Chapter 229: Arriving at the Frontline

Feeling Jiang Changhai’s gaze, Tang Yao looked up.

Tang Yao smiled brilliantly at Jiang Changhai, and muttered in his heart.

The position of the chief curator is quite prestigious!

Soon, it won’t take a year, and Jiang’s seat will be mine.


When many high-ranking warriors walked forward, the ground on both sides of the assembly ground slowly rose, revealing two large holes.

Transporters quickly drove out of the underground garage, stopping row after row in front of the crowd.

After all the senior fighters in the crowd came to the front, Jiang Changhai said loudly: “Now, all senior fighters board the car and stand on the roof according to the distribution of Jingnao. The rest, according to the distribution of Jingnao, find your respective teams. Captain, board the car immediately.”

“After all the members of the brigade are all, we will set off immediately. There is currently no assigned team for the junior soldiers of 1 to 3 stars. You will leave as a reserve team at the end.”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Changhai flew directly toward the south at an extremely fast speed.

Hearing that, all the Practitioners above the junior soldiers looked down at the own tactical watch.

Tang Yao clicked twice on the tactical watch and saw a distribution plan.

Tang Yao was assigned to the 92nd Brigade as the captain.

There are 154 people in a brigade.

Tang Yao’s men had three squadron captains, all of whom were intermediate-level combatants.

Each squadron leader leads 5 teams.

Each squad has 10 people, the captain is a junior fighter, and there are 3 senior fighters and 6 intermediate station soldiers in the team.

After reading it, Tang Yao nodded secretly.

This distribution plan is very reasonable and detailed.

Even if there is any crisis, the group leader and the three squadron leaders can also be used as mobile forces to rescue in time.

In the war, the role of the crystal brain is too powerful.

If it weren’t for crystal brain assistance, it would be impossible to come up with a precise personal plan in such a short period of time.

Soon, the Practitioner at the senior general level quickly found the vehicle assigned to own, and stood on the roof of the car according to Jiang Changhai’s instructions.

The rest of the Practitioners, after finding Captain Own, quickly assembled towards the vehicle where the Captain was.

In less than 10 seconds, Tang Yao’s first team member arrived.

The team member glanced at Tang Yao and frowned secretly.

Tang Yao is too young.

This person just wanted to board the car, Tang Yao said: “Don’t come up, give me your communication method first. You go to the black market and buy materials for level 2 to level 5 genetic medicine, according to the level of our team members.”

This team member was stunned for a moment, and then gave Tang Yao his own communication method.

Then, the team member turned around and ran towards the black market next to the martial arts area.

Tang Yao added the player’s communication method to the tactical watch, and immediately transferred 31 million.

The price of medicinal materials on the black market is similar to that given to Tang Yao by Ji Qiangwei, but the medicinal power is not balanced, and the configuration is more difficult.

But for Tang Yao, these are not problems at all.

After the team member who bought the medicinal materials left, the rest of the 92nd team arrived one after another.

When these team members saw Tang Yao, the reaction of the team member who went to buy medicinal materials was similar, they all frowned secretly.

Tang Yao naturally saw the thoughts of these people, but he didn’t explain much.

Three minutes later, except for the one who went to buy medicinal materials, all the members of the 92nd Brigade boarded the transport vehicle.

At this time, some teams have assembled and started to set off.

Seven minutes later, the team member who bought the medicinal materials returned.

Tang Yao patted the carriage, and the 92nd Brigade departed last.

The transporter is so big that it can seat 200 people.

Tang Yao directly sat on the ground in Lotus Position and placed the medicinal materials that the team member had bought back with Own.

Tang Yao took out the genetic medicine equipment from the Interspatial Ring, and said, “Don’t be idle, the members of the same team will get to know each other.”

After speaking, Tang Yao began to deploy genetic medicine in the surprised eyes of the players.

Tang Yao is an 8th level pharmacist, and to him, configuring 2 to 5 gene potions is like playing.

With the assistance of level 9 equipment, Tang Yao deployed a bottle of level 1 genetic medicine in 20 seconds.

After throwing the gene potion to a squadron leader, Tang Yao said: “According to the ranks, each person has a bottle. In the early stage of the battle, it will take time for the later resources to be transported. A bottle of gene potion can help you restore some energy, which is enough for you. It’s been a while.”

After speaking, Tang Yao continued to prepare the second bottle of genetic medicine.

The team members looked at Tang Yao who was quickly deploying genetic medicine, and they were shocked.

It’s too easy to configure this genetic medicine!

Our captain, looking young, thinks very well, but doesn’t know how strong he is!

In order to cooperate with the transportation of reinforcements, two roads in the Ningcheng base were specially vacated.

The speed of the transport vehicle was very fast and it was a bit bumpy, but it did not affect Tang Yao’s allocation of genetic medicine.

Half an hour later, the transport vehicle drove out of the Ningcheng base, and Tang Yao had already configured 90 bottles of Level 2 genetic medicine.

Tang Yaogang wanted to start deploying level 3 genetic medicine, and the tactical watch on his wrist vibrated.

Tang Yao looked down and saw that it was a message from Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

The zombies and upgraded beasts will arrive at the southern defense line in one and a half hours!

After watching, Tang Yao patted the carriage behind him, and roared: “Speed ​​up!”

Subsequently, Tang Yao continued to dispense genetic medicine.

An hour later, the 92nd Battalion finally arrived at the southern line of defense.

Tang Yao also completed the configuration of the genetic medicine and distributed it.

Tang Yao also used the level 6 materials stored in his Interspatial Ring to configure himself a bottle of level 6 genetic medicine.

Standing up, Tang Yao waved his hand and said, “Get out of the car.”

Facing Tang Yao, the members of the 92nd team said gratefully, “Thank you, team leader!”

One more bottle of genetic medicine to restore consumption may save their lives. These people are naturally grateful to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao smiled and got out of the transport truck first.

After getting off the car, the 92nd Battalion was assigned to the right-hand defensive line.

At this moment, a tall, dark-skinned man came over.

The man approached Tang Yao and said: “Captain Tang, I am Duan Peng, the 6th Battalion Commander of the 3rd Regiment in charge of this line of defense. On behalf of the brothers of the 6th Battalion, I thank you for your reinforcements.”

After speaking, Duan Peng paid a military salute to Tang Yao and others.

Tang Yao said, “The Battalion Commander Duan is polite, this is what we should do. Battalion Commander Duan, you are an expert in combat command. Those of us, please follow your arrangements and give orders!”

Hearing that, the members of the 92nd Brigade were secretly relieved, they were really afraid of Tang Yao’s blind command.

Tang Yao was young and vigorous, and if he was chaotic and commanded, it would kill them.

Not listening!

Rebellious on the battlefield, if Tang Yao killed them, they would all die in vain.

As for whether there was a command error in Tang Yao’s command, that was after the battle was over.

Duan Peng smiled heartily and said: “When I first received the notice, I saw Captain Tang’s message, but I had a headache. Unexpectedly, Captain Tang did not have the stink of those geniuses despite his young age. Now, My old man is relieved. Since Captain Tang Da said so, then I’m not welcome.”

After speaking, Duan Peng began to give instructions.

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