Chapter 228 The riot begins

The banquet takes a self-service situation, with all kinds of delicacies.

After the three of Tang Yao took some food, they ate and chatted for themselves.

At 11 o’clock in the morning, the protagonist Jiang Changhai showed up.

Everyone congratulated Jiang Changhai.

Jiang Changhai smiled and nodded in greeting.

While chatting with the people on both sides, Jiang Changhai walked towards the high platform of the banquet hall.

As today’s protagonist, Jiang Changhai naturally wants to say something.

Just as Jiang Changhai walked under the high platform and was about to take the stage, the tactical watch on his wrist vibrated.

Jiang Changhai raised his wrist and looked down.

At this moment, not only Jiang Changhai, but many people in the banquet hall were looking down at own tactical watch, their expressions were very solemn.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

It seems that the abnormal conditions of the zombies and upgraded beasts have been discovered.

After reading the message, several bigwigs in the banquet hall gathered together.

Among them are Zhang Yinian, the mayor of Ningcheng Base City, General Cao Hongsheng, commander of the Ningcheng Military Region, Jiang Changhai, the general curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, Ferguson, the general curator of Guangming Martial Arts Hall, and Guan Feng, the general curator of God of War Martial Arts Hall.

All of them looked at Jiang Changhai with gratitude, secretly rejoicing in their hearts.

With such a large-scale operation of zombies and upgraded beasts, I am afraid that all human practitioners in the wilderness have been killed.

Had it not been for Jiang Changhai to host a banquet today, and they would have brought over the elite of their respective subordinates, their losses would have been even greater.

Cao Hong, the commander of the Ningcheng Military Region, had a gloomy face and said first: “Everyone, in the past, zombies or upgraded beasts have hit the military’s defense line on a large scale, but they are all actions of the zombies or upgraded beasts.”

“But this time, the zombies and the upgraded beasts acted at the same time. Obviously, it was premeditated. Now, there are zombies and upgraded beasts coming from all directions. It is difficult for the military to resist. We need support.”

Mayor Zhang Yinian nodded and said: “I will now summon my staff to support the eastern defense line as quickly as possible.”

After speaking, Zhang Yinian turned around and left in a hurry.

The administrative departments of the Ningcheng base are mostly located in the east of the main urban area, and they support the defense line on the east side faster.

Subsequently, Ferguson and Guan Feng also left.

Before leaving, the two said that Guangming Wuguan would support the west line of defense, and God of War would support the north line of defense.

At this time, Jiang Changhai said, “Commander Cao can rest assured that the people in Juntian Wushu Hall will arrive at the southern defense line as soon as possible.”

Cao Hongsheng saluted Jiang Changhai, then turned and strode away.

Jiang Changhai raised his wrist and issued an order in the name of the general curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base.

Immediately, Jiang Changhai sighed secretly.

Earlier, after I got the warning, the news was sent to the Wuguan headquarters as soon as possible.

But the headquarters only issued an order for the martial arts halls of the major bases to recall their Practitioners, and drag the Practitioners of other forces as much as possible.


There is no other way!

It is impossible to want complete trust between the major forces!

I just don’t know, who is the one who hides himself in the dark and passes information to me through others!

Shaking his head, Jiang Changhai walked out of the banquet hall quickly.

At first, most people in the banquet hall were a little confused about the departure of several big-time figures.

But immediately afterwards, everyone received group messages from their respective forces.

The zombies and the upgraded beasts rioted together and besieged the military defense line outside the Ningcheng base. All Practitioners at the combat level and above immediately assembled.

Seeing the message, everyone was shocked.

This is the first time that zombies or upgraded beasts have jointly attacked humans.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and immediately got up and left.

The three of Tang Yao also received the message.

Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui also got up immediately, planning to return to their respective schools to gather.

Tang Yao said: “Wait a while before leaving, you follow me first!”

After finishing speaking, Tang Yao took Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui to an empty corner.

Tang Yao took out a bottle of life essence and two empty bottles from the Interspatial Ring.

Tang Yao picked up the bottle of life essence and poured 20 drops of life essence into each of the two empty bottles.

Later, Tang Yao handed the two bottles to Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui respectively.

Tang Yao said, “These life essences are enough for your life. Be careful.”

Zhu Junyi and Lu Rui did not shy away, and after putting the bottle containing the essence of life into the Interspatial Ring, they nodded to Tang Yao.

Immediately, the two turned and left quickly.

Tang Yao didn’t stop either, and strode towards the assembly area of ​​Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Tang Yao didn’t worry about the safety of Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun.

After the battle started, the crystal armor repair factory was bound to become busier.

Tang Yuanshan must be busy to death, he can’t get up even if he wants to go to the front line.

Bai Qiuyun is a middle school teacher, and she will not be transferred until a critical moment.

As for Yuan Xi, she is a pharmacist, and staying behind can play a greater role, and Tang Yao does not need to worry about it.

When Tang Yao arrived at the assembly area, less than 5 minutes after Jiang Changhai issued the order, there were already tens of thousands of people in the assembly area.

It was mainly today’s banquet. The main participant was the Practitioner of Juntian Martial Arts Hall, and the assembly was naturally very fast.

As soon as Tang Yao arrived, he saw Jiang Changhai rise into the air.

Standing in the air, Jiang Changhai commanded loudly: “All God of War, after the battle begins, staring at the dead corpse king and the beast king, you must not let them rush into the crowd. Now, you immediately set off to the southern defense line to support. ”

As soon as Jiang Changhai’s voice fell, 30 figures flew up in the sky and flew towards the south with extreme speed.

Looking at the 30 figures who left, Tang Yao secretly calculated.

There are more than 30 God of War in the Juntian Martial Arts Hall of Ningcheng Base. For a large base like the Beijing Base, there should be more God of War in Juntian Martial Art Hall.

From this point of view, the number of God of War in the entire Juntian Martial Arts Hall should be over one thousand.

Terrible strength!

However, if you count it, the number of God of War is really small.

Taking the Ningcheng base as an example, the number of God of War in the three martial arts halls should be about the same, adding up to about a hundred people.

The number of God of War belonging to Xia Kingdom and other big and small forces should not exceed the three major martial arts halls.

In other words, the God of War in Ningcheng Base has around 200 people.

With a population of 200 million, God of War has only 200!

One million talents produce a God of War!

This probability is terrifyingly low!

While Tang Yao was thinking about it in his heart, Jiang Changhai continued: “All high-ranking generals, stand in front.”

Hearing that, the senior fighters in the crowd set off immediately, and Tang Yao was no exception.

Jiang Changhai in the sky found Tang Yao walking forward, and his heart was shocked.

This kid is already a senior fighter?


This kid is not short of military exploits, and it is not surprising that he has been promoted to a 7-star warrior with the three earth essence fruits and the original pill given to him by the inspector Lin.


The talent is good, and the resources are not lacking. This kid is hell of a bad promotion.

If daddy had his opportunity back then, he would have broken through to God of War.

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