Chapter 209

Tang Yao raised his right hand, rubbed his five fingers and felt it.

Tang Yao smiled excitedly and nodded in satisfaction.

This battle suit is very thin and will not affect the battle at all.

Moreover, the toughness is very strong, worthy of being a baby with 10 times the defense power of Ascension.

My current physique strength is 356 points. If you want to break through the defense of the suit, you must at least be a powerhouse with a physique strength of 3560 points, that is, a powerhouse with a 3-star God of War level.

With this jersey, my safety is also more guaranteed.

Once I have control of Ascension’s strength, I can test Lu Rui’s third uncle Lu Wenju.

I have been puzzled for a long time about the relationship between zombies and Celestial Corpse Sect.

Hope you can gain something!

Tang Yao’s thoughts moved, and the jersey shrank back into the black ball on the belt.

Later, Tang Yao took off his combat uniform, leaving only his underwear.

Tie the belt around his waist, Tang Yao’s heart moved again, and the battle clothes covered his whole body.

But this time, the battle clothes did not cover Tang Yao’s hands and head, but turned into a set of black casual clothes.

Even the black casual shoes on Tang Yao’s feet were changed from battle clothes.

There are two advantages to doing this.

First, wearing a battle suit from time to time, safety will be much higher.

The second is to wear the suit close to the body, and the defense will follow the Ascension of Tang Yao’s physical strength, and the automatic Ascension.

Tang Yao walked to the mirror, looked at it, and adjusted the size of his suit.

After a while, after finishing the adjustment, Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

Tang Yao smiled and said narcissistically: “So handsome!”

Afterwards, Tang Yao raised his wrist and manipulated it on the tactical watch.

Half an hour later, the people from Juntian Wuguan Mall came to the door and took back the level 6 combat uniform that Tang Yao had worn.

When Tang Yao bought this level 6 combat uniform, he spent 200 million.

The recycling price of the goods was half of the selling price. In addition, Tang Yao left a tactical watch. After recycling the combat uniform, Tang Yao received 90 million.

After the people in the mall left, Tang Yao looked at his balance of 94.8 million yuan, and curled his lips helplessly.

Wuguan Mall, really dark!

Shaking his head, Tang Yao began to cultivate, punching body-building fists over and over again.


At 5 pm, Tang Yao walked out of the house and came to a restaurant near the Third High School in Jinxiu District.

Tang Yao, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui who were in high school often came to this restaurant.

Of course, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui pay the bill most of the time.

Sitting in the private room, Tang Yao checked the time.

Feeling almost done, Tang Yao ordered a table of food.

While waiting, Tang Yao received a message from Yi Qingxuan.

After reading it, Tang Yao was energetic for a while.

Yi family finally got 4 bottles of life essence.

Tang Yao replied a message to Yi Qingxuan, agreeing to send each other the items needed by each other tomorrow.

After waiting for another 20 minutes, the door of the private room was pushed open as soon as the waiter had finished serving the food.

Tang Yao looked up and saw that it was Zhu Junyi who was smiling and Lu Rui who was faint-faced.

Zhu Junyi stepped forward, punched Tang Yao, and smiled: “Little demon, your kid is finally back.”

Lu Rui was not as bold as Zhu Junyi, but the smile on the corner of his mouth still revealed his happiness.

Tang Yao sighed, pretending to be helpless, and said: “Oh! It won’t work if you don’t come back! The two of you are progressing so slowly, how can I rest assured that I can only come back and personally urge you.”

Zhu Junyi gave Tang Yao a white look, and sat on both sides of Tang Yao with Lu Rui.

Feeling the aura radiating from Tang Yao’s body that was much stronger than him, Zhu Junyi asked incredulously: “Little demon, you have already made a breakthrough, right?”

Tang Yao smiled triumphantly and nodded.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui were overjoyed, and then a little lost.

Originally, Tang Yao’s strength was not as good as them.

But now, Tang Yao has surpassed them by a large margin.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Dage is now developed, so I won’t forget you guys! Life Essence, two bottles per person, I have arranged for you. It will be there within a week, and I will notify you when it arrives.”

Upon hearing this, both Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui were taken aback.

The essence of life!

Even if it is the life essence of the Elementary Demon King, a complete one will cost 30 billion!

Not necessarily available yet!

Two bottles for one person!

Isn’t that 12 billion!

Lu Rui shook his head and said, “Little demon, it’s too precious! The body purification pills and Xuanyuanguo you gave us last time have been of great help to us. You should keep the essence of life for yourself! Even if you don’t use it, It can also be used by Uncle Tang and Aunt Bai.”

Zhu Junyi also nodded.

Tang Yao said, “I gave them the share of Old Tang and his mother a long time ago. Give it to you, you can use it with confidence, and be polite to me!”

“After using the life essence to improve your physique, your talent should be equal to that of a first-class genius. Ba Jie, your talent should be equal to a second-class genius. If your talent is strong, your future cultivation road will be smoother. ”

After hearing Tang Yao’s words, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui did not refuse.

Immediately, each of the three filled a glass of wine.

The three smiled at each other, and all drank.

After eating some food, Tang Yao asked, “How is your time?”

Zhu Junyi smiled and said first: “With the aid of the 3 Xuanyuan Fruits you sent last time, I have already been promoted to the 4-star warrior, and the 5-star warrior is coming soon. I entered the Ningcheng War Palace. Before entering the university, I recruited some students using the genetic medicines you prepared.”

“After entering the Ningcheng War Palace, with these people as the team, I have now formed a team in the academy. There are not many people, but the cohesion is quite strong.”

“At present, I am the strongest among the freshmen in the Ningcheng Zhanfu, and the appeal is good. The team benefits are also good, and there are many freshmen who want to join. However, I am very strict in reviewing and recruiting people. Not much.”

Tang Yao nodded and looked at Lu Rui.

Lu Ruiyan said concisely: “I am a 6-star soldier now. After entering Ningcheng Military Academy, my situation is similar to that of Bajie.”

After thinking about it, Lu Rui said with a heavy face: “Before, I communicated with Bajie, and I contacted the students who have entered the different universities of Xia Guo’s major bases.”

“We found that after we entered the university this year, the various universities have increased the supply of resources, and the increase is not a little bit. If we infer from this, I am afraid that the current situation is even more tense.”

Tang Yao sighed and said, “I have this feeling too. But we can’t control the big situation. We still have to hurry up to Ascension own strength and strengthen our power. I can tell you for sure that full-scale war is inevitable. Stay. There is not much time for us.”

After hearing Tang Yao’s words, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui both took a deep breath, their faces becoming heavier.

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