"Is it pride or desire to express further confirmation!" Su Yang Nannan said to himself.

After confirming it, Su Yang said to Jiang Rou, "Further investigation is needed, Zhang Xing has already gone to Jinzhou City!"

Jiang Rou had already sat beside Su Yang and opened the photo to look at it.

The corpse was thrown at the entrance of a factory, with its head facing north, its eyes were hollow, and the blood was soaking in the eye sockets, which looked a bit scary...

"The deceased's wrist has obvious scars, which should be caused by being bound. From the ghastly expression of the corpse, it can be seen that his eyes should have been gouged out by people when he was alive!"

"The murder weapon is..." Jiang Rou opened the page of the autopsy report and said, "The murder weapon is a sharp weapon, the technique is immature, and there are a lot of cuts in the eye socket. After the murderer picks out the eyeball a little bit, then grabs the eyeball and pulls it out directly. of……"

Looking at the autopsy report, Jiang Rou couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This method is really too cruel, you must know that the eyes are the most sensitive part of the human body.

A little bit of injury in this place will hurt. The murderer pulls out the eyeballs of people while they are alive. His technique is still very immature, and he may not pull out the eyeballs at one time.

When the eyeball was pulled halfway and slipped back, the murderer poked his finger into the eye socket and pulled it out again...

Jiang Rou couldn't imagine how much pain the deceased would have to endure at that time.

".〃This murderer is getting more and more cruel. In the first case, the person's stomach was cut open to cause excessive blood loss and death. The second case was drowning people with red paint. It's just frustrating to pull it out..."

After speaking, Jiang Rou seemed to feel that something was wrong, and said, "It's not that it's getting more and more cruel, the murderer's methods of committing crimes are outrageous at the beginning!"

Seeing Jiang Rou angrily accusing the murderer of his actions, Su Yang had to say, "It's true, but Shi Jingshan didn't die by gouging out his eyeballs, but his heart was directly injured by the murderer."

"In the autopsy report (Wang Haohao), it was written that the cause of death was because a sharp weapon was pierced into the heart, but there were no other scars!"

Jiang Judao: "The team leader, what should we do now? In this case, the murderer doesn't seem to have left any clues!"

"Look at Zhang Xing's investigation. I think this case will bring us more clues!" Su Yang said.

Zhang Xing rushed to Jinzhou early in the morning. He is now on behalf of the task force to understand the case, and with Ye Ming as a big backer, there is usually no accident. Zhang Xing can have the clearest understanding of the case at the first time. of understanding.

After all, there are some important points listed by Su Yang.

Su Yang was silently looking at the volume of information, and Jiang Rou also took the autopsy report and other reports aside and checked it in detail.

It wasn't until noon that Zhang Xing's call came from Jinzhou City. However, this call changed Su Yang's previous guesses a lot. .

Text Chapter 1022 Sacrifice to become a Buddha!

Zhang Xing's phone call not only made Su Yang feel, but the people in the group were even more puzzled.

In the previous two cases, the head of the deceased was facing north, but in this case, the head was super northeast.

"Northeast direction? Why has the direction changed this time?" Su Yang couldn't help but wonder.

Zhang Xing asked on the phone, "Master Su, now the case has changed, what should we do?"

"Which city is the northeast of Jinzhou City?" Su Yang asked after returning to his senses.

Zhang Xing compared the map earlier, and immediately said: "I checked, the city in the northeast of Jinzhou City is Changzhou, and Changzhou not only borders Jinzhou City, but also borders Lanchuan City. These cities It depends a lot!"

After Zhang Xing finished speaking, Su Yang had already taken out the map and looked at Changzhou on the map.

Changzhou relies on these cities.

How does this come around?Su Yang couldn't help talking to himself.

Completely different from what he thought before, Su Yang didn't think much, just said: "Check!"

Zhang Xing knew what Su Yang meant by asking him to check whether there was a similar case in Changzhou, so he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yang marked several cities with a red pen and connected them together. Is there any connection between these cities?

It seems that there is no connection, but why did the murderer do this?

In the case, Wang Dagen was killed on October [-]th, Tang Yue's case was on October [-]th, a week apart, Shi Jingshan was killed on October [-]th. is six days apart.

It can be seen that the frequency of murder by the murderer is about a week.

If nothing else, there may be a similar case in Changzhou.

"So, the place where the murderer murdered and dumped the body must have some meaning?" Guan Hongfeng said in surprise after hearing it.

Qin Feng thought about it, the case was really going in the direction he speculated, but he couldn't know what the murderer wanted to do.

Su Yang said: "I don't know what the murderer wants to do, but I suspect that cities in this area should have connections, and the hub of this connection must be some idea in the murderer's mind!"

In fact, most of the original reasoning in the Wang Dagen case has been upgraded.

The red paint has become a sign for the next case. The original fixed small area has become a large area. There is even a connection between the two cases, but the first case (bffd) and the third case are not connected.

It's like three unrelated points, linked by the murderer.

"If these cities are connected by a red line, what does this line represent?" Qin Feng said thoughtfully.

"What does it represent? Only one person died in each city, and one person represents a character..."

Qin Feng suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Isn't it a sacrifice?"

"Sacrifice? What sacrifice?" Su Yang's heart also jumped.

"I'm just guessing. A city has a dead person, and a dead person represents a character. What can you do if you eliminate all the emotions and desires?" Qin Feng said.

Xue Danren said: "I haven't heard many legends about the seven emotions and six desires. I think the most relevant one is to become a Buddha. Only Buddhists advocate eliminating the seven emotions and six desires of human beings. That is the benchmark for becoming a Buddha!"

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