Chapter 215

After arriving at the old street, Tang Yao took Yuan Xi and walked directly into Ji’s Pharmaceutical Industry.

Xu Hai saw Tang Yao, smiled and walked over, and said, “Tang Yao, you haven’t been here for a long time.”

Tang Yao responded with a smile: “I just came back when I was away from home during this period. Xu Bo, have you been doing well recently?”

“Very good, you come here this time, or buy medicinal materials?”

“Buying medicinal materials is one of them, is Miss Ji Da?”

Xu Hai moved in his heart and said, “You are late, Miss has been there a few days ago. I left yesterday and went back to the main city. If you want to find her, you can go to the branch of Ji’s medicinal solution in the main city. .”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “No hurry, Xu Bo, can you please give me 50 copies of the genetic medicine materials of level 1 and 2 each, and 100 copies of the level 3 genetic medicine materials.”

Xu Hai looked at Yuan Xi next to Tang Yao, smiled, and said, “Okay, I’ll let someone prepare it for you.”

Soon, Xu Hai prepared the materials needed by Tang Yao.

After paying 32.5 million, Tang Yao asked Yuan Xi to collect the materials and left with Xu Hai.

After Tang Yao left, Xu Hai shook his head and sighed, then sent a message to Ji Qiangwei.


Back at the villa, Tang Yao said to Yuan Xi: “Xiaoxi, plus the materials bought for you at the base in Beijing, now, you have 100 copies of the materials of level 1 to 3 in your hand, which will be enough for you to use for a while. ”

“You have just become a level 1 pharmacist. I will first transfer the knowledge of level 1 medicinal material identification and configuration of level 1 genetic medicine to you. After you get it, study hard. Wait for you to understand all the information I transmitted to you. Level 2 pharmacist is not far away.”

Yuan Xi asked suspiciously, “Tang Dage, what do you mean by knowledge transfer?”

“One of the functions of my talent ability is to use Mental Energy to transmit the knowledge I have to others. The information transmitted by Mental Energy will be more comprehensive and detailed, much better than oral.”

“Don Dage, does this hurt you?”

Yuan Xi asked worriedly.

When Tang Yao shot Chu Fei at the capital base, Yuan Xi knew that Tang Yao was an awakened.

Therefore, Yuan Xi was not surprised.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Mental Energy will be consumed a bit, but it is not a big problem. It can be recovered in a few hours.”

Hearing Tang Yao’s words, Yuan Xi nodded comfortably.

Tang Yao continued: “However, during the transmission, Xiaoxi must completely trust me. Once you resist, it is likely to hurt you.”

Yuan Xi nodded and smiled: “Tang Dage, don’t worry, I totally trust you, Tang Dage will never be against Xiaoxi.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Okay, let’s start now.”

After speaking, Tang Yao sat on the ground in Lotus Position, and Yuan Xi sat opposite Tang Yao.

Tang Yao thought, and began to transmit information to Yuan Xi.

Yuan Xi’s Mental Energy is much weaker. Tang Yao was extremely careful in the transmission process, and the transmission was also very slow, even slower than the previous two transmissions.

Fortunately, the knowledge that level 1 pharmacists need to control is not too much. After ten minutes, the transmission is over.

And Tang Yao’s consumption was not large, only 5% of Mental Energy was consumed.

Tang Yao opened his eyes and saw that Yuan Xi was secretly enlightening, so she didn’t bother her.

Tang Yao got up, went down to the basement level, and began to cultivate with body-building fist.

In the evening, Tang Yao took Yuan Xi back to Mingyue Community.

Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun’s condition improved a lot. After learning that Tang Yu was probably not dead, both were full of expectations.

Seeing Yuan Xi, this lovely girl, and Yuan Xi’s mouth was very sweet, Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun liked it very much.

Moreover, this was the first girl Tang Yao brought back on the initiative. Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun looked at Yuan Xi a bit like their daughter-in-law.

However, the two of them are both happy and a little weird.

Just now I broke up with Ji Qiangwei, and I got one back, too soon, right?

Tang Yao naturally saw the thoughts of Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

After introducing Yuan Xi’s identity, Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun realized.

Yuan Xi’s tragic experience has inspired Bai Qiuyun’s overwhelming maternal love, and the look at Yuan Xi has become more loving.

Bai Qiuyun deliberately made a large table for a sumptuous dinner, and all of them were very happy.

After eating and chatting for a while, Tang Yao and Yuan Xi left 1602.

Tang Yao did not go downstairs immediately, but said to Yuan Xi: “Xiaoxi, wait for me.”

Yuan Xi looked at Tang Yao with some doubts, but didn’t ask anything, just nodded.

Tang Yao walked to the door of 1601, opened the door, and walked in.

Tang Yao walked straight into Tang Yu’s room and saw the items added in the room, Tang Yao smiled.

Sure enough, after my mother cleaned the old sister’s things, they put them back into the old sister’s room.

Now, this room is more life-like.

Old sister…

wait for me!

After staying silently in Tang Yu’s room for a while, Tang Yao turned around and walked out.

Taking Yuan Xi back to the villa, Tang Yao walked to the basement floor and continued cultivation.

And Yuan Xi was in the living room on the first floor, learning all kinds of knowledge in his mind.

From time to time, Yuan Xi would come up with several medicinal materials or corpse crystals and beast crystals for comparison.

After a period of time, Yuan Xi would take out the equipment and configure Level 1 genetic medicine.

Gradually, Yuan Xi became more and more familiar with the medicinal properties of various Grade 1 medicinal materials, and the success rate of configuring genetic medicines became higher and higher.


On the night of the 13th, Yuan Xi had fully understood all the information Tang Yao had transmitted to her, and her success rate of deploying Level 1 genetic medicine was 100%.

After taking the exam, Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction.

Yuan Xi’s talent in medicine is not particularly good, but she works very hard.

In addition, I transferred the information directly into her mind, and it was relatively easy for her to learn.

Tang Yao looked at Yuan Xi, gave a thumbs up, and said with a smile: “The little brook is really amazing, keep on going. If this goes on, the little brook will surpass me soon.”

The praised Yuan Xi was full of smiles, and his eyes were filled with crescents.

Yuan Xi raised his head, giggled, and said, “Don’t worry, Don Dage. From now on, the creek will cover you.”

Tang Yao was amused by Yuan Xi’s little appearance, and said: “You still have a lot of level 1 medicinal materials and corpse crystals and beast crystals. After you enter Ningcheng Research Institute, they will all be formulated into genetic medicine. Then, you go. Ji’s Pharmaceutical, if you sell it in my name, the price they give will be higher. You can keep the Tianlan coins you get.”

Yuan Xi nodded and said gratefully: “Tang Dage, my brother is not as good to me as you, thank you. My brother has been away for more than a year. When he comes back, I will definitely clean up his meal.”

“Okay! When you clean him up, remember to call me. If he dares to resist, we will clean him up together.”

“Okay, it’s settled.”

Yuan Xi said with a smile.

Tang Yao shook his head helplessly.

Hang brother’s little girl!

Later, Tang Yao also transmitted the knowledge of the identification of level 2 medicinal materials and the configuration of level 2 genetic medicine to Yuan Xi.

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