Chapter 218 Pill Pavilion

After entering Ji Qiangwei’s office, Ying Miaomiao and Ji Qiangwei sat together, and Tang Yao sat opposite them.

Ying Miaomiao said straightforwardly: “Tang Yao, should you guess my identity? Yes, my father is Ying Jun, the master of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.”

Tang Yao nodded.

Tang Yao had already guessed the identity of Ying Miaomiao.

It’s just that Ying Miaomiao’s identity so directly today made Tang Yao a little confused.

Ying Miaomiao continued: “Because of my identity, I know more information. Now, the overall situation of Tian Lan Xing is getting more and more tense. I think you should feel it. At present, Tian Lan Xing has three major Race, divided into four camps.”

“Among them, the sea king ruled by the sea beasts has the largest number and the strongest strength. The strength between humans, zombies and land upgraded beasts is not much different. The focus of the battle has always been on land. Between humans, zombies and upgraded beasts , Has always been in a melee. There are also battles in the sea, but not much, and the intensity is not great.”

“However, judging from the intelligence sent back by major bases recently, the large-scale battles between zombies and upgraded beasts on the land are gradually decreasing. I am afraid that it will not take long for the large-scale battles between zombies and upgraded beasts. Will end.”

“The large-scale battles between zombies and upgraded beasts are dominated by king-level zombies and upgraded beasts. Now, the large-scale battles are decreasing, indicating that both king-level zombies and upgraded beasts are restraining.”

“The king-level zombies and upgraded beasts all over the world are restraining. It should be some order. This is a dangerous signal. The corpse emperor and the beast emperor are likely to be in contact. And, from the current changes. Look, they already have a tendency to cooperate.”

“Once they reach an agreement, then humans are in danger. In addition to large-scale battles, small-scale, and even fights between zombies and upgraded beasts in the wilderness will become less and less until there is no.”

“My father’s judgment is that it will be sooner or later for the Corpse King and the Beast King to reach an agreement, but it will take time. The Sea King can’t see much, but it can’t be better. Plus the preparation time, up to 3 years, comprehensive War will break out.”

Tang Yao nodded secretly.

Ying Jun is worthy of being the world’s number one powerhouse, and his judgment is very accurate.

Tang Yao asked: “Sister Miao Miao, the big situation you mentioned doesn’t seem to have much to do with me! I have just been promoted to the general and I can’t do anything, right?”

Ying Miaomiao smiled and said: “The time before the outbreak of the war is also the preparation time for the human side. Now, all human forces are actively preparing for the war. Pharmacists are particularly important in future battles.”

“The energy contained in the gene medicine can not only ascension physical strength, but also can be used to quickly restore the energy consumed. All human forces are actively recruiting pharmacists, and Juntian Wuguan is no exception.”

“Now, Juntian Martial Arts Hall has established a Dan Pavilion, and the pavilion owner is our second inspector Mei Luoxue of Juntian Martial Arts Hall. Inspector Mei is not only a powerhouse above God of War, but also a senior alchemist.”

“The alchemist surpasses the existence of the pharmacist and can refine Medicine Pill. The effect of Medicine Pill is much better than genetic medicine, and there are many more types. Mei’s inspection is usually very busy, and the specific things of the Dange, I am in charge now.”

“Tang Yao, the materials you just bought for configuring genetic potions are all of level 6. Presumably, you are already a level 6 pharmacist. I came to you just because I hope you can join the Dan Pavilion.”

Tang Yao thought for a while and said, “Sister Miao Miao, you also said that the battle is not far away, and strength is the first. Now, my primary goal is to break through to God of War as soon as possible. Besides, Even if I’m a Level 6 pharmacist, it won’t make much difference, right? Let’s forget about joining the Dan Pavilion.”

Ying Miaomiao shook his head and said, “Your value is much greater than the average 9th-level pharmacist. During this time, the girl named Yuan Xi who has been following you has come to Jishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. many times. Sell ​​genetic medicine.”

“From the very first level 1 to level 2, yesterday, the girl’s genetic medicine was already level 3. Moreover, the girl’s demeanor became more and more confident. Presumably, it should be the Ascension of the pharmacist level. Doesn’t it bring her confidence? All the genetic medicines she sells are all configured by herself, right?”

“Furthermore, we know that Yuan Xi is going to take your place at the Ningcheng Research Institute to fight new students. Don’t forget, Qiangwei also knows Teacher Gu Li. In a few days, Yuan Xi will go to Ningcheng Research Institute to go to school. , I can’t keep it, Teacher Gu Li simply told us.”

“Yuan Xi is the Ningcheng base that arrived on the 9th. Today, it is 20 days from the level 1 pharmacist Ascension to the level 3 pharmacist. Tang Yao, if I’m not wrong, you should have something to make the pharmacist? The teacher quickly Ascension’s method, right?”

Tang Yao smiled and nodded.

From the beginning of teaching Yuan Xi, Tang Yao knew that this kind of thing could not be kept secret.

Since rebirth, Tang Yao has been cautious.

Because of his lack of strength, he has been accumulating hole cards.

But now, Tang Yao has been promoted to the rank of warrior, with many hidden methods and high value.

With Wan Polu and Jiang Changhai behind, Tang Yao can finally be bolder.

Originally, Tang Yao also wanted to hide the transmission of information by Mental Energy.

But now, he doesn’t want to.

Time is running out, and Tang Yao doesn’t want to slow down the Ascension strength of the people around him in order to avoid a possible crisis.

Ying Miaomiao said this today, and for Tang Yao, it happened to be an opportunity.

First, Tang Yao can use Mental Energy to transmit information with integrity.

Second, if the value is high enough, Tang Yao will definitely receive special attention from Juntian Martial Arts Hall, and the safety is much higher.

Third, by the way, Tang Yao can still make some good points.

Juntian Wuguan family has a lot of work, it is impossible to let him contribute in vain, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Yao smiled and said, “Sister Miao Miao, amazing! Investigating the people around me clearly.”

Ying Miaomiao smiled apologetically, and said, “Tang Yao, I’m sorry. Now, my main job is related to pharmacists. Yuan Xi’s pharmacist level Ascension is too fast, and this fast method of ascension is exactly what I am worried about. Short.”

“In a hurry, without your consent, I investigated your friends. Sorry! If you and your friends are offended, I can solemnly apologize and compensate you.”

Tang Yao waved his hand and said, “I have already received the apology, and the compensation is unnecessary. I can indeed quickly reach the level of the Ascension pharmacist. The method is not uncommon, which is to transmit information through Mental Energy. This is my talent ability. An application.”

“However, I am a Level 6 pharmacist now, and I can only help pharmacists lower than me. Compared with alchemists above God of War, my role is not great, right?”

Tang Yao asked this for a purpose.

Tang Yao must first determine the value of own before he can talk about the price!

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