Chapter 205: Why Is This Little Lady Here?

In the General Hall of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Beijing Base, in the office of the chief curator.

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao and said, “Yes, we are talking about it. But you helped me and supporting you is what I should do. Moreover, your consumption yesterday was not small, and you suffered a lot. .”

“Take advantage of your junior, I can’t do it. Let’s talk, what do you want, even if it is my compensation for you.”

Tang Yao thought for a while and smiled: “Suddenly, I really don’t know what I want.”

Tang Yao didn’t want it.

He doesn’t need the ones with low value.

He is not easy to open his mouth if he is of high value.

Although Tang Yao suffered a bit yesterday, he recovered all night.

Strictly speaking, Tang Yao didn’t lose much.

Wan Polu saw Tang Yao’s thoughts, and smiled: “When is your kid embarrassed?”

With that, a small bottle appeared in Wan Polu’s hand and threw it to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao hurriedly took it.

Looking at the small bottle in his hand, Tang Yaoyi was overjoyed.

The essence of life!

However, it is a bit expensive!

Just as Tang Yao wanted to speak, he saw Wan Polu wave his hand and said, “Take it, compared with your help to me, this thing is not worth mentioning. With your talent, the essence of life cannot be ascension of your talent. , But a bottle of life essence can still help you Ascension a level.”

“You kid, break through to God of War as soon as possible! Based on my understanding of Jiang Changhai’s old man, he will be like me, and I hope you will succeed him. The sooner you break through, the sooner he can get out.”

“He has just reached the peak God of War level, and he is still a lot behind me. If he is really left behind by me too much, it would be boring!”

Tang Yao nodded with a smile, and collected the essence of life into the Interspatial Ring.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao said, “Wan senior, there is one more thing, I have to trouble you.”

Wan Polu said, “Let’s talk about it.”

Tang Yao said: “It’s very simple, that is, I hope Wan Senior can talk to Curator Jiang about your senses and your thoughts about me taking over. You can talk about it, including the astrology that I transmitted to you.”

Wan Polu smiled and said, “It seems that your kid really wants to take the position of the chief curator of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base! You don’t want to take the conditions I gave you and go with Jiang Negotiating? What? Changed your mind?”

“You can talk boldly. Before you talk about the results, I won’t reveal your idea of ​​succeeding him. The more benefits you squeeze from that old man, the happier I will be.”

Wan Polu said with interest.

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Forget it!”

Hearing this, Wan Polu shook his head in disappointment.

The good show is gone!

Wan Polui thought for a while and said, “Yes, it’s not necessary. When you help him to Ascension the level of astrology, the old man will not be stingy. Whatever should be given to you will naturally be given to you.”

“However, even if Lao Jiang chooses you, if you want to replace him, you must at least have the strength of a high-level God of War. Moreover, it is not easy to pass the audit by the headquarters.”

“Hurry up. In recent years, the situation has become more and more tense. It may not be a few years before an all-out war will break out.”

Tang Yao nodded.

It won’t be used for a few years!

There is only a little more than two years.

Tang Yao said: “Ten thousand senior, then I will leave first. On the Yuan family’s side, we have to trouble senior to put some pressure on me. I don’t want the Yuan family to trouble Yuan Zhan and Yuan Xi brothers and sisters.”

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao with a smile, and asked, “You kid, isn’t it because of Yuan Xi’s little girl?”

Tang Yao looked at Wan Polu silently.

This old man, kind of Eight Trigrams!

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Yuan Zhan is now messing with me and helping his subordinates solve their problems. Isn’t it right?”

Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao and said meaningfully, “You kid, you’re looking far away! Don’t worry, the Yuan family is not a problem, it’s a second-rate family. Go away, be careful on the road!”

After speaking, Wan Polu waved his hand.

Originally, Wan Polu was quite curious about where Tang Yao’s battle shuttle came from, and wanted to ask Tang Yao.

But now, Wan Polu also wants to understand.

Previously, Tang Yao asked him to cover the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, and Tang Yao mostly sold the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King.

That war shuttle was either traded or bought.

Tang Yao smiled, thanked him, and walked out of Wan Polu’s office.

Arriving at the top of the building, Tang Yao boarded the war shuttle.

After the shuttle was launched into the sky, it went straight to the Ningcheng base.

Half an hour later, Tang Yao received a communication from Yuan Xi, saying that the Yuan family wanted to talk to Tang Yao.

Moreover, the Yuan family’s posture is very low.

Tang Yao smiled.

Lao Wan’s work efficiency is quite high.

Tang Yao ignored it, just let Yuan Xi handle it by himself.


At one o’clock in the afternoon, Tang Yao entered the Ningcheng base after being verified by the Ningcheng base’s defense system.

The direction Tang Yao entered was exactly where the Jinxiu District was located.

Tang Yao got off the battle shuttle outside the base and went straight to Mingyue Community.

Under Tang Yao’s order, Zhan Suo was driven by Jing Nao Xiao Hei and flew to Juntian Community behind Juntian Wuguan in Jinxiu District.

In the end, the war shuttle parked in the open space of Tang Yao’s villa.

The appearance of an unfamiliar war shuttle naturally attracted the attention of people around.

Under normal circumstances, the shuttle is the car of the God of War class powerhouse.

Seeing Zhan Shuo stopped in Tang Yao’s villa, the onlookers knew it.

Everyone still knows that Tang Yao was recruited into the genius training camp of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

But Tang Yao had only left for more than three months before he got back a War Shuttle, and everyone still thought it was a little weird.

Moreover, this small combat shuttle actually had 10 laser cannons added.

This made the onlookers even more shocked.

Some people wanted to come forward to say hello, but after the shuttle landed, no one showed up.

These people shook their heads, turned around and left.

They knew in their hearts that this war shuttle flew back automatically.

Although Tang Yao did not show up, news of Tang Yao quickly spread in the Juntian Martial Arts Hall.


After Tang Yao returned to Mingyue Community, he walked straight into Unit 2 of Building 6, and climbed the stairs to the 16th floor.

Tang Yao did not return to 1601 where he lived before, but walked to the door of 1602.



Tang Yao smiled and knocked on the door.


The door was opened from the inside.

Tang Yao smiled and wanted to say hello, but when he saw the person who opened the door, Tang Yao was taken aback.

At this time, inside the door, was standing a woman with a graceful figure and an enchanting face.

The woman looked at Tang Yao with a smile and raised her eyebrows, a little joke.

Tang Yao frowned and looked at the woman in front of him with a puzzled look.

Ji Qiangwei?

Why is this little lady here?

At this time, Bai Qiuyun’s voice came from the room.

“Qiangwei, is Xiaoyao back?”

Ji Qiangwei replied: “Aunt Bai, it is Tang Yao who is back!”

With that said, Ji Qiangwei moved to the side, letting go of the door.

Tang Yao glanced at Ji Qiangwei faintly, then walked in.

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