Chapter 204

The information transmission went smoothly, and Tang Yao’s nervous heart was slightly settled.

After half a minute, Tang Yao frowned.

I go!

The information transmission went so smoothly!

Even though I have already controlled the speed very slowly, it will be over after 5 minutes at most.

The consumption of mental energy is about 30%.

When it’s over, I will copy Lao Wan’s fire abilities, and the consumption of Mental Energy should be around 60% of the critical point.

It’s not a big problem!

However, this speed is not good!

I have designed the plot!

In 5 minutes, the information transmission is over. How can I show that I am extremely difficult?

How can I act according to the set plot?

Thinking of this, Tang Yao moved in his heart and reduced the originally slow information transmission speed again.

Moreover, it has been reduced a lot.

The moment Tang Yao reduced the speed of information transmission, Wan Polu felt it.

Wan Polu didn’t think much.

It’s better to be slower and safer.

What was supposed to be finished in 5 minutes was delayed by Tang Yao for a full half an hour.

Mental Energy consumed 32%, which was almost as expected by Tang Yao.

However, he was highly concentrated for a long time and consumed a lot of energy, and Tang Yao’s face turned pale.

After the information transmission was completed, Tang Yao let out a sullen sound, and fell straight towards Wan Polu.

When the information transmission was over, Wan Polu was trying to perceive the information transmitted by Tang Yao, and he heard Tang Yao’s muffled sound.

Wan Polu’s heart was tight, and he quickly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Wan Polu saw Tang Yao falling towards him with a pale face.

Wan Polu immediately raised his hand, trying to help Tang Yao.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao was overjoyed, raised his hands and put them on Wanpolu’s hands.

With the help of Wan Polu, Tang Yao didn’t fall anymore, just lowered his head.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed the talented ability that Wan Polu possessed.

Talent ability: Fire knife, can be copied, replaceable, and fusion!

At the same time, Tang Yao felt that there was a connection between his Five Elements ability and Wan Polu’s fire knife ability.

Tang Yao didn’t hesitate, and immediately chose Fusion.

In an instant, in Tang Yao’s Five Elements ability, there was an extra fire knife ability.

After consuming 30% of Mental Energy again, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumption reached 62%, exceeding the critical point by 2%.

The tingling sensation of needle sticks came again.

Tang Yao had felt the stronger tingling sensation, but he could still bear it, but his face became paler in an instant.

Fortunately, Tang Yao was bowing his head at this time, and Wan Polu couldn’t see the instant change in his face.

While enduring the pain, Tang Yao was secretly happy.

The worse the better!

The more miserable, the more Lao Wan is grateful to me.


It’s just over 2% of the critical point!

Although the mental energy consumption exceeds the critical point, the recovery speed is only one-tenth of the usual.

But with the primary forging magic, it was replenished in an hour.

Wan Polu slightly exerted force and slowly straightened Tang Yao.

Looking at Tang Yao’s pale face and frowning brows, Wan Polu knew that Tang Yao’s Mental Energy had been consumed too much.

As an awakened person, Wan Polu has experienced this kind of thing more than once.

He has endured that kind of pain more than once.

Wan Polu couldn’t bear it, he sighed, and said, “Boy, I have written down your kindness.”

Tang Yao reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and after pulling back his hands, he said weakly, “Wan senior don’t care, it’s just a small matter. It’s fine to recover for a while. Senior first try cultivation and see what I have transmitted to you. Is there any use of the astrological information? I won’t bother the senior, I’ll go back and rest first.”

After speaking, Tang Yao slowly got up.

As soon as he stood upright, Tang Yao’s body shook and almost fell.

Just as Wan Polu wanted to help him again, he saw that Tang Yao had already stood firm, and waved his hand at him.

Afterwards, Tang Yao slowly walked out of Wan Polu’s office step by step.

Seeing Tang Yao’s staggering back, Wan Polu nodded secretly.

This kid is really good.

Wan Polu’s eyes flickered for a while, and then his eyes condensed, as if he had made some decision.

Smiling, Wan Polu began to perceive the information he had just received.


After returning to the room, Tang Yao hurriedly sat on the ground in Lotus Position and began to perform the primary forging magic technique.

Just now, although Tang Yao had the elements of exercises, his weakness and pain were real.

An hour later, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy had recovered to 40%.

The tingling sensation in Tang Yao’s mind disappeared, and Mental Energy’s recovery speed was also normal.

Tang Yao continued to cultivate and restore the mental energy he had consumed.

After another three hours, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy all recovered.

Afterwards, Tang Yao washed a bit and went to rest.

Energy consumption must be supplemented by sleep.


At 10 o’clock in the morning on September 7, Tang Yao woke up leisurely.

Stretching his waist, Tang Yao got out of bed refreshingly.

After washing, Tang Yao ate something.

While eating, Tang Yao secretly perceives the newly acquired fire knife ability.

Similar to Chu Jian’s Thunder Sword ability, they are both very powerful and violent abilities.

So far, in Tang Yao’s Five Elements ability, three types of gold, water and fire are already available, and two types of wood and earth are complete.

After eating, Tang Yao came to Wan Polu’s office.

The matter of the Beijing base was over, Tang Yao planned to return to the Ningcheng base, and he came to tell Wan Po.

By the way, take a look at the results of Wan Polu’s overnight cultivation.



Tang Yao knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

Wan Polu’s voice came from the office.

Tang Yao pushed the door and walked in, and he saw Wan Polu working on the official documents.

Looking up at Tang Yao, Wan Polu smiled brightly and said, “Wait a moment.”

Seeing Wan Polu’s look, Tang Yao smiled.

It seems that the effect is good!

Tang Yao walked straight to the reception area, and after sitting down, he unceremoniously began to make tea.

The tea had just been brewed, and Wan Polu got up and walked over.

After Wan Polu sat down, Tang Yao poured a cup of tea for each of them.

Tang Yao raised his teacup, gestured to Wan Polu, and said with a smile: “Congratulations, Wan senior!”

Wan Polu smiled heartily and took a sip from his teacup.

After putting down the teacup, Wan Polu smiled and said: “Your kid’s deduction of astrology really surpasses me. Your quiet comprehension ability is really powerful. The information you transmitted to me about astrology is very helpful to me. Big.”

“In about half a month, I can almost adjust the astrology to the extent that it fits me completely. In one month, I can make the astrology Ascension to the intermediate level. In this way, my cultivation speed is more than double that of the Ascension!”

“Boy, you have helped me a lot. Let’s talk about it, I will satisfy you as much as possible.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Wan senior, didn’t we talk about it before? It’s enough if you support me behind your back.”

Hearing this, Wan Polu smiled and shook his head.

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