Chapter 210 Of course, except you!

The atmosphere was a bit low, and the three of Tang Yao each poured a glass of wine and drank it.

Putting down the wine glass, Zhu Junyi looked at Tang Yao and asked, “How about you? What are your plans?”

Tang Yao said: “In one month, I will be able to control the strength of the advanced Ascension. If not unexpected, before the end of the year, I will break through to 7-star fighters and enter the God of War training camp in Juntian Martial Arts Hall. ”

“Tomorrow, I will talk to the Chief Curator Jiang of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base. He is now the pinnacle of God of War and is looking for a successor. When I am promoted to God of War, I left God of The War training camp should initially participate in the management of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base.”

Upon hearing this, both Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui were shocked and stared at Tang Yao incredulously.

Dage, are you kidding us?

You have a lot of money, and give the essence of your life whatever you want. We will believe you if you are promoted to 7 Star Wars before the end of the year.

But you said you are going to take over as Jiang Changhai, this is a bit big, right?

Zhu Junyi said: “Little demon, you have just been promoted to the general. Even if you have good talents, Ascension is fast. But it will take a lot of time before you are promoted to God of War, right? Even if the general director Jiang values ​​you, he can Wait that long?”

Tang Yao smiled mysteriously and said: “Choosing a successor is not as simple as you think. There are not many high-quality candidates like me. And, how can I be passively selected? I naturally have my own way.”

Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui looked at each other, and both smiled helplessly.

The little demon really couldn’t see through.

However, it doesn’t matter.

The relationship has not changed, and the good brothers are getting stronger and stronger, which is also a good thing.

Tang Yao turned his head, looked at Lu Rui, and asked, “What happened to the Su family I made you pay attention to some time ago?”

Lu Rui said: “The Su family is in the Hongyu District of Ningcheng Base. It is a second-rate family in Hongyu District. The strength of the Su family is not as good as my Lu family, but after all, it is not in the same district. The Lu family has little influence on the Su family. .”

“Fortunately, the Su Family Patriarch is very fond of his daughter, and does not use Su Muwan as a marriage tool like other big families. Su Muwan is only restricted from contacting that Hou Hui, and everything else is fine.”

“Therefore, I didn’t come forward either, just secretly watching. However, recently Pei Jingyao, the only first-class family in Hongyu District, the heir of the Pei family, has taken a fancy to Su Muwan and pursued a fierce offensive.”

“The Su family is very optimistic about Pei Jingyao, and also attaches great importance to the marriage with the Pei family. The Patriarch of the Su family also hopes that Pei Jingyao and Su Muwan can become a pair. After all, among peers, Pei Jingyao is the best choice regardless of family background or strength. .”

“This tendency of the Su family has already appeared. There should be people blowing in Su Muwan’s ears, but Su Muwan should not have been persecuted at all. I let people keep staring there. If Su Muwan is really persecuted, I and My father has already negotiated, and the Lu family will intervene directly.”

Tang Yao nodded, and said: “Just stare at first, and also see the reaction of Su Family Miss. If her feelings for Hou Hui are true, whether it is Pei Family or Su Family, I will solve it. Otherwise, there is no need to intervene.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Rui nodded.

At this time, Zhu Junyi asked suspiciously: “What did you two say? Little demon, who is Hou Jue?”

Tang Yao explained: “Hou Hui is a student of the genius training camp, and I have already mixed up with me now. There is some relationship between Miss Su and Hou Hui, but they are not recognized by the Su family. The old story, but the sad people are different. Are not the same.”

Zhu Junyi nodded and said, “Since it’s your little brother, you have to help. Your kid can do it! At the genius training camp, you can still receive a little brother.”

Tang Yao smiled and said: “In addition to Hou Hui, there is also a little brother named Yuan Zhan, who is also my little brother. Now, Yuan Zhan is estimated to be about to be promoted to the 6-star warlord.”

Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui shook their heads.

A genius at the level of 6-star warlord!

This guy can actually receive his subordinates!

The little demon is really getting more and more enchanting!

Tang Yao continued: “By the way, Yuan Zhan’s Little Sister and a Big sis from me in the Capital War Palace will come over tomorrow, do you want to get to know each other?”

Zhu Junyi’s eyes lit up and asked: “Isn’t it pretty?”

Tang Yao looked at Zhu Junyi with a smile, and said, “Unless God makes fun of him, are there any long and ugly things in the current Practitioner? Of course, except you.”

Zhu Junyi gave Tang Yao a blank look and asked, “By the way, what’s the situation with your Big sis? Why haven’t I heard you say it?”

Tang Yao smiled and told him about the acquaintance with Han Shuyao when he went to fetch what Tang Yu left behind.

After speaking, Tang Yao suddenly moved in his heart and searched in the Interspatial Ring.

When seeing the box containing Tang Yu’s belongings, Tang Yao secretly sighed.

Before I went to the genius training camp, I was going to leave, and then I took out these things. I was afraid that Tang and his mother would be more uncomfortable, so I didn’t take them out.

Find some time, or take it out and give it to Tang and his mother!

Hearing Tang Yao mentioning Tang Yu, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui’s heart sank.

But seeing Tang Yao’s expression as usual, the two said nothing.

Zhu Junyi smiled and said: “So that sounds like that teacher Han is pretty good, but I want to get to know him. Dead face, don’t you go?”

Lu Rui nodded, looked at Tang Yao, and asked, “Time?”

Tang Yao said: “They will take the civilian war shuttle from the Beijing base to the Ningcheng base. There is only one shift a day. It should arrive at noon. You don’t go to the school tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, you will go to the villa in Juntian community to find me. I will help you upgrade the physical skills, tactics and Movement Techniques to the Consummation level.”

Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui nodded.

Tang Yao helped them in this way before going to the genius training camp, and they were not surprised.

Afterwards, the three of Tang Yao ate, drank and talked.

The three of them ate the old taste, talked about each other’s embarrassment, and drank fine wine. They were very happy, and laughter came from the private room from time to time.


On the morning of the 9th, Tang Yao got up early.

After eating breakfast prepared by Bai Qiuyun, Tang Yao received a message from Yi Qingxuan.

Later, Tang Yao checked the own delivery information.

The information shows that there is indeed a package that has been sent from the genius training camp of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Tang Yao nodded.

Yi Qingxuan’s movements are quite fast!

After placing an order for Tactical Watch, Tang Yao came to Juntian District.

Entering the villa, Tang Yao was startled.

I have been away for 3 months, why is it so clean?

After thinking about it, Tang Yao understood, and his heart was warm.

It must be my mother who came to clean from time to time.

Tang Yao waited for more than ten minutes, and a staff member from Juntian Wuguan Mall came to the door.

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