Chapter 243 Blow to death you bastard!

Prior to this, Tang Yao repeatedly targeted and humiliated the tall and thin corpse king. How could it not care?

The tall thin corpse king didn’t believe that Tang Yao would end up with the miniature nuclear bomb in his hand, so it shot.

Moreover, the tall and thin corpse king didn’t choose Tang Yao to do it when he was in front of the Golden Armored Cangxiong King, and the Golden Armored Cangxiong King couldn’t say anything.

The moment the tall and thin corpse king acted, Tang Yao discovered the anomaly.

Tang Yao was relaxed on the surface, but in fact he was always holding it in his heart. He was always paying attention to the surrounding situation during his five-senses exploration technique.

Tang Yao’s heart trembled, and while fleeing quickly, his heart violently moved.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 85 percent, and the remaining Mental Energy was only 5 percent.

If it weren’t for the fear that all Mental Energy would consume the foundation of the ability, Tang Yao would not keep a trace of Mental Energy.

Tang Yao uses 5% of Mental Energy to fill his own feet with lightning energy.

With the blessing of thunder and lightning energy, Tang Yao’s speed immediately ascensioned, about 10%.

The remaining 80% Mental Energy, Tang Yao is used to activate the charm ability.

The Mental Energy of the tall and thin corpse king was strongly impacted by the charm ability, and a blur of color appeared in his eyes, and his speed also decreased.

Tang Yao didn’t care about the effect of the charm power at all, nor did he care about the intense tingling sensation in his mind.

Tang Yao slipped his left thumb and pressed it on the trigger switch of a miniature nuclear bomb in the second row.

Immediately, Tang Yao threw more than 100 miniature nuclear bombs at the tall and thin corpse king.

The tiny nuclear bomb triggered by Tang Yao would explode after a delay of 0.2 seconds.

Tang Yao didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately burned the energy in his body madly.

Suddenly, Tang Yao’s secret technique multiplier increased from 17 times to 35 times the limit.

Suddenly Tang Yao’s speed nearly doubled as Ascension.

However, the sudden increase in body load caused cracks in Tang Yao’s skin.

Moreover, these rifts are still expanding rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, a bottle of life essence appeared in Tang Yao’s hand, and Tang Yao drank 10 drops of life essence as quickly as possible.

With the life essence to replenish energy and repair the body, the cracks on Tang Yao’s body no longer expanded, but were shrinking at a very slow speed.

After putting away the essence of life, Tang Yao quickly clicked a few times on the own tactical watch and sent out an instruction that he had prepared.

Afterwards, Tang Yao’s heart moved, and all his battle clothes gathered behind him.

After doing this at the fastest speed, Tang Yao ran to Jiang Changhai who was rushing from the opposite side.

Behind Tang Yao, those corpse kings and beast kings saw more than 100 micro-nuclear bombs flying in, and immediately evaded to the sides.

Except for the tall and thin corpse king.

After 0.1 seconds, the tall and thin corpse king came to his senses.

When Gao Thin Corpse King saw the bundle of mini-nuclear bombs flying over quickly, it was too late.

The tall and thin corpse king felt a chill and immediately pushed his defense ascension to the limit.


The violent explosion sounded!

In midair, a small mushroom cloud appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Tang Yao just ran out for several tens of meters.

The strong shock wave produced by the explosion directly blasted Tang Yao up, and the speed was much faster than Tang Yao’s full use.

In the air, Tang Yao’s body was constantly rolling, and blood was constantly spouting from his mouth.

Fortunately, Tang Yao gathered all his battle clothes behind him in advance.

Moreover, the increase of the secret technique is all-round, including defense.

The 35-fold increase increased Tang Yao’s defensive power a lot.

But even so, Tang Yao’s back was still bloody, and all the broken bones leaked out.

The blood turned into more than a dozen long lines, which kept falling.

And Tang Yao’s battle clothes had become pieces of tattered pieces.

Coupled with the excessive consumption of Mental Energy, Tang Yao’s state is extremely different at this time.

Tang Yao clenched his teeth secretly before holding on, without fainting directly.

Tang Yao fluttered in the air for less than a second before he was caught by a pair of big hands.

At this time, the tall and thin corpse king was still shrouded in the mushroom cloud that had just exploded, and he couldn’t see anything.

Tang Yao didn’t care about the situation of the tall and thin corpse king, but immediately said two words extremely weakly.


Jiang Changhai didn’t know why, but he didn’t hesitate to take Tang Yao back quickly.

Less than 100 meters after Jiang Changhai exited, he saw 5 streamers flying by with strong energy fluctuations above his head.

Jiang Changhai’s eyes narrowed.

Damn it!

Laser Cannon!

In an instant, Jiang Changhai burned energy frantically and retreated extremely quickly.

Seeing these 5 streams of light, Tang Yao’s heart moved, and a bottle of life essence with only 50 drops in his hand appeared.

After that, Tang Yao tightly held the essence of life in his hand and fainted contentedly.

Before falling into a coma, Tang Yao had only one thought in his mind.

Kill you bastard!

These 5 streamers were exactly the laser cannons emitted by Tang Yao’s war shuttle.

When fighting with the upgraded beasts on the front, Tang Yao gave instructions through the tactical watch, and the Shuttle flew over under the control of Xiao Hei Jing Brain.

After arriving, Tang Yao’s war shuttle has been suspended behind the human front.

Just now, at the moment of crisis, Tang Yao will send out the instructions that he edited a long time ago.

Under the control of Xiao Hei, the war shuttle fired all the laser cannons that could be fired at the explosion center of the miniature nuclear bomb.

Five laser cannons are in the center of the core that just exploded.


A more violent explosion sounded!

A mushroom cloud that was bigger than before rose instantly.

More intense energy shocks are coming madly!

Jiang Changhai quickly turned around, pushing his own defense Ascension to the limit, using his back to resist the huge energy impact.

Fortunately, at this time, Jiang Changhai was nearly 300 meters away from the explosion center, and he was protected by a battle suit. The injury was actually not too heavy.

Even so, Jiang Changhai’s back was still blurred by the impact, and his face was even paler.

Jiang Changhai felt a lot more relieved after vomiting a big mouthful of blood.

Returning to the human position, Jiang Changhai put down Tang Yao.

After forcefully removing the life essence from Tang Yao’s hand, Jiang Changhai poured 20 drops on Tang Yao.

Seeing Tang Yao’s wound healed quickly, Jiang Changhai’s heart was relieved.

Looking at Tang Yao, who was almost like a sieve, and the essence of life in his own hands, Jiang Changhai smiled in anger.

This bastard has such a strong desire to survive!

This was because I was afraid that I didn’t have the essence of life in my hand, and I took out his own essence of life just before fainting.

What I think is thorough!

I don’t know why this kid has to take risks!

He went to check the Seven Ye Tian Heart Grass, what on earth was it for?

Unable to figure it out, Jiang Changhai shook his head and cast his gaze to the center of the two explosions.

At this time, the mushroom cloud has not dissipated, and the specific situation inside cannot be seen.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Changhai couldn’t help but smile.

That tall and thin corpse king, won’t be killed by Tang Yaokeng, right?

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