Chapter 211

Tang Yao accepted the housekeeping robot he bought at Wuguan Mall for 100,000 Tianlan coins.

Later, Tang Yao sent the packaged Red Maple Demon King’s life essence, and sent another message to Yi Qingxuan.

At 7:50, Tang Yao received a message from Han Shuyao, informing Tang Yao that she and Yuan Xi would arrive at the Ningcheng base at 12 noon.

After reading it, Tang Yao replied.

At 8 o’clock, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui came to Tang Yao’s villa together.

At a glance, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui spotted the war shuttle parked in the courtyard of the villa.

Especially with the 10 laser cannons, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui were a little surprised to see them.

The two looked at each other, and three words appeared in their hearts at the same time.

Big dog!

After Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui entered the villa, Tang Yao didn’t talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

Tang Yao’s astrology level is advanced. It is not difficult to bring Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui’s Ascension to the Consummation level, and he quickly deduced all the follow-up movements suitable for them.

It took Tang Yao a lot of time to bring the two men’s tactics and Movement Technique Ascension to the Consummation level.

The main reason is that Tang Yao’s secret technique is only elementary, only one level higher than the consummation-level tactics and Movement Technique.

Until 11 o’clock at noon, Tang Yao only brought Lu Rui’s tactics and Movement Technique Ascension to the Consummation level, and Zhu Junyi’s was still a bit worse.

If there are two more hours, it will be almost the same.

But now that the time is up, Tang Yao and the three must go to the civil airport in the main urban area to pick up Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi.

The three of them walked out of the villa and directly boarded the war shuttle.

While Zhu Junyi was still looking at the interior decoration of the shuttle, Lu Rui walked straight into the cockpit.

Then, Lu Rui looked at Tang Yao.

Tang Yao smiled.

He knew that Lu Rui’s hands were itchy.

Fighting the shuttle, but the racing car is much more refreshing to drive.

Tang Yao said: “Xiao Hei, start the shuttle, manual driving mode.”

Tang Yao’s basic combat shuttle driving skills were copied from Lu Rui, and Tang Yao was relieved of Lu Rui’s skills in driving the combat shuttle.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Junyi secretly regretted.

Depend on!

It’s too late to start!

Immediately, Zhu Junyi gave a wry smile and shook his head.

Even if I grab it, I can’t drive it!

Tang Yao patted Zhu Junyi on the shoulder, and said, “Use Zhan Shuo casually. If you want to learn, let the dead face teach you.”

Zhu Junyi sat down on the sofa, looked at Lu Rui who was sitting in the driving seat, and then shook his head.

Zhu Junyi said with a look of disgust: “Forget it, I don’t want to face his constipated face for a long time, I am afraid that constipation will be contagious.”

Tang Yao couldn’t help but smile, and gave Zhu Junyi a thumbs up.

Lu Rui ignored Zhu Junyi at all, and under his control, the Shuttle slowly lifted into the air.

After the Shuttle lifted 500 meters into the sky, Lu Rui adjusted his direction, and the Shuttle flew towards the main city.

At 11:30, the shuttle landed in the public parking area outside the civil airport in the main urban area.

At 12 o’clock, a large war shuttle landed.

At 12:15, Tang Yao saw two familiar figures walking out.

Tang Yao smiled and greeted him immediately.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui also followed.

Walking to Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi, Tang Yao smiled and said, “Sister Shuyao, Xiaoxi, welcome!”

Han Shuyao and Xiao Xi smiled, and then looked at Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui beside Tang Yao.

Tang Yao immediately introduced each other to the four.

After the four greeted each other, they walked in the direction of Zhan Shuo together.

As he walked, Tang Yao said to Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi: “It’s noon now, let’s go to dinner first. After dinner, we will take you around the Ningcheng base. Compared with the Beijing base, Ningcheng The base is still less prosperous. At that time, I hope you will not be disappointed.”

Han Shuyao smiled and said, “You can eat, but you don’t need to go shopping. After the catastrophe, the architectural styles of the major bases in Xia Kingdom are similar. Moreover, before coming, I have discussed with Xiaoxi, and we have to do business first.”

After Han Shuyao finished speaking, Yuan Xi smiled and nodded to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao understood in his heart.

The business Han Shuyao said was to help them ascension, tactics, and movement techniques.

Originally, Tang Yao planned to find Jiang Changhai today.

But he didn’t expect Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi to be so anxious!

Now it seems that I have to wait a while.

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Okay, then I will listen to you.”

While talking, several people came to Tang Yao’s war shuttle.

Tang Yao clicked a few times on the tactical watch, and the door of the war shuttle was immediately opened.

Looking at Zhan Suo in front of them, Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi were both stunned.

Tang Yao actually has own war shuttle!

Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi had never thought of this before.

Yuan Xi said excitedly: “Tang Dage, you are so amazing! War Shuttles are generally God of War class powerhouses. I didn’t expect you to have one now.”

After that, Yuan Xi ran into the war shuttle first.

Tang Yao and several others also walked in afterwards.

Under the control of Lu Rui, the war shuttle quickly lifted into the air and flew towards the Jinxiu District.

During the battle, Tang Yao chatted with a few people.

Yuan Xi was originally a lively girl, Zhu Junyi talked a lot, and with these two people, the atmosphere was very good.

Half an hour later, Zhan Shuo landed in the courtyard of Tang Yao’s villa.

Several people walked out of Zhan Shuo and walked into the villa.

Tang Yao took Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi to visit the villa, and gave two sunny-side rooms on the second floor to them.

Han Shuyao couldn’t return to the capital base for a while, and Yuan Xi had to wait a while before going to Ningcheng Research Institute to report.

It is still necessary to arrange accommodation for them.

Soon after the visit, the food Tang Yao ordered on the way back was delivered.

The food is very rich, and a few people chat while eating.

After lunch, Tang Yao asked Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi to take a break.

Afterwards, Tang Yao took Zhu Junyi down to the basement level and continued to rank him in Ascension and Movement Technique.

Two hours later, Zhu Junyi, like Lu Rui, had ascension of physical skills, tactics and movement techniques.

Even so, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui still need to be proficient for a period of time before they can truly control the Consummation level physical skills, tactics and movement techniques.

After bidding farewell to Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui left.

They only took a day off, and they have to go to school tomorrow, so they didn’t stay much.

Later, Tang Yao began to help Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi Ascension.

Until 10 o’clock in the evening, with the help of Tang Yao, Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi’s physical skills, tactics, and movement techniques reached the perfect level.

This afternoon plus one night, Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi seemed to be dreaming, everything was a little unreal.

Less than a day!

Their physical skills, tactics and movement techniques are all Ascension to the consummation level!

This speed is too fast!

If they hadn’t experienced all this personally, they would never believe what happened to them.

For Tang Yao, Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi became more and more grateful, and they felt more and more mysterious and powerful.

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