Chapter 224

Seeing Lu Wenju’s compromise, Tang Yao was overjoyed and walked to the front of Lu Wenju.

Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Talented ability: Master the soul!

As soon as Mental Energy entered Lu Wenju’s mind, Tang Yao perceives a deep and dangerous aura lurking.

This breath made Tang Yao, who was incarnate as an intermediate corpse king, involuntarily gave birth to a sense of awe and surrender in his heart.

Tang Yao’s heart trembled, and a strong sense of dread rose.

This is the trace of Mental Energy that the Emperor Corpse left in Lu Wenju’s mind!

Worthy of being a corpse emperor!

Just a trace of Mental Energy, since it can make me so afraid!

At the same time of fear, Tang Yao also secretly relieved.

I used the talent ability to Lu Wenju, but the Mental Energy of the Corpse King did not respond.

It seems that the Mental Energy of the corpse king is monitoring the transformation of the corpse king himself.


No matter how powerful the corpse emperor is, what remains is after all a trace of Mental Energy.

If this is also monitored and then monitored, it is estimated that it will not be long before this trace of Mental Energy will be exhausted.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao controlled own Mental Energy, trying not to touch the lurking corpse emperor Mental Energy deep in his mind.

As soon as the talent ability was activated, Tang Yao sensed what Lu Wenju was thinking at this time.


But helpless!

Although Lu Wenju tried his best to hide these thoughts, Tang Yao still felt it.

At the same time, Tang Yao also sensed that Lu Wenju wanted to resist, but he was abruptly suppressed.

A smile flashed across Tang Yao’s mouth, slowly increasing the output of Mental Energy.

Lu Wenju felt that the corpse emperor in front of him did not use brutal means, but slowly increased the power of the talented ability carefully, and he felt a little relieved.

Although Lu Wenju is stronger than Tang Yao, he is not an awakened person, and his use of Mental Energy is not as good as Tang Yao.

In addition, Lu Wenju didn’t dare to resist, Tang Yao’s soul control ability soon took effect.

With the continuous penetration of the soul control ability and the continuous increase in power, Lu Wenju’s eyes gradually began to appear blurred.

Tang Yao increased the output of some Mental Energy, Lu Wenju’s eyes became more blurred, but he had not fallen into a sluggish state.

Tang Yao nodded secretly.


If Lu Wenju really fell into a sluggishness, I would not be able to perceive his inner thoughts.


Tang Yao roared lowly and uttered two words in zombie language.

The corpse emperor!

While uttering these two words, Tang Yao used the soul control ability to induce Lu Wenju to think in this direction involuntarily.

In an instant, Tang Yao perceives Lu Wenju’s memories and senses of the corpse emperor.

Lu Wenju didn’t remember much about the corpse emperor, only one scene.

A year ago, Lu Wenju was stunned and captured alive by an intermediate corpse king in the wilderness.

When he woke up again, he had been transformed into a junior corpse king.

After waking up, Lu Wenju saw a tall figure shrouded in darkness and heard the other party’s words threatening him with the Lu family.

In addition, Lu Wenju knew nothing about the corpse emperor, or even how he was transformed.

And Lu Wenju’s senses of the corpse emperor are very complicated.

Mysterious, powerful, indifferent, fearful, unwilling, angry, murderous…

While sensing Lu Wenju’s killing intent on the Corpse Emperor, Tang Yao secretly paid attention to the lurking Corpse Emperor Mental Energy.

Until Lu Wenju had a murderous intent on the Corpse Emperor in his heart, the Mental Energy of the Corpse Emperor did not change.

Tang Yao moved in his heart and smiled.

It seems that the Mental Energy left behind by the corpse king is monitoring the actual actions of these transformed corpse kings, such as or doing something unfavorable to the corpse king.

As for what these transformed corpse kings think, the corpse king doesn’t care.


It is estimated that these transformed corpse kings do not hate the corpse emperor. If the mental energy of the corpse emperor senses evil thoughts, then these transformed corpse kings would have died long ago, and the transformation of the corpse emperor would be meaningless.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao’s eyes suddenly brightened.

In this way, as long as I find a way to suppress the trace of Mental Energy left by the Zimmer King, and then copy the corpse transformation skills of the Zimmer King 3 times, wouldn’t I be able to release the Zimmer King’s transformation?

To copy the corpse skill once, it consumes 12% of my Mental Energy.

It only consumes 36% of Mental Energy for 3 times, and it is far from the critical point of 60%. It is completely feasible.

Moreover, through the soul control ability, I can also judge whether a corpse king is a transformed corpse king or a primitive corpse king by sensing the corpse king’s thoughts about the corpse king.


Your Majesty Corpse King, wait!

Once the war breaks out, I will give you a big surprise!

Although there is not much information from Lu Wenju, Tang Yao judged a lot of information.

Afterwards, Tang Yao’s eyes condensed, and he roared three words in zombie language.

Heavenly Corpse Church!

Gradually, with the mental perception of Lu Wenju, Tang Yao’s eyes became colder and colder.

After sensing all the information Lu Wenju had about the Celestial Corpse Cult, Tang Yao’s body couldn’t help trembling, and this person was depressed a lot.


The Heavenly Corpse Sect is actually a force from the stars!

No wonder Lao Wan and Lao Jiang said that the Heavenly Corpse Cult is the greatest enemy of mankind.

The cataclysm 118 years ago was controlled by the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

The corpse teaches these bastards, in order to get the awakened, they actually ignore the life and death of the ten billion creatures of Tian Lanxing, and artificially create catastrophes.

The geniuses abducted by the Saint League were indeed prepared for the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

The old sister was captured by the Shengmeng!

Could it be that the old lady has been taken away from Tian Lan Star by the Heavenly Corpse Cult?


If this is the case, when can I rescue the old sister?

Is there any hope in this life?

Thinking of this, Tang Yao’s mood was a little unstable.

Thinking of Tang Yuanshan’s and Bai Qiuyun’s expectant eyes again, Tang Yao’s whole body was a little languid, and a little despair appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, because Tang Yao’s heart fluctuated too much, the mental energy output was unstable, and the soul control ability fluctuated, Lu Wenju’s blurred eyes began to gradually clear.

Perceiving this, Tang Yao quickly took a deep breath, calmed his ups and downs, and quickly stabilized the output of Mental Energy.

The steady effect of the soul-controlling ability was in Lu Wenju’s mind, and Lu Wenju was once again controlled by Tang Yao.

Tang Yao sighed slightly, then squeezed his fist fiercely.

I can’t give up!

If I gave up, there would really be no hope.

Heavenly Corpse Church!

You wait for daddy, don’t destroy you, daddy swears not to be human!

Sister, wait for me!

Old Tang, mother, even if I walk all over the starry sky, I will definitely bring my old sister back!


Tang Yao shook his head and sorted his thoughts.

For so long after the cataclysm, the Celestial Corpse Sect hadn’t intervened in the battle of Tian Lan Star, and it should have used Tian Lan Star as a supply point.

Otherwise, if the Celestial Corpse Church intervenes, the battle of Tian Lan Xing might be over long ago.

And the supplied items are the awakeners who have awakened various talent abilities.

This has also led to the fact that the awakened in the human world basically only reveal their own awakened identity when they reach the level of God of War.

Only at the level of God of War, the Awakeners have the capital to confront the Holy League.

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