Chapter 250

After Mei Luoxue left, Xiaoshu was like a child without parental discipline, jumping around in Jiang Changhai’s office, very active.

The three of them didn’t care, and started talking on the sofa.

Jiang Changhai looked at Tang Yao and said, “Boy, it’s rare for Inspector Mei to value you. You have to work harder and get promoted to Level 7 pharmacist as soon as possible.”

“If you break through to God of War and pass the assessment of the headquarters, I will let you try to take over the martial arts gym. When you advance to the intermediate God of War, I will be completely liberated.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Chancellor General, don’t worry. I’m very confident to be promoted to Level 7 Pharmacist within three months.”

Jiang Changhai said with satisfaction: “That’s good!”

Immediately, Jiang Changhai looked at Ying Miaomiao and asked, “Is it satisfied with the place arranged for your Dange?”

Ying Miaomiao smiled and said, “I am very satisfied, and I have to thank Uncle Jiang for his support.”

“There is no need to thank you. They are all a family, and it is okay to help each other. Besides, if the inspector Mei can come to Ningcheng base to take a seat, I can handle many things easily, and my pressure will be much less. If it were God Xia Guo The strong above of War come and sit here, I won’t be as comfortable as I am now.”

“Well, you have to thank Tang Yao. If he weren’t here, Aunt Mei would not choose to come to Ningcheng base.”

“Yes, really thanks to this kid.”

Jiang Changhai said with a smile.

Tang Yao was confused.

He had some guesses, but he was not sure.

Seeing what Tang Yao wanted to ask, Jiang Changhai waved his hand and said, “If you want to know anything, just ask Miao Miao! If you have something to talk about, I won’t keep you.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao and Ying Miaomiao stood up to leave and walked towards the door.

When he reached the door, Tang Yao paused, as if he was thinking of something.

Tang Yao turned around, looked at Jiang Changhai and said, “The chief curator, the captain of the 92nd squadron, I guess I can’t do it. Please arrange for the chief curator.”

Jiang Changhai said: “Don’t worry, I have arranged someone to replace you.”

Tang Yao nodded and asked, “General Director, what’s the loss this time?”

After Jiang Changhai sighed, he said in a deep voice, “The loss is great. The warlords alone have lost more than 100 people. The entire Ningcheng base has more than 2,000 warriors.”

“In two hours of fierce fighting, one twentieth was lost. Our martial arts gym also killed 12 warriors.”

“Under the generals, the losses are even greater. Especially the military. This time they are fighting on the four fronts and are the main force of the war.”

“War soldiers, even soldiers of the War Disciple level, are all fighting to fight without fear of death. The crystal armor alone has blew more than 2,000 pieces. This troubled world is really him… alas!”

Jiang Changhai wanted to be violent, but seeing Ying Miaomiao present, he still held back.

Instead, he could only sigh helplessly.

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s expression was not good, and he shook his head, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Tang Yao said nothing, turned and walked out of the office.

Ying Miaomiao took the small tree, followed Tang Yao, and walked out.

Looking at Ying Miaomiao beside him, Tang Yao asked in a low voice: “Sister Miaomiao, do you think the ultimate victory will belong to us?”

Ying Miaomiao shook his head and said, “I don’t know either.”

Tang Yao was taken aback.

Originally, he thought Ying Miaomiao would comfort him.

Unexpectedly, the answer I got turned out to be “I don’t know”.

Ying Miaomiao smiled and said, “Let’s talk while walking!”

After speaking, Ying Miaomiao raised his foot and walked forward.

Tang Yao followed.

As he walked, Ying Miaomiao said, “I really don’t know if we will win in the end. But I know that we can’t lose in a short time.”

“You and I know that the final decision is not God of War, nor is it the Practitioner under God of War, but the top powerhouses above God of War.”

“The result of their final duel is the key to determining overall victory or defeat. The reason why I say that we cannot lose in a short time is because the top combat power of our humans is dominant.”

“Compared with any of the zombies, upgraded beasts, and sea beasts, the top combat power of human beings is stronger than them. Of course, when they are combined together, their strength is still stronger than that of our humans.”

“However, the corpse emperor, the beast emperor, and the sea emperor have their own minds. Even if they have the intention to unite, it is so simple to truly unite together. Otherwise, humanity would have been destroyed long ago.”

Tang Yao frowned and asked, “Is the Sea Emperor also participating in this war?”

Ying Miaomiao nodded and said, “Yes, when you were attacked a few days ago, the Sea Beast also launched a fierce attack on Juntian Base. Obviously, the Sea Emperor was also involved.”

“But you don’t have to worry. Even if the three parties are united, they don’t dare to launch a full-scale offensive rashly because they are afraid. To be precise, they are afraid of my father.”

“My father is known as the world’s number one powerhouse, and it’s not a silly name. One-on-one, the corpse king, the beast king, and the sea king are not his opponents, and they may even be killed by my father.”

“Once we humans are pressed into a hurry, whether it is the deep sea, the corpse nest or the beast imaginary, if my father leads the human top powerhouse to kill, it is possible to kill the emperor among them.”

“Of course, the top powerhouses on our human side are also afraid. The combination of the Corpse King, the Beast King and the Sea King has a big force behind it.”

“This great power is our human being’s greatest enemy, and it is also the existence that the top powerhouses are afraid of.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s eyes flashed with coldness.

Heavenly Corpse Church!

Although Ying Miaomiao didn’t say it clearly, Tang Yao also guessed it.

The force that is feared by the top human beings is bound to be the Heavenly Corpse Sect.

It turned out that the total war did not break out, not because the Corpse King and the Beast King had not reached an agreement, but because of mutual fear.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao asked, “Sister Miaomiao, why didn’t that big power take action? If that big force takes action and integrates the three parties of zombies, upgraded beasts and sea beasts, wouldn’t it be easy to wipe out our humans?”

Ying Miaomiao thought for a while, and said, “Sooner or later you will know some things. It’s okay to tell you. The Tianlan star where we are located is very unusual and has many secrets.”

“One of them is the entry of external creatures, and the combat power will be greatly suppressed. That great force comes from the starry sky and has sent strong people to enter. However, my father desperately killed it.”

“The way to enter Tianlanxing is just above the Juntian base. This is why my father established the base there. Since then, that great force has not sent any strong people into it.”

“There should be people with that power hiding in the Sky Lantern. However, it should not be strong enough to command the corpse emperor, beast emperor, and sea emperor. Otherwise, all-out war will not have erupted until now.”

“The war a few days ago swept through all the bases of the human side in the world. It is very likely that it was caused by the people hiding in the sky.”

“The purpose should be to capture more human awakened people. It is very possible that the forces are doing experiments. At the critical moment, there is no awakened people as experimental subjects.”

Tang Yao nodded, feeling that his understanding of the current situation was much clearer.

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