Chapter 220

Seeing Tang Yao’s pretend appearance, Ji Qiangwei couldn’t help but feel angry.

After a while, Ji Qiangwei adjusted her emotions and said, “When you are away from home, I approached your parents for only one purpose, and that is to take the opportunity to ease the relationship between us.”

“In the beginning, I didn’t say that I was your girlfriend. Aunt Bai misunderstood. Of course, in order to get the favor of Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang, I didn’t deny it. The day you came back, Aunt Bai informed me in advance. I.”

“I originally wanted to find an opportunity for the two of us to have a chat alone. But Aunt Bai tried to invite me, and I passed. By saying this, I’m just explaining a fact, and I didn’t mean to blame Aunt Bai. I don’t believe it. You can go back and check with Aunt Bai.”

After a pause, Ji Qiangwei continued: “Obviously, I made a wrong decision. On that occasion, I couldn’t say a lot, so that your misunderstanding of me became deeper.”

“Tang Yao, I know your worries very well, but I, Ji Qiangwei, are not a mindless person. What’s more, there are lessons for us.”

“I can tell you clearly that no one in the Ji family knows about my contact with your parents. You don’t have to doubt about this. Now, all the forces of the Ji family in Ningcheng base are under my control. I still have confidence.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao touched his nose with some embarrassment.

If so, it seems that I really misunderstood this little lady in this matter!

Seeing Tang Yao’s expression change, Ji Qiangwei’s expression also softened.

Ji Qiangwei continued: “Tang Yao, you know about my life experience. My mother left early, and my father has been busy with official duties and has no time to take care of me. Since I was a child, I have lived with my Little Brother. Although I was born In a big family like the Ji family, Wu You has food and clothing, but fatherly love and maternal love have always been missing.”

“Actually, I also want to thank you. If it were not for you, I would not have been able to reach Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang. During those three months, although I only passed by occasionally, we got along very well. Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang are I’m really sure that I’m a daughter-in-law, or even a daughter.”

“My heart is warm during the time I spent with them. I feel that what I have been missing since I was a little bit is getting back. But I am suffering and struggling again, because I lied to them from the beginning. . It’s okay now, it’s a relief.”

Speaking of this, Ji Qiangwei smiled bitterly, and glittering tears appeared in her eyes.

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s heart trembled, and his eyes on Ji Qiangwei were no longer so indifferent.

After taking a deep breath, Ji Qiangwei adjusted a little, and then said: “In those three months, my appearance made at least Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang happy. Especially Aunt Bai, She liked me very much and said a lot of thoughtful things to me.”

“Tang Yao, I didn’t bring any danger to you and your family. I also allowed Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang to spend a relatively happy life. But for you, you just came back and looked at me indiscriminately. If not. Aunt Bai was there at the time, I’m afraid you will shoot me directly, right?”

“Tang Yao, what happened at the base in Beijing was that I was wrong, so I owe you a favor. As long as you need it, you can find me at any time. In the future, I will not find you again. Go! Sister Miao Miao. , Don’t worry, I will explain to her.”

After that, Ji Qiangwei let out a long sigh, and the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed.

Looking at Ji Qiangwei in front of him, Tang Yao sighed secretly.

In fact, Tang Yao was very grateful to Ji Qiangwei.

When Tang Yao first emerged, Ji Qiangwei gave him a lot of convenience and help.

The charm ability copied from Ji Qiangwei is also the talent ability that Tang Yao uses most frequently and helps him the most.

Moreover, Ji Qiangwei itself is extremely enchanting, and has the ability to charm.

If she wants to do anything, these are her greatest strengths.

Ji Qiangwei must know her greatest advantage.

But since the estrangement between the two of them, Ji Qiangwei has never moved her mind.

This also made Tang Yao feel that Ji Qiangwei really regarded him as a friend, not a partner of interest.

Today, after hearing Ji Qiangwei’s sincere words, Tang Yao’s heart softened.

Tang Yao shook his head, secretly sighing in his heart.

In these troubled times, it is good to have a sincere friend.

In those three months, the old sister had disappeared, and I was not there. I am afraid that Tang and his mother will not be in a good mood.

The appearance of Ji Qiangwei can be regarded as indirectly helping me to fulfill my filial piety.

Since Ji Qiangwei can guarantee that it will not affect Old Tang and his mother, why should I bother about it?

How about accompany her to fight with Ji Tianhao and Ji Tianjie?

What can the corpse king do?

It’s not that I haven’t done anything like the Pit King.

Big deal, it’s just fine to hide it in the dark during this period of time.

When I was promoted to God of War and became Lao Jiang’s successor, even if Ji Tianhao and Ji Tianjie wanted to attack me again, they would not dare to act rashly.

Tang Yao took a deep breath, looked at Ji Qiangwei sincerely, and said sincerely: “Sister Qiangwei, I misunderstood you this time, I’m sorry. During this period of time, Sister Qiangwei has been wronged.”

“In the future, I will make good compensation. As long as my family is not involved, I will do my best if Sister Qiangwei has any needs in the future.”

Tang Yao’s sincere “Sister Qiangwei” made Ji Qiangwei feel sour. Ji Qiangwei hadn’t heard Tang Yao call her this for a long time.

Tears flashed in Ji Qiangwei’s eyes.

The grievance in Ji Qiangwei’s heart also disappeared with the sound of “Sister Qiangwei”.

Of course, there are still grievances.

However, since Tang Yao had admitted his mistake and had a sincere attitude, Ji Qiangwei didn’t plan to care about anything.

After all, she was the one who made the mistake.

Moreover, the matter of deceiving Bai Qiuyun and Tang Yuanshan was like a big rock, always pressing on Ji Qiangwei’s heart.

When the misunderstanding is resolved, Ji Qiangwei can go and apologize to Bai Qiuyun and Tang Yuanshan.

In this way, her heart can also be calmer.

Tang Yao continued with a smile: “If Sister Qiangwei doesn’t dislike her and asks her younger brother to agree with her, I will definitely not say anything. We can get the certificate now, and we will be the bridal chamber tonight.”

Ji Qiangwei burst into tears and smiled, flushed, and said with a smile: “Fuck off! Who wants you to promise? Return to the bridal chamber? You are so beautiful!”

Tang Yao let out a long breath, patted his chest exaggeratedly, with a relieved look, and said: “It’s okay! It’s okay!”

Ji Qiangwei gave Tang Yao a fierce look and said, “You are so poor! By the way, I plan to apologize to Aunt Bai and Uncle Tang and tell them the truth of the matter. I have been uneasy after lying to them for so long. ”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Okay, when are you going, remember to call me.”

Ji Qiangwei looked at Tang Yao with a smile, and asked, “What? Afraid that I would cheat you behind?”

Tang Yao smiled, then nodded seriously.

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