Chapter 244

This question not only has Jiang Changhai, but also the humans, corpse kings and beast kings present.

Moreover, the possibility of the tall and thin corpse king being pitted to death is not small!

The tall and thin corpse king is just a high-level corpse king, and there is still a certain distance from the pinnacle corpse king.

First, it was bombed by more than 100 micro-nuclear bombs and then bombarded by 5 lasers. It is not surprising that he died.

The humans present all laughed.

If the tall and thin corpse king really died, that would be interesting.

Zombies and upgraded beasts jointly launched an attack on humans for the first time, and the king-level battle did not start, and a senior corpse king died.

He was killed by a 7-star general!

This news is hot enough!

When the corpse king heard it, I am afraid that everyone would want to kill the tall and thin corpse king again.


Tang Yao, this guy is interesting!

The Beastmaster present had a lively expression on his face.

The tall and thin corpse king died when he died, and he was not one of them.

The Golden Armor Cangxiong King smiled, and then shook his head somewhat regretfully.

Looking at this situation, today’s match is no longer able to fight.

Although Tang Yao was not dead, he was also seriously injured.

The most important thing is that Tang Yao’s battle clothes have been worn out.

I want to get a battle suit for a while, it’s difficult!

The corpse king present looked very ugly.

The tall thin corpse king is the commander-in-chief of the zombies on this side.

Moreover, the dead are still a little useless.

Those present, whether it is the God of War and the generals on the human side, or the corpse king and the beast king, will look at Tang Yao who is lying motionless while waiting for the mushroom cloud to disperse, and their hearts are shaking. Endless.

This guy, there are really many means!

The city is also deep, and there are still a lot of calculations!

From the very beginning, he thought out the own way and the tricks.

The tall and thin corpse king suddenly slowed down, it must be Tang Yao’s calculation.

Needless to say, this kid is definitely an awakened one.

Strong talent, deep city.

He was also recognized by Juntian Martial Arts Hall and will soon succeed Jiang Changhai, and his background is not lacking.

This son, the future is limitless!

After a while, the mushroom cloud finally gradually dispersed, and everyone finally saw the situation inside.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they reflected.

At the same time, there was a chill in my heart.

Nothing at all!

At this time, at the core of the two explosions, there was only a huge scorched pit.

The earth and rocks are burning in the pothole.

Other than that, there is nothing.

The tall and thin corpse king seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the tall and thin corpse king was dead.

Moreover, there is no bones left, not even a single residue.

Even after the two big explosions, there are still some bones left, which were directly burned into fly ash by the high temperature.

Seeing this scene, everyone shuddered.

In the past, everyone was not too concerned about technological weapons.

But today, they have truly seen the power of technological weapons.

A senior corpse king was completely wiped out from the world in this way.

Of course, everyone knows that although technological weapons are strong, it is difficult to hit God of War or king-level zombies and upgraded beasts head-on.

Technological weapons are very powerful, but how to use them and what effect they can produce depends on people.

Thinking of this, everyone once again turned their eyes to Tang Yao, who had passed out of a coma.

Everyone’s evaluation of Tang Yao, or they were jealous, once again ascensioned a level.

The Golden Armored Cangxiong King took a deep breath, secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, I didn’t attack Tang Yao, otherwise, all of his methods would be used on me.

Even if my strength is better than that of the tall and thin corpse king, I can’t hold it, and I will die in all likelihood.

Moreover, the dead are still very useless.

The corpse king present was both angry and sad.

But now they have no leader, and they are not as powerful as the human side, and they can’t do anything.

Both humans and Beastmasters are gloating.

Jiang Changhai smiled playfully, and said to the Golden Armored Cangxiong King: “Bear King, that’s it for today!”

The Golden Cangxiong King glanced at Tang Yao and said, “Every future battle will be on the east side of the Ningcheng base. This time there is no way to fight, but next time, I hope he can still play. Moreover, I hope that the gambling fight between us can also continue.”

“It depends on the situation. If Tang Yao’s injury is healed, he will take the initiative to ask for it. At that time, I don’t mind betting on you again.”

Jiang Changhai said lightly.

The Golden Cangxiong King nodded.

After a huge beast roar, the Golden Cangxiong King retreated into the wilderness with the Beast King behind him and a large number of upgraded beasts.

The remaining 20-odd corpse kings were unwilling, but they had no choice but to retreat with a large number of zombies.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Changhai and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions were a little excited.

In the other three fronts, the high-ranking warriors who participated in the battle were either killed or captured alive.

On the south side of the defense line, the commander-in-chief of the zombie side was killed, a big victory!

The defeat was finally restored!

For the current situation of human beings in a weak position, it can be regarded as a shot in the arm, which can ascension a lot of morale.

Smiling, Jiang Changhai turned around and looked at the many high-ranking generals and God of War from Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Jiang Changhai ordered: “God of War stay here and continue to be on guard. The senior war will take your respective teams and fix them up. Don’t return to the base yet. I will notify you when the situation stabilizes.”

The 200 or so high-ranking generals all nodded and said yes, and then returned to the positions of their respective teams on the southern front.

More than 30 God of War also returned to the line of defense.

At this time, Ding Yongtai stood up and confessed to the group commanders and battalion commanders under him.

After Ding Yongtai confessed, Jiang Chang Haiqian chatted with him a few words, and then took Tang Yao back to the base.

After returning to the base, Jiang Changhai went directly to the First Hospital of Ningcheng Base.

After placing Tang Yao in a single ward, Jiang Changhai found Wang Yuanan, the director of the First Hospital.

Wang Yuanan was shocked when he saw that the injured person was Tang Yao.

Wang Yuanan didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately used a healing power on Tang Yao.

After careful inspection, Wang Yuanan corrected Tang Yao’s broken bone, and immediately put Tang Yao in the medical cabin.

Jiang Changhai still had a lot of things to deal with. After hearing Wang Yuanan said that Tang Yao was not in danger of life, he confessed a few words with Wang Yuanan and left directly.

After observing for a while, Wang Yuanan also left.

In today’s battle, many people were seriously injured, and Wang Yuanan was also very busy.


In the afternoon of the next day, in a single ward of the First Hospital of Beijing Base.

In the medical cabin, Tang Yao slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, Tang Yao only felt a violent tingling sensation in his mind, his body was weak and weak, and his energy was apathetic.

Tang Yao raised his hand and rubbed it on his temple.


This sequelae of excessive consumption of mental energy and energy at the same time is really uncomfortable!

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