is fully controlled when I will be promoted to the general, and I will absorb some genetic medicine before using it.

In that case, I will soon be promoted to the 4-star warlord.

War clothes!

A few days ago, after I was promoted to the general, my talents have been unstable.

Now, the effect of fusion has come out, Mental Energy is also stable, but it can be refined.

But wait a minute!

The refining battle suit consumes a lot of Mental Energy.

You will have to use Mental Energy on Lao Wan for a while. If the refining suit consumes too much Mental Energy, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao took the battle clothes and the original pill into the Interspatial Ring.

After that, Tang Yao got up and got out of bed and began to use body-building fists to improve the control of his own strength.


After dinner, Tang Yao continued to cultivate.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Tang Yao came to Wan Polu’s office again.

And Wan Polu has been waiting for a long time.

The two are not talking nonsense, and go directly to the topic.

Both Tang Yao and Wan Polu were sitting on the ground in Lotus Position, and they sat opposite each other.

Tang Yao said anxiously: “Ten thousand senior, you must never resist. My Mental Energy is incomparable to your strength. If you resist, the transmission of information will inevitably fail. If you resist a bit harder, I guess I It might just hang up.”

Wan Polu nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I know it in my heart. However, your kid also be careful. If you are undefended, if you are undefended, I will not die and I will be seriously injured.”

Tang Yao said silently: “Ten thousand senior, you are the God of War. Even if you are seriously injured, you can kill me out of all likelihood. I haven’t lived enough yet! It’s you, but you must control yourself. what!”

“You have rich combat experience, and many things have been incorporated into instinct. Even if you just resist instinctively, I am still hanging.”

Wan Polu nodded solemnly, then closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao took a deep breath.

Immediately, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Tang Yao’s Mental Energy carried a wave of information about Intermediate Astrology, and slowly transmitted it into Wan Polu’s mind.

The moment Tang Yao’s Mental Energy entered Wan Polu’s mind, Wan Polu’s Mental Energy immediately fluctuated.

Tang Yao’s heart tightened.

Fortunately, Wan Polu suppressed the fluctuation of Mental Energy in time.

Tang Yao felt relieved and continued to transmit information.

Since Wan Polu did not have a trace of resistance, the information transmission went smoothly.

Tang Yao has done this kind of thing on zombies many times, and he is familiar with the road.

The only difference is that this time, Tang Yao operated extremely slowly, for fear of something wrong.

Under the precise control of the two, the transmission of information went smoothly.

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