Chapter 226 Banquet Invitation

Although both the transformed corpse king and the initial corpse king are subordinates of the corpse king, they are not in harmony with each other.

The main reason is that the original corpse king thinks that they are orthodox. Some look down on the corpse kings transformed by humans, worrying that they will still rebel one day.

These are also the information that Tang Yao just sensed from Lu Wenju.

After Lu Wenju heard it, his heart was also bitter.

Lu Wenju solemnly said: “My lord, please rest assured, the subordinates must be tight-lipped.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao was delighted and nodded.

That’s right!

If you say it out, wouldn’t I just show your stuff!

Suspected by the corpse king and warned by all the corpse kings, how can I play in the future?

After waving his hand, Tang Yao went straight down the mountain.

Seeing Tang Yao’s fading back, Lu Wenju shook his head helplessly.

Intermediate corpse king, awakened, powerful talents!

If he hadn’t been transformed into a corpse king, he must have been a stunning figure, right?

In terms of abilities, the three major systems of Five Elements, Life and Soul Control have also taken shape.

Now, it’s time to hone through the battle.

The on-the-spot reaction during the battle, the control of the timing of the battle, the use and combination of various abilities…These are all crucial factors.

If you can’t bring out the greatest combat power, wouldn’t it be ashamed of the young master’s talent.

After the combined riot of zombies and upgraded beasts is over, I will immediately return to Juntian base.

First go around the base island, sharpen it with sea beasts, and then enter the God of War training camp.

Yes, that’s it.

However, before that, you still have to tell Lao Jiang and Lao Wan about the joint riot between the zombies and the upgraded beast.

After making up his mind, Tang Yao speeded up.

At around 7 o’clock in the morning, Tang Yao returned to the villa swiftly.

On the way, Tang Yao bought two materials for level 1 genetic medicine.

After eating breakfast, Tang Yao prepared the two ingredients into genetic medicine.

Later, Tang Yao customized a 9th-level spear in the style of black gold in the Juntian Wuguan Mall.

After the 25% discount, Tang Yao paid 1.5 billion.

With Tang Yao’s current combat power, he can already fight the king-level zombie upgraded beast.

If it was defeated or even killed because of weak weapons, then Tang Yao would be too wronged.

Therefore, it is still necessary to customize a high-level weapon.

Moreover, Tang Yao is not short of money.

Afterwards, Tang Yao slept.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Tang Yao woke up and washed himself before leaving the villa.

After arriving at the black market in the main urban area, Tang Yao went straight in and came to the bathroom on the 6th floor.

After a while, a man covered in black robe walked in.

This person glanced at Tang Yao, who had also made a cover, ignored him, and walked straight into a partition.

Although he couldn’t perceive the opponent’s strength, Tang Yao saw the level 4 tactical boots on this person’s feet at a glance.

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up.

This person should be a junior fighter, no difficulty, it’s him.

Tang Yao used the sound of the five senses exploration technique to discern the position, and no one came.

Later, Tang Yao thought.

Talented ability: Master the soul!

In the partition, the junior standing officer who had just squatted down and was about to go to the big squat, his body stopped, and a blurry color appeared in his eyes.

Afterwards, the junior fighter raised his wrist, entered a message on the tactical watch, and sent it to an unfamiliar number.

Then, the junior station deleted the record of the message it just sent.

After another moment, the blurry color in the eyes of the junior war fighter completely dissipated, and he began to look like normal.

As for what just happened, this junior war fighter seemed to have no memory at all.

Outside the cubicle, Tang Yao smiled.

Tang Yao did the same thing three times on different floors.

Although Tang Yao’s target was different, the content of the message was the same, and the person who received the message was also the same person.

After leaving the black market, Tang Yao returned to his own villa.

Sitting on the sofa, Tang Yao smiled.

Along the way, I was cautious, changing outfits, hitting black cars, and using Level 1 genetic medicine to settle the round-trip fare.

There is no surveillance in the black market, let alone say, nor did I show up. I still send messages to Lao Jiang through others.

It is impossible to find me!

Old Jiang received exactly the same messages from three people, which should have aroused his alertness.

As for how to deal with ginger, it has nothing to do with me.

This matter is so secretive, if I come forward to say it, it would be strange if people don’t suspect that I have a leg with the corpse emperor.

That’s all I can do.

Next, it’s old ginger’s.

As for Lao Wan, I won’t tell him directly.

Otherwise, both Lao Jiang and Lao Wan receive messages at the same time, which means that the person who warned knows them both at the same time and may be found out.

I have not been able to leave the base in the last three days, so I should cultivate!

Down to the basement level, Tang Yao took out a 6-level material from the Interspatial Ring, configured it into a gene potion, and drank it directly.

Afterwards, Tang Yao completed the Lotus Position and performed the primary exercise technique.

Using the primary physical training technique, Tang Yao can Ascension 4 points of physique control a day.

By the day after tomorrow, Tang Yao could almost completely control the 10 physique of a bottle of level 6 genetic potion Ascension.


At ten o’clock in the morning on the 30th, Tang Yao was cultivating.

Suddenly, the tactical watch on Tang Yao’s wrist vibrated.

Tang Yao stopped cultivation, raised his wrist and looked at it. It was a message.

Ningcheng Base Juntian Martial Arts Hall sent an invitation to Tang Yao to attend the banquet to be held at noon tomorrow.

The theme of the banquet was to celebrate Jiang Changhai’s promotion to the peak of God of War.

After reading it, Tang Yao smiled and nodded.

Old ginger’s work efficiency is okay!

Also decisive!

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