Chapter 217 Mind Perception

After disguising himself, Tang Yao entered the black market.

Tang Yao found the corpse of the zombie who bought him last time, the heroic girl named Fu Xiaoling.

Tang Yao sold the limbs of various zombies and upgraded beasts in Interspatial Ring to Fu Xiaoling for 83 million.

These limbs were collected by Tang Yao from the corpses of zombies and upgraded beasts.

Soldier-level ones are not valuable, mainly those at the junior commander and intermediate commander levels are more valuable.

Including a large number of upgraded beast ears obtained by Tang Yao during the last field training.

The ears of the zombie are useless, but the ears of the upgraded beast can be used for cooking, which is quite popular.

As for the remaining zombie ears, Tang Yao asked Fu Xiaoling to deal with it.

After the transaction, Tang Yao waved at Fu Xiaoling and left.

Looking at Tang Yao’s back, Fu Xiaoling secretly envyed her.

This guy is not too young to hear his voice.

In two transactions, more than 150 million yuan was sold.

And me?

After a year of falling in this stinking place, I was exhausted and only made more than 20 million.


It can’t be compared!


After leaving the black market, Tang Yao returned to Jinxiu District and went straight to the old street.

Tang Yao entered Ji’s Pharmaceutical Industry. Tang Yao spent 110 million to buy 44 copies of Grade 6 materials.

At this time, Tang Yao’s account balance was only 300,000 Tianlan coins left.

After Tang Yao collected the medicinal materials, he just wanted to leave when he heard a voice from the second floor.

“Tang Yao, wait a minute.”

Hearing this voice, Tang Yao’s eyes lit up.

Ying Miao Miao!

Tang Yao shook his head and saw Ying Miaomiao standing on the second floor.

Seeing Tang Yao’s view, Ying Miaomiao smiled and nodded to Tang Yao.

But then, Tang Yao frowned.

Because, there was one person standing beside Ying Miaomiao, it was Ji Qiangwei.

At this time, Ji Qiangwei was looking at Tang Yao calmly, but her eyes flickered.

Tang Yao glanced at both of them suspiciously.

Wouldn’t Ying Miaomiao be found by Ji Qiangwei?

Ji Qiangwei, little lady, daddy hasn’t looked for you for so long, don’t you understand what I mean?


However, daddy, a big man, can still be scared by you two little ladies.

Just in time, take the opportunity to harvest a wave.

If Ying Miaomiao was really found by Ji Qiangwei, then she wouldn’t refuse me to shake hands with her, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Yao walked up to the second floor with a smile.

Walking to the two women, Tang Yao looked at Ying Miaomiao’s comfortable smile, and said with a smile: “Sister Miao Miao, long time no see!”

With that, Tang Yao stretched out his right hand.

Ying Miaomiao looked at Tang Yao’s extended right hand and smiled: “Yes! It’s been a long time!”

With that, Ying Miaomiao also stretched out his right hand and shook Tang Yao.

In an instant, Tang Yao sensed the skills that Ying Miao Miao possessed.

Elementary bodybuilding technique can be copied!

Elementary forging magic, can be copied!

Intermediate astrology, can be copied!

Intermediate Secret Art, can be copied!

Talented abilities: mental perception, non-copyable, replaceable, and fusionable!

Suddenly, there was a connection between Tang Yao’s charm ability and Ying Miaomiao’s mental perception ability.

Tang Yao was ecstatic in his heart.

I rely on, except for the intermediate astrology, all the good things I need!

The case is solved!

Ying Miao Miao is definitely Ying Jun’s biological daughter.

Before he had time to think about it, Tang Yao thought about it, and immediately copied the elementary physical training technique and the elementary physical training technique.

At the same time, Tang Yao combined the psychic perception ability and the charm ability.

Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 54% in an instant.

The Intermediate Secret Technique is also needed by Tang Yao, but if you copy it again, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy is over-consumed and it is easy to be seen as abnormal.

Moreover, compared to several other skills and abilities, the Intermediate Secret Art is the best to obtain.

As long as you find an intermediate general, you can often copy it.

After retracting his hand, Tang Yao said with a smile: “Sister Miao Miao, I thought we could meet at Juntian Base! What a pity! I haven’t been able to see Sister Miao Miao for 3 months.”

While speaking, Tang Yao hurriedly hid the joy just now, and suppressed the things just copied in his heart.

Ying Miaomiao has the ability to perceive the mind, just listen to the name and you will know that, in all likelihood, it is the ability to spy on the human heart.

Tang Yao was really afraid that Ying Miaomiao would know his true inner thoughts. In that case, his biggest secret would be exposed.

Ying Miaomiao glanced at Tang Yao deeply and frowned.

Just now, when she shook hands with Tang Yao, Ying Miaomiao suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Even if she didn’t use her innate ability, Ying Miaomiao’s perception was much sharper than the average person under the influence of the mental perception ability for a long time.

Moreover, Ying Miaomiao usually likes to study the human mind, and his observation of people is also very subtle.

Just now, Ying Miaomiao discovered that the muscles on both sides of Tang Yao’s mouth twitched slightly.

It felt like there was a happy event and wanted to laugh, but Tang Yao abruptly controlled it.

Ying Miaomiao looked at Tang Yao suspiciously. She didn’t know why she felt that strange feeling when she shook hands with Tang Yao.

But that feeling is not a warning of danger, it is a very vague feeling.

At this moment Ying Miaomiao even had the idea of ​​using his talent to probe Tang Yao’s heart.

But Tang Yao himself was an awakened person. If Ying Miaomiao did this, he would definitely be noticed by Tang Yao, and that would be a vengeance.

Ying Miaomiao secretly shook his head, forcibly suppressing the idea of ​​using talent.

Seeing Ying Miaomiao’s expression, Tang Yao’s heart trembled.

But Tang Yao didn’t dare to think about it, he was afraid that Ying Miaomiao would come to him suddenly.

Tang Yao showed a puzzled expression and asked, “Sister Miao Miao, what’s wrong with you?”

Ying Miaomiao looked at Tang Yao, smiled meaningfully, and said, “I have been at Juntian base all the time these days. But, you don’t seem to have contacted me once, right? I wanted to do it all. Landlord’s friendship, but you didn’t give me a chance! Tang Datian is so busy, I dare not bother.”

Tang Yao gave a dry cough and said, “The main reason is that the management of the genius training camp is too strict.

Ying Miaomiao smiled playfully, and said, “Really?”

Tang Yao touched his nose and said, “When I return to Juntian base, I must contact Miao Miao as soon as possible. I haven’t visited Juntian base well yet. At that time, Miao Miao, you will be affected. Take me for a walk. visit.”

Ying Miaomiao smiled and nodded.


At this time, a cold hum came from the side.

Tang Yao’s ignorance of own made Ji Qiangwei very angry.

Tang Yao glanced at Ji Qiangwei, her eyes indifferent.

At this time, Ying Miaomiao said, “Tang Yao, do you have time? Qiangwei and I want to talk to you.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Sister Miao Miao invites me. I naturally have time.”

When Ji Qiangwei heard it, she gave Tang Yao a fierce look.

This means that you have no time when I open my mouth?

Stingy man!

Ying Miaomiao naturally heard Tang Yao’s implication, shook her head and smiled, and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to Qiangwei’s office to talk.”

Tang Yao nodded.

It’s better to solve this mess with Ji Qiangwei as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the three walked to Ji Qiangwei’s office.

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