Chapter 251: The Cultivation Method Above God of War

The remarks just made by Ying Miaomiao, coupled with Tang Yao’s own speculation, gave him a general understanding of the current situation.

The corpse emperor, the beast emperor, and the sea emperor were jealous of Yingjun, fearing that he would suddenly bring people to the lair and kill himself.

Therefore, no full-scale war has been launched.

It’s just taking advantage of non-top combat power to fight a war of attrition.

The human side does not dare to easily kill the zombies, upgraded beasts, or sea beasts’ nests.

Even if an emperor is killed, the top combat power of mankind will inevitably suffer a great loss.

Faced with the remaining two parties, they will undoubtedly lose.

Under mutual fear, it contributed to the current situation.

The top combat forces guard against each other and do not take action.

Under the top combat power, fight for life and death.

The people of the Celestial Corpse Cult hidden in Tianlan Star are doing experiments on talent abilities, and the awakened are their experimental subjects.

Among the zombies, upgraded beasts and sea beasts, there are many awakened.

But the war was launched.

Explain that the experimental subject they really need should be the human awakener.

At least, the experiment is based on human awakened subjects.

But the corpse emperor, the beast emperor and the sea emperor followed the orders of the heavenly corpse religion and started this war.

At least it shows that the Heavenly Corpse Sect has a certain deterrent effect on the three parties.

But since it is not a full-scale war, it also shows that the deterrent power of the Celestial Corpse Sect is there, but it has not yet reached the level of absolute control.

There is also the secret of Tian Lan Xing. Although Ying Miao Miao said it is vague, from the relics suppressed by combat power and appearing, Tian Lan Xing’s secret should be quite large.

Thinking about this, Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What Tang Yao lacks most is time.

As long as there is enough time, he has the confidence to Ascension his own strength to the level of Yingjun, or even surpass Yingjun.

What Tang Yao fears most is the arrival of full-scale war ahead of schedule.

Now, Tang Yao has a clear understanding of the situation, and he feels a lot more at ease.

Tang Yao smiled and said to Ying Miaomiao, “Sister Miaomiao, thank you for telling me so much.”

Ying Miaomiao smiled and said: “With your talent, as long as you don’t fall, you will know this sooner or later. However, it is best not to leak these news, so as not to cause panic.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Well, I understand. By the way, Sister Miao Miao, what do you mean with the curator just now? The pavilion master came to the Ningcheng base for me?”

Ying Miaomiao replied: “It has something to do with you, but it’s not all because of you. After the war broke out a few days ago, for safety reasons, after discussing with the major forces, they decided to let the powers above God of War sit in the majors. base.”

“Xia has six major bases, but there are not so many strong people above God of War. Our martial arts club has decided to send two inspectors to help Xia Guo establish two major bases.”

“The two inspectors can choose the base they want to go to. Of the two inspectors, one is the third inspector Gu Ya, he chose the Tianfu base. The remaining inspector is the pavilion master. ”

“As soon as the pavilion master leaves, the entire Dan pavilion will also follow the pavilion master. The pavilion master does not have a special base that he wants to go to. Considering that you are in the Ningcheng base, you chose this place.”

“Also, the pavilion owner doesn’t like fighting. The fighting intensity of Ningcheng base is lower, which is why the pavilion owner chooses here.”

Tang Yao nodded and asked, “So, now the entire Dan Pavilion has been moved to Ningcheng Base?”

“Not all. The pharmacists affiliated with Juntian Martial Arts Hall are all members of the Dan Pavilion. Originally, I had summoned most of the pharmacists to Juntian base. But considering the current situation, I sent some back. The rest is here.”

“Then how many pharmacists are below level 6?”

Ying Miaomiao said: “523 people. The number of pharmacists below level 6 staying in the bases is about the same. When the number of pharmacists Ascension is almost the same, I will switch to those pharmacists staying at the major bases.”

“These people have been arranged to the auxiliary building on the east side. Later, you will transmit information to them and proceed there. Now, I will take you to see your office. Tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock, you can go there on time. Others Yes, I will arrange.”

Tang Yao nodded, feeling a little in his heart.

It is worthy of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall, the number of pharmacists is more than Ji’s.

However, Ji’s pharmacists are definitely more than those chosen by Ji Qiangwei.

But the total amount should still be less than Juntian Wuguan.

The more people, the better!

The more people there are, the more rewards I get!

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao asked, “Sister Qiangwei, did the alchemy that the pavilion master just talked about after reaching the 9th-level pharmacist to comprehend it, or is there any inheritance?”

“There are inheritances, and they come from the relics. Not only the alchemy, astrology, secret arts and other cultivation methods, but also from the relics. Nowadays, the widely circulated physical arts, warfare and movement techniques are the astrology and the secret. A simplified version of the technique.”

“Then after God of War, will cultivation change?”

Ying Miaomiao thought for a while, and said, “A big change! From War Disciple to God of War, the major is the physical body. By absorbing energy, Ascension physical strength. Only when the breakthrough is big Realm, the mental energy will be big. Ascension of magnitude.”

“Above God of War, the body, energy, and Mental Energy are cultivated together. To absorb energy is still to use astrology, to temper the body is to use body forging, and for powerful Mental Energy is to use forging of God.”

“The secret technique is invalid, because the strong above God of War, the basic physical strength exceeds 10,000 points, and the physical body is very strong. If you use the secret technique to increase it, the body will not be able to bear it.”

“The strong above God of War will choose to use Mental Energy to completely erase the understanding of the secret technique. Because, starting from the War Disciple, the cultivation method and the movement technique, and then to the secret technique later, they all use the habit. If you subconsciously use the secret technique in the battle, the physical body will directly collapse.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

No wonder, Lin Xiuyuan and Mei Luoxue have no secret skills.

It turned out to be for this reason.

Ying Miaomiao continued: “In fact, the most important way of cultivation for the strong above God of War is the understanding of the rules. The main way of fighting is to compete with the understanding of the rules, and see who can perform better. strength.”

“Actually, the talented ability is a rudimentary rule. After breaking through to God of War, the talented ability will be integrated into the soul and become a basic understanding of the rules.”

“So, the Awakener has the advantage to break through God of War. However, it depends on the individual who can go to the late stage. Talent, opportunity and perseverance are all important.”

Tang Yao nodded, feeling clear.

It seems that Lin Xiuyuan’s wind control technique, Mei Luoxue’s fire control technique and wood control technique are all an understanding of the rules and an extension of the talent ability.

No wonder, I copy once, and consume 50% of Mental Energy, which is more than the cost of copying talents.

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