Chapter 221 Talented Abilities: Controlling the Soul

Ji Qiangwei gave Tang Yao a blank look, but her heart was warm.

That familiar feeling came back again.

Ji Qiangwei asked: “Didn’t you say you want to compensate me? Let’s just say, how do you plan to compensate? After thinking about it, if I am not satisfied, you will be in great trouble.”

Tang Yao smiled and asked, “Sister Qiangwei, what is your current level of pharmacist?”

“Level 5.”

“Then I will help Sister Qiangwei Ascension to level 6 first! Also, Sister Qiangwei currently controls all the forces in the Ji family in Ningcheng Base. What are your plans for the next step?”

“According to the original plan, one base, one base, will take over the Ji family’s power. However, time is running out and the speed must be accelerated.”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Sister Qiangwei, one base, one base, the speed is still too slow. Sister Qiangwei took over the Ningcheng base because of the good opportunity of Ji’s internal pharmacist exchange competition. I want to have such a good opportunity. It’s difficult. I’m afraid, before you finish your plan, the war has already broken out.”

“Then what do you have to pay attention to?”

“At the same time, intervene in the forces of the Ji clan among the five remaining bases in Xia.”

Ji Qiangwei frowned and said, “No, my second and third uncles have been in business for so many years, and the people in charge of the bases and branches are theirs. With my current influence and strength in the family, I concentrate on targeting one It’s okay. At the same time, the chance of success is almost zero.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Sister Qiangwei, I’m not talking about direct confrontation, but taking some gentle measures. For example, from the influence of Ji family in major bases, select some gifted genius or high-level children to send Come to me, let me help them ascension pharmacist level.”

“In this way, a little bit of infiltration, win over. For up to a year, among the forces of the Ji family in the major bases, most of the backbone of the pharmacist must be the people we have helped.”

“Even, some high-level executives will vote under Sister Qiangwei because of the benefit of their children. By then, Sister Qiangwei will take over the power of the Ji clan in the major bases, and it will be much simpler. Even if the power holders of the bases and branches resist to the end. , After they have been destroyed, they will also be taken over by their own people.”

Hearing this, Ji Qiangwei’s eyes lit up and smiled: “You kid, you are really scheming! However, this is a good way. This is a shame! We give benefits to the family, even my second and third uncles, Can’t stop it either.”

“Once they stop it, it is hindering the development of the family, it is preventing those who are selected by us from gaining benefits, and it is making enemies for themselves. Therefore, no matter how they respond, it will be us who will benefit in the end.”

Tang Yao shook his head and said, “Sister Qiangwei, it’s you, not us.”

Ji Qiangwei smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I know what to do, and I won’t let you expose it. I will discuss this matter with Sister Miao Miao. I will select people in the name of cooperating with the Dange of Juntian Martial Arts Hall. Send it over. Before giving it away, I will ask them to sign a non-disclosure agreement in advance.”

Nodded, Tang Yao said: “In addition, some talented but ordinary civilian pharmacists, Sister Qiangwei can also be recruited and sent to me. If these people grow up with our help, loyalty is not a problem. It is also a big boost for the future.”

“Also, the banner of Ji Tianhong senior, Qiangwei should use it, and she still needs to use it. In Ji’s family, although Ji senior rarely shows up, his reputation as the head of the family and the first strongest in Xia, who Can anyone reach it?”

“Ji senior asked Qiang Wei to take over and investigate Ji’s family. His deep meaning must be known to Qian. Now, the most important thing is to achieve the goal as soon as possible. Even if he does something in the name of senior Ji, I don’t think he will Sister Qiangwei is to blame.”

Upon hearing this, Ji Qiangwei nodded.

Tang Yao smiled and asked, “Sister Qiangwei, are you satisfied with my compensation method?”

Ji Qiangwei smiled and said, “Alright, let’s do it!”

“Sister Qiangwei, I will leave in a month. Before that, you’d better send the first batch of pharmacists here. I have something to do today, and I will come back tomorrow to transmit the information of level 6 pharmacists. you.”

After speaking, Tang Yao stood up.

Ji Qiangwei nodded and said: “Okay!”

Immediately, the two walked out of the office.

Ying Miaomiao watched the two walk out with ease, secretly happy.

Looking at Tang Yao, Ying Miaomiao asked, “Tang Yao, when will you return to Juntian base?”

Tang Yao said: “A month later!”

“It just so happens that I also need time to prepare. One month later, I will send the first batch of Dange members.”

“no problem!”

After speaking, Tang Yao talked a few more words with the two women, then turned and left.

On the way back, Tang Yao secretly sensed the changes in his own skills and talents.

After a while, Tang Yao smiled excitedly.

The function of body exercise is really the same as body exercise fist, both of which are used to control one’s own strength.

However, the effect of the primary physical exercise technique is twice as good as that of the physical exercise boxing.

Originally, with the physical exercise boxing, I could only control the Ascension of 2 points a day.

Now, with the primary physical training technique, I can Ascension 4 points of physique control in one day.

After copying Ying Miaomiao’s primary forging god, my forging god technique has been upgraded to intermediate level, and the recovery speed of mental energy has doubled again, and 10% of mental energy can be recovered in 15 minutes.

The most important thing is that after the fusion of my charm power and Ying Miaomiao’s mental perception power, a new power classification appeared.

Talented ability: Master the soul!

Whether it is the fascination power or the spiritual perception power, it all acts on the consciousness, that is, the soul level.

The name Yuhun is also appropriate and powerful.

It is easier to perceive the thoughts in the opponent’s heart first, and then follow this line to confuse the opponent, or even confuse the opponent to do something.

When he returned home, Tang Yao first restored all Mental Energy with intermediate forging magic, and then took out 44 6-level materials purchased from Ji’s Pharmaceutical Industry, and began to configure genetic medicine.


On the 30th, 10 am.

Tang Yao came to Ji’s Pharmaceutical Industry and exchanged 44 bottles of Grade 6 genetic medicine for 70 copies of Grade 6 materials and 23 million Tianlan Coins.

Later, Tang Yao walked to the second floor.

With Ji Qiangwei’s permission, Tang Yao walked into her office.

Seeing Ying Miaomiao was still there, Tang Yao was overjoyed.

It seems that I am stuck at this point in time, and that’s right.

Intermediate Secret Art!


Tang Yao first transmitted the relevant information of the 6th-level pharmacist to Ji Qiangwei, and then, when Ji Qiangwei was enlightened, he chatted with Ying Miaomiao outside.

After more than an hour, Ji Qiangwei walked out with joy.

It was time for dinner, and Tang Yao took the opportunity to invite Ying Miaomiao and Ji Qiangwei to have lunch.

Although 1.3 million were slaughtered, Tang Yao pretended to touch Ying Miao Miao inadvertently at the dinner table and copied the intermediate secret technique.

Although for the current Tang Yao, the elementary secret technique is enough, but the secret technique, who would think that the level is high!

After eating and chatting for a while, Tang Yao went back.

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