Chapter 230 Corpse Tide and Beast Tide

After the disaster, the army was restructured, and the largest independent combat unit was the regiment.

A regiment has 10 battalions, a battalion has 10 companies, a company has 10 squads, and a squad has 10 fighters.

A regiment has 10,000 fighters, plus commanders and logistics support departments, the number is about 11,000.

The regimental commander is generally God of War, the battalion commander is a high-level combatant, the company commander is an intermediate or junior combatant, and the squad leader is a high-level combatant.

This is still the configuration of the main combat regiment, and the general regiment’s personnel configuration is much lower.

Compared with the elite strategy of the three martial arts halls, the proportion of senior practitioners in the army is still lower.

Duan Peng did not let the 92nd Battalion intersperse among the 10 companies of the 6th Battalion, but instead let them take charge of a nearly 100-meter line of defense.

The fighters of the 6th Battalion cooperated tacitly. If the 92nd Battalion was suddenly interspersed, it would reduce the combat effectiveness.

A defense line of less than 100 meters, 15 teams of the 92nd Brigade, each responsible for a defense line of about 6 meters is enough.

In other words, a team only needs to have 3 players in front at a time.

In this way, the team behind can be replaced and rescued at any time, and the safety is higher.

After adjusting the formation, Tang Yao and others waited silently.

Tang Yao looked at the soldiers next to him, and saw that they were wearing various crystal armors.

There are tall and heavy defensive crystal armors with large shields, attack crystal armors with huge swords, light and thin speed crystal armors, and balanced crystal armors.

The shape of crystal armor is also various, humanoid, animal shape, and some weird shapes.

After watching for a while, Tang Yao secretly shook his head.

The fire was all over the sky, and the explosion was deafening.



Pieces of zombies and upgraded beasts were killed or injured, roaring endlessly.

The effect of shell bombardment is good, but compared with the huge number of corpse tides and beast tides, it is stretched.

Moreover, seeing the cannonballs flying, the leader-level zombies and upgraded beasts all made evasion in advance, and the loss was not big.

As long as it is not in the center of the bomb explosion, even if the leader-level zombies and upgraded beasts are affected by the bomb explosion, the injuries are not serious.

Behind the line of defense, a large number of shells continued to shoot out.

In front of the line of defense, the roar of explosions continued.

The tide of corpses and beasts was blocked by the cannonballs, and their advancement speed was a little slower.

But on the whole, it is still approaching quickly.

Among the zombies and upgraded beasts, the only one that is not affected is the flying upgraded beast in the air.

The speed of these upgraded flying beasts did not slow down in the slightest, and they rushed towards the human line of defense.

At the forefront of the upgraded flying beast are thousands of upgraded locusts in yellow and black.

These upgraded locusts are more than 10 times larger than before.

The wings of these upgraded locusts kept stirring, and their mouthparts shone with cold light.

The attack of upgraded locusts is very simple, that is, they bite with their mouthparts and then eat them.

The single strength of upgraded locust is not strong, but once it is scaled up, it is a nightmare existence.

As long as the number of upgraded locusts is large enough, even God of War will be gnawed away.

Behind the upgraded locust are various flying upgraded beasts.

There are iron-winged birds, blood crows, ghost claw gooses, golden feather eagles, two-headed griffins…

Soon, the flying upgraded beast was less than 5,000 meters away from the front.

Through the intermediate pupil technique, Tang Yao saw the upgraded locust overwhelming in the front.

Tang Yao frowned secretly.


The single attack power of this thing is not strong, and it is equivalent to the junior combat soldier.

But there are too many to kill it.

Obviously, the Beastmaster let a large number of upgraded locusts fly in front, just using them as cannon fodder.

Use the upgraded locusts to consume human bullets, cover and buy time for the upgraded flying beasts with stronger combat effectiveness.

A light flashed in Tang Yao’s hand, and a sniper rifle appeared!

Hunter 5 series sniper rifle!

Tang Yao hadn’t used this gun for a long time.

Now, it can be used.

In the Practitioner on the human side, there are many sniper rifles in their hands, but they are all waiting quietly.

The distance now is too far, most of them can only see the black spots in the sky that are constantly approaching, and they can’t see what flying upgraded beasts are.

Tang Yao was also waiting, he could see clearly, but the hunting wind 5 series sniper rifle had a maximum effective range of 3000 meters.

Proficient with Tang Yao’s perfect heat weapon, he can hit the foremost upgraded locust.

But even if it hits, the power is about the same as tickle.

Therefore, Tang Yao can only wait.

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