Chapter 225 Joint Riot

Suddenly, Tang Yao’s heart moved, and there was a bold guess.

In the human world, the Celestial Corpse Cult uses the Corpse Emperor to command the Holy League to capture the awakened.

I am afraid that not only the awakened humans, but the awakened among the zombies and upgraded beasts have also been taken away by the Celestial Corpse Cult.

Now, the corpse emperor suddenly wanted to unite with the beast emperor to launch an all-out war against mankind.

Behind this, is there also a shadow of the celestial corpse religion?

Once a full-scale war breaks out, the intensity of the battle will inevitably increase a lot. Humans, zombies, and upgraded beasts have a relatively higher probability of awakening talented abilities.

Could it be that what happened to the celestial corpse religion, and there is an urgent need for a large number of awakened people?

It is possible!

Thoughts kept coming to Tang Yao’s mind. Although he thought a lot, he didn’t consume much time.

Shaking his head, Tang Yao no longer thought about this.

Now, Tang Yao’s basic purpose of probing Lu Wenju has been achieved, and he has obtained a lot of useful information, and more information can be deduced.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao roared again and asked a word.

What are your tasks and the latest information?

After feeling for a while, Tang Yao’s face suddenly chilled.

Lu Wenju usually lurks, waiting for orders.

In addition, the only task is to collect the information of the awakened in Ningcheng base and pass the information to his online corpse king in the wilderness.

Depend on!

Fortunately I am here today!

Otherwise, Lu Wenju will report to the wilderness tomorrow!

And I was one of his targets.

It should be the guy with the dead face. Recently, ascension was too fast, and it happened that I returned to the Ningcheng base again, and Lu Wenju suspected me.

Besides me, there is Yi Qingxuan.

As an old opponent, the Lu family must pay close attention to the Yi family.

Some time ago, in order to help Yi Qingxuan purchase the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, the Yi family shed a lot of blood.

It should be because of this that Lu Wenju was suspicious.

If I hadn’t come here in time today, Lu Wenju would not dare to hide it under the supervision of the corpse emperor Mental Energy.

Once the news is delivered, Yi Qingxuan and I will definitely be targeted by the Shengmeng people in the future.

If you go to the wilderness, you will be targeted by the corpse king in the wilderness.

However, since I’m here today, I can’t let him pass the news.

Also, the day after tomorrow, the zombies and upgraded beasts in the wilderness area jointly rioted.

This is not good news.

Every day, there are many human Practitioners fighting in the wilderness, and many God of War.

Usually, the zombies and the upgraded beasts also fight to death.

If it is suddenly and unanimously aimed at humans, the human Practitioner will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Had it not been for preventing the family of these lurking corpse kings from being killed in the wilderness, Lu Wenju would not have been notified.

It seems that the negotiation between the corpse emperor and the beast emperor went smoothly!

It would not be enough to reach an agreement now, but this joint riot should be an experiment between the two parties to see the feasibility of zombies and upgraded beasts acting together.

After all, among the zombies and the upgraded beasts, there are still the most unconscious soldiers-level zombies and upgraded beasts.

Please inform Lao Wan and Lao Jiang about this matter.

As for what they do, I don’t care.

Now, I should solve the immediate trouble first, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Yao thought, and began to tamper with Lu Wenju’s memory.

Now Tang Yao has consumed 30% of Mental Energy. Under normal circumstances, he wants to tamper with the memory of Lu Wenju, who is a junior corpse king, even if he uses all the remaining 70% of Mental Energy. Not necessarily enough.

But now Lu Wenju does not resist at all, and the mental energy consumed by Tang Yao to tamper with memory is much smaller.

After consuming 40% of Mental Energy, Tang Yao finally finished tampering with Lu Wenju’s memory.

At this time, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumption reached 70%, which had already exceeded the critical point.

The needle-like tingling pain struck again.

Fortunately, the consumption of Mental Energy only exceeded 10% of the critical point, and the tingling was not too violent.

Although Tang Yao’s face was a little pale, he was now incarnate as the corpse king, and his skin was already blue and not very obvious.

Tang Yao stretched out his finger and pointed it on Lu Wenju’s forehead.

I felt it for a while, but didn’t find any valuable new skills.

After Tang Yao retracted his finger, he immediately cancelled the soul controlling ability.

Subsequently, Tang Yao slowly retreated a few steps.

The blurring in Lu Wenju’s eyes quickly dissipated, and soon returned to normal.

After waking up, Lu Wenju glanced at Tang Yao, who was standing not far away, with horror in his heart.

Lu Wenju discovered that he didn’t even know what happened just now.

Lu Wenju didn’t know what the corpse emperor had done to him, nor did he know what the other party felt from him.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Wenju stood up.

Lu Wenju asked nervously: “My lord, I don’t know what the result of my assessment is?”

Tang Yao said coldly: “Barely qualified, otherwise, do you think you still have a chance to speak?”

Hearing this, Lu Wenju secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Yao continued: “Your assessment is over, don’t move your mind and think more about your family.”

After speaking, Tang Yao turned and walked away.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Lu Wenju bent down and said, “Send your lord respectfully!”

Tang Yao took a few steps and paused.

Tang Yao paused for a moment, as if hesitating.

Lu Wenju looked suspiciously at Tang Yao’s back, not knowing why the corpse emperor’s messenger stopped.

After sighing, Tang Yao turned his back to Lu Wenju, and said in a soft tone: “In the future, reduce your hatred of your Majesty. Otherwise, if the original corpse king is the next time you will be tested, you will not pass the level. It will be so easy. Don’t trouble yourself!”

Hearing this, Lu Wenju’s heart moved, and tentatively asked: “My lord, are you also a converter?”

Tang Yao nodded.

Upon seeing this, Lu Wenju was overjoyed, and the dissatisfaction and anger just disappeared immediately.

Knowing that the corpse emissary in front of him was also a transformer, Lu Wenju felt a sense of closeness in his heart.

Facing Tang Yao’s back, Lu Wenju solemnly bowed, and said, “Thank you for your care, and your subordinates must keep it in mind.”

Tang Yao nodded, and said bitterly: “I’ll test your matter, don’t mention it to anyone, including your upline. Although I am valued by your majesty because of the particularity of my talents, I am not the original corpse king after all.”

“If the original corpse king learns that the assessment of you this time is done by me, I will definitely be dissatisfied. If it gets into your majesty, the next assessment is likely to be replaced. At that time, I don’t know how many. Like you, those who hate your majesty penetrates the bone will be punished.”

After speaking, Tang Yao shook his head and sighed again.

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