Chapter 227: Su Muwan

Tang Yao smiled thoughtfully.

Tomorrow, isn’t it the day when zombies and upgraded beasts join forces to riot?

It is estimated that all Practitioners belonging to the Juntian Martial Arts Hall of Ningcheng Base have received this message.

For the banquet held for the chief curator, the Practitioner of Juntian Martial Arts Hall should not be absent.

Even people who are not at the base will rush back when they receive a message.

As for those who cannot receive the message, they can only ask for their blessings.

This is a good way!

It’s just that I don’t know if Lao Jiang invited people from other forces?

Did the news spread out?

Shaking his head, Tang Yao stopped thinking about this and continued to cultivate.


November 1.

At 10:30 in the morning, Tang Yao arrived at the main hall of Juntian Wushu in the main urban area.

When he reached the gate, Tang Yao was about to enter when he heard someone calling himself from behind.

Hearing the familiar voice, Tang Yao smiled and turned to look back.

I saw Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui walking side by side.

It was Zhu Junyi who called Tang Yao just now.

When the two walked up to him, Tang Yao asked, “Have you all received invitations to the banquet?”

Zhu Junyi shook his head and said with a grin: “The Lu family received it. I followed the dead man’s face. I knew you would come. It happened. We just assumed it was a dinner party. Moreover, there is no need to pay.”

Tang Yao smiled and nodded, and asked Lu Rui, “You Lu Family, are you here alone?”

Lu Rui nodded.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao secretly shook his head.

Lao Jiang should have sent out invitations to all the forces in Ningcheng Base, but it is hard to say how many people from these forces can come.

It seems that Jiang didn’t clearly inform the various forces about the zombies and upgraded beasts.

That’s right, after all, the authenticity of the message is not completely credible, nor can it be verified.

Even if Lao Jiang will get out of all the news, these forces will not fully believe it.

The three of them walked into the Juntian Martial Arts Hall together.

There were a lot of people attending the banquet this time, and the entire Juntian Martial Arts Hall was vacated to receive those attending the banquet.

The three of Tang Yao went straight into the main venue of the banquet, Ballroom 1.

The people who appeared in Banquet Hall No. 1 were not simple.

Either the strength is strong, the warlord or the Practitioner above the warlord.

Either the background is strong, such as the direct lineages of major forces, like Lu Rui.

Either the talent is strong, such as Tang Yao, he is a student of the genius training camp.

As for Zhu Junyi, although his talent is not as good as Tang Yao, after all, one of the strongest freshmen in the Ningcheng War Palace is also qualified to sit in the No. 1 Banquet Hall.

There are no hard and fast indicators to enter Banquet Hall 1, but it is not a level of Practitioner, and it will not be mixed in.

The three of Tang Yao walked to a table in the corner and sat down.

The three of them looked at all kinds of people in the banquet hall and chatted with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Tang Yao raised his tactical watch and transferred 500 million to Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui.

At this time, Tang Yao’s account balance had 322 million Tianlan coins left.

Even Lu Rui was a little surprised to see the 500 million received, let alone Zhu Junyi.

Tang Yao said: “You take the money and grow your own power as soon as possible. If you need genetic medicine, you can go to Ji’s Pharmaceutical Industry to buy materials in my name.”

“Send the materials to me, and I will help you refine them. But hurry up, I will leave soon.”

Tang Yao originally wanted to return to Juntian base after the riots of the zombies and upgraded beasts ended, but the level 9 weapons he customized the day before yesterday took a few days to arrive.

There is also the matter of tempering himself, Tang Yao thought for a while, it is not appropriate to go to Juntian base.

Although battles are always going on around the islands of Juntian Base, there are many people, and many of his own talents can’t be used to his fullest.

Not being able to use his abilities to his fullest will limit him to sharpen himself.

Therefore, it is more suitable to be in the wilderness of Ningcheng Base.

Moreover, the corpse emperor and the beast emperor are currently negotiating.

In the event of any danger, Tang Yao turns into a corpse king, and other corpse kings will not embarrass him.

In order not to affect the negotiation between the corpse king and the beast king, the beast king would not kill him.

In this way, the security is high.

Moreover, Ji Qiangwei contacted Tang Yao yesterday and told him that the pharmacist selected from the major bases and belonging to the Ji family had arrived.

Ji Qiangwei hoped that Tang Yao could leave for a few days later, and hoped that he would transmit information about other pharmacists at first-level to this group of personnel before leaving.

Tang Yao agreed and had already notified Ying Miaomiao.

Therefore, Tang Yao could not leave for the time being.

After listening to Tang Yao’s words, Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui nodded, secretly calculating.

After a while, there was a loud noise, and the three of Tang Yao looked up.

Seeing at the door of the banquet hall, seven or eight young men and women came in, talking and laughing.

Among these people is a beautiful girl with a beautiful face.

The girl is gentle and pleasant, giving people a soft and weak feeling, and people can’t help but give birth to a protective desire.

The eyes of the men around the girl were always on her, and they all tried their best to talk to her.

The girl smiled reserved from time to time and talked with several men.

After seeing the girl’s appearance, Lu Rui said to Tang Yao: “That girl is the Su family Miss you made me pay attention to, Su Muwan.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao frowned.

Tang Yao didn’t like the look in Su Muwan’s accidental eyes.

The look is like comparing and selecting goods.

Zhu Junyi chuckled and said playfully: “Little demon, how about that Hou Jue! Such a good girl has a secret affection for him. But hehe… I hope it’s not his wishful thinking.”

“It’s not easy to be able to talk to several men who admire him at the same time, and not to make these people dissatisfied, this girl!”

Tang Yao glanced at Zhu Junyi and said with a smile: “Bajie, you are not bad too! You can actually use your brain!”

Zhu Junyi gave Tang Yao a blank look, and said, “That Su Muwan is a student of the Ningcheng War Palace in the same class as I. There are quite a few people around this girl in the academy, and there are more outside. Moreover, these people Either a good background, or a strong talent.”

“Throw the net widely, and then choose carefully from the fish that you catch. It’s an old routine. But whoever makes a good performer and a good guy is willing to take the bait, it is also the strength of others. Little demon, let your little brother wipe it well. Keep your eyes open and don’t be fooled.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “I will remind you appropriately. As for how to do it, let Hou Jue decide for himself!”

Zhu Junyi smiled and said nothing more.

Lu Rui’s gaze had not changed much. Obviously, he had known Su Muwan’s situation a long time ago.

It’s just that Tang Yao confessed to paying attention to Su Muwan, and Lu Rui did it well.

As for who Su Muwan is and what will happen to Hou Hui in the end, it has nothing to do with Lu Rui.

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