"He wants to become a Buddha?" Fang Mu felt a little unbelievable.

Chapter 1022 Sacrifice to become a Buddha! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"He wants to become a Buddha?" Fang Mu felt a little unbelievable.

Following him, he said, "If you join him because you want to become a Buddha, the people he kills only mean that one of the seven emotions and six desires has been eliminated, and it doesn't meet the standard at all!"

"Maybe he thought so. He didn't kill a person, let the dead eat a bad habit in them, and then it means that he sacrificed a bad habit in his body, so he became a Buddha?" Xue Danren thought for a while. .

Everyone said a lot, but Su Yang's sudden sentence made them all quiet down.

"But... Buddhism advocates not to kill. He killed so many people, does he look like a Buddha?" Su Yang said.

Fang Mu nodded heavily and said, "I agree with what the group leader said. If the murderer became a Buddha, I don't think he would use this method, but sacrifice is worth thinking about. It is a bad habit for a city to sacrifice!"

"The murderer's handwriting is a bit big!"

Fang Mu sighed and said something, and Su Yang said, "What is the purpose of sacrificing emotions and desires? What is he doing?"

After speaking, everyone did not speak, and Su Yang whispered again, saying: "Perhaps... it's not emotional, but something else?"

Su Yang shook his head, he felt that he needed to know more about the case.

In the case of Jinzhou City, although Su Yang did not visit Jinzhou City in person, he also learned about the circumstances of the case from the case file.

After killing Tang Yue on October [-], the murderer aimed directly at Xidi Town, Jinzhou City. He drove his van to the target location.

In six days, there is enough time for the murderer to find the target to kill.

On October [-]th, he found Shijingshan and investigated Shijingshan's activities.

That night, when Shi Jingshan was out alone, he stunned Shi Jingshan with ether and tied him in his van.

In the van, he dug out Shi Jingshan's eyeballs and let Shijingshan eat his own eyeballs, but Shijingshan may have been in shock at that time.

The murderer didn't waste time, took out the sharp weapon he was carrying and plunged it into Shi Jingshan's chest, ending Shi Jingshan's life.

Later, in the middle of the night, Shi Jingshan's body was thrown at the gate of his factory, with his head facing the northeast city, Changzhou!

During the investigation by the Jinzhou Municipal Bureau, there were no traces left on the case, and the murderer had a strong sense of anti-investigation. The cases in Hepingchuan and Lanchuan were exactly the same.

After Su Yang wrote down the key points of the case, he slowly spread out the map information on the table.

"From the center of Pingchuan City to the suburbs of Lanchuan City, and then to Xidi Town in Jinzhou City, then the next case should be in Changzhou...Changnan Town!"

Using the ability of amnestics, Su Yang instantly found the place where the next case should take place.

Zhang Xing just called and asked, "Consultant Su, I already feel Changzhou City, what kind of case should I investigate?"

"Changnan Town, Changzhou, the murder case is characterized by..." Su Yang was silent for a while, then opened the case file.

Zhang Xing was not in a hurry over there, he knew that this case was a bit complicated and Su Yang needed time to think.

"There are no extra marks on the corpse, nor is it like the extra wounds in Tang Yue's case, what could it be?"

Su Yang suddenly realized that he almost ignored this doubt, so he looked at the photo and pondered.

"It's suspicious. The key word in Shi Jingshan's case is the eyes. The knife in the heart should be unnecessary. Then the next case..."

Su Yanglian said to the phone: "The case where the heart of Changnan Town, Changzhou City was dug up!".

Body Chapter 1023 Greedy toothpicks!

When Zhang Xing got the news, he told the director of the Changzhou Municipal Bureau next to him.

"Consultant Su said yes, the heart of Changnan Town, Changzhou City was dug up!"

The director of the local city bureau did not delay, but directly said to the people around him: "The case in Changnan Town, find out immediately!"

The police quickly went to investigate, and ten minutes later, a policeman came and said hurriedly: "I found the director, there is a case in Changnan Town, the heart of the deceased was dug up, and it happened on the [-]th of last month. !"

"Captain Zhang, look..." The city bureau chief looked at Zhang Xingdao~.

Zhang Xing said politely: "Director, this case is related to the case in Hepingchuan City. Please let Consultant Su look at the case file for convenience!"

"It's natural!" The director of the city bureau was also very polite. Naturally, Su Yang wanted to give his full help in investigating and handling the case.

The city bureau chief looked at the policeman next to him and said, "Go and transfer the case file information to Captain Zhang!"

"it is good!"

Half an hour later, the case file was transferred in time, and Su Yang also passed the electronic draft of the case file to Su Yang immediately.

After Su Yang accepted the case file in the room, he uploaded the case file to the group at the same time.

As soon as the group members saw the new case file, they carefully read the case file one by one.

"The case this time is greed, not the desire among the six desires, nor the emotion among the seven emotions of human beings, but it is greed as the Buddha's Seven Emotions say, but the Buddhist..."

It seems that Buddhism has nothing to do with this case!

Su Yang thought for a while, then shook his head again, and continued to think under the Buddhist thought, fearing that he would fall into a thinking trap.

Silently looking at the case file, the case file said that a greedy person was killed by a murderer, and the method of killing was still similar to the previous cases.

After the murderer kidnapped the victim, he took off the heart of the deceased while he was alive, and stuffed the heart of the deceased into the mouth of the deceased. The police were surprised.

But this case is not the same as the previous cases. The place where the corpse is thrown is a place that has nothing to do with the deceased.

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