Chapter 214 Farewell to Han Shuyao

Looking at Tang Yao in front of him, Jiang Changhai smiled.

Jiang Changhai said: “Tang Yao, your kid thought things too simple. I believe that you will be promoted to God of War by the middle of next year.”

“But after you arrive at God of War, it is not easy to obtain either Tianyuan Pill or Life Essence. You can’t buy Tian Yuan Guo at all outside, and you need 100,000 points of combat merit in the training camp. Life Essence 30 billion copies, There is a price but no market.”

“If it is as easy as you said, then the strength of God of War Ascension is too simple. Moreover, a year’s time is not short!”

Tang Yao looked at Jiang Changhai with a smile, but he secretly slandered in his heart.

Old fox!

I don’t want to be straightforward!

If I am promoted to God of War, Xiaoye, making money is not like playing.

The corpse king lurking in the human world is extremely harmful, and it is found that one end has a reward of 100,000 points of battle or 10 billion Tianlan coins.

This is just a discovery. As for how to deal with it, I don’t care about it.

When I am promoted to God of War, I will have a huge banquet.

Regardless of whether he knows God of War or not, I will invite them all.

Then, I stood at the door to greet me, and greeted me with a handshake.

When I found the king of corpses, I wrote it down on my notebook.

If you are short of money, just throw out one.

What a simple thing!

In addition, I can also go to the Pit King in the Wilderness!

An elementary 10,000 points of combat merit, an intermediate 20,000 points, and an advanced 50,000 points.

Advanced ones are a bit dangerous, but beginners and intermediate ones are still possible.

Difficult to make money?


Tang Yao smiled and said, “As long as I get promoted to God of War, it is not difficult for me to obtain military exploits and money. At that time, I am afraid that the director will not be able to make money as fast as I am.”

“As for the waiting time for one year, in fact, this time is not long. Curator Wan has waited for two years, hasn’t he still not found a suitable successor?”

“Furthermore, the curator-general should know that my perception of astrology has reached the intermediate level. With my help, the time the curator-general saves shouldn’t be less than a year?”

Hearing this, Jiang Changhai’s eyes lit up.

This kid finally got the point.

Tang Yao continued: “During this period, the director general can also continue to look for candidates. The one-year period has come. If the director general has more suitable personnel than me, he can also replace me.”

Jiang Changhai nodded and said, “If you can do it, I can recommend you to the headquarters. But it depends on you whether you can pass the assessment of the headquarters.”

“This is natural.”

“It will be very difficult to give you a vaccination. After all, you are not yet 20 years old after a year, and you are too young.”

“Isn’t it good to be young? If one day the heads of major bases are young people like me, then the zombies and upgraded beasts will almost die.”

Jiang Changhai nodded with a smile.


Upon seeing this, Tang Yao was overjoyed.

It’s done!

Let’s get dry goods!

Tang Yao said: “If the curator-general has no objections, let’s start now. In half an hour, the transmission of information about astrology can be completed. The premise is that the curator-general must not have a trace of resistance.”

Jiang Changhai was overjoyed and said, “Don’t worry, Lao Wan told me.”

Afterwards, the two sat on the ground face to face.

Tang Yao took a deep breath, thinking about it.

Tang Yao mobilized Mental Energy and began to transmit information about Intermediate Astrology to Jiang Changhai.

With the experience of transmitting to Wanpolu, Tang Yao’s information transmission this time went smoothly.

After half an hour, Tang Yao consumed 32% of Mental Energy and ended the transmission of information.

After the old routine was over, Tang Yao pretended to be prostration, snorted and fell towards Jiang Changhai.

Jiang Changhai hurriedly helped, and Tang Yao took the opportunity to perceive Jiang Changhai’s talent.

Talented abilities: strength enhancement, non-copyable, replaceable, non-fusion.

Jiang Changhai’s power enhancement ability is not in the scope of the three abilities that Tang Yao currently has, Life, Five Elements, and Charm.

Can’t copy, can’t merge, can only replace.

Regarding this, Tang Yao had already guessed that he didn’t plan to replace it, but it was a pity.

After resting for a while, Tang Yao stood up.

Tang Yao said weakly: “The chief curator, then I’ll go back first.”

Jiang Changhai didn’t keep him, he was still anxious to cultivate astrology.

Jiang Changhai had just become the pinnacle of God of War. His astrology was also given to him by Lin Xiuyuan a few days ago, and he has not even reached the elementary level.

Compared with Wan Polu, Jiang Changhai is still a lot worse.

Jiang Changhai waved his hand after throwing out two bottles of life essence.

After Tang Yao took it, he didn’t refuse, but directly accepted it into the Interspatial Ring.

Compared with Wan Polu, Tang Yao not only passed the Intermediate Astrology to Jiang Changhai, but also served as his successor.

After receiving the two bottles of Jiang Changhai’s life essence, Tang Yao didn’t feel any burden at all.

After arching the cupped hands, Tang Yao slowly walked out of Jiang Changhai’s office.

When he arrived at the top of the building, Tang Yao took the war shuttle and returned to the villa.


On the 11th, morning.

After breakfast, Tang Yao and Yuan Xi sent Han Shuyao to the airport together.

The freshmen had just entered the school, and the work of the Beijing Zhanfu Teaching Office was very busy, so Han Shuyao only took three days off.

Today, Han Shuyao must go back.

At the gate of the waiting hall, Han Shuyao said to Yuan Xi: “Xiaoxi, listen to your Tang Dage’s words, don’t be self-willed. During this period of time, it will be a little harder, so as soon as possible to raise the level of pharmacist Ascension. If you can pass the test of teacher Gu Li School, your future road will be Broad Avenue.”

Yuan Xi nodded, his eyes flushed, and choked up: “I know, I will obey, and I will work hard. Sister Shu Yao, you must visit me when you have time!”

Han Shuyao said with a bit of reluctance: “Well, definitely. Tell me if you have any concerns, although we are not in the same base, we can communicate at any time!”

Turning his head, Han Shuyao said to Tang Yao: “Take good care of the creek, and take care of yourself.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Okay, Sister Shu Yao, so do you. If you have anything, please contact me in time. Although I am not in the capital base, it is possible to solve some troubles.”

Han Shuyao smiled and nodded.

Looking at the time, Han Shuyao said, “It’s almost time, I’m going in.”

Han Shuyao stepped forward, hugged Tang Yao, and whispered in Tang Yao’s ear: “Big sis is very happy to have a Little Brother like you.”

Tang Yao smiled knowingly, did not say anything, just hugged Han Shuyao vigorously.

Han Shuyao hugged Yuan Xi again and exhorted again.

After that, Han Shuyao waved and walked into the waiting hall.

Until Han Shuyao’s back disappeared, Tang Yao said, “Xiaoxi, let’s go!”

Yuan Xi glanced into the waiting hall reluctantly, then nodded.

Taking the war shuttle, Tang Yao took Yuan Xi back to the villa.

After parking the shuttle, Tang Yao took Yuan Xi to the old street.

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