"The position corresponding to the mouth of the spoon is the place where he wants to change his life. It's almost time to search!"

Thinking about it, Su Yang sent the message (Wang De's) to the Pingchuan City Bureau.

Standing at the window, Wei Hongyun couldn't contain his excitement when he read the news, and when he walked to the window, he found that it was raining again.

"Good guy, in just one day and midnight, you have figured out the case so clearly!" Wei Hongyun didn't know what the case was like, but Su Yang said he chose to believe it unconditionally.

The city bureau has already dispatched the police to search. Although it is determined where the location of Pingchuan City is, it is still impossible to determine which house. They can only visit and search the area in detail.

In the group, Xue Danren suddenly asked: "The principle of killing and throwing corpses is clear, but I have a question, why did the murderer kill in such a way? Does the character of the deceased have anything to do with sacrifice?"

"Of course there is!" Su Yang said, squinting, "Since it is a sacrifice, it is natural to choose the most special or the best!".

Body Chapter 1027 The Seven Deadly Sins of Human Nature!

In ancient times, people who chose to sacrifice to the sky were generally livestock such as pigs, cattle, and sheep. In some areas, people chose to sacrifice to the sky, such as beautiful women in the village.

Generally, such a woman is an eighteen-year-old or a daughter in the room. This custom of offering sacrifices with a living person must be impossible to see today, and it was rare in ancient times.

But it is undeniable that it exists in some areas.

The characteristic of this case is that the killing of living people is used for sacrifice, and the murderer must also find a better one.

The best of course are those people who have not been infected by the big dye vat of society, mostly children.

But the murderer did not choose a child, maybe the murderer's humanity has not been completely wiped out, or there may be another possibility.

The target of the murderer who wants to change his life is not a child, but an adult. In this case, the target of choice will naturally be an adult.

If you think about it in this way, a certain personality trait in a person will be very obvious after entering the society.

This is the prototype of the murderer's method of killing. He wants to get rid of those people who are particularly prominent. For the murderer, it is a bad habit that needs to be changed in order to reach the standard of sacrifice.

This kind of bad habit is explained in Buddhism as the seven emotions and six desires. If you eliminate the seven emotions and six desires, you can become a Buddha on the spot.

In the Bible, there is also an explanation, that is, people have seven deadly sins!

Su Yang said in the group: "In our ancient Chinese religion, if you want to become an immortal, you don't want to eliminate people's seven emotions and six desires, but you can become an immortal after suffering. In foreign countries, Asan's side is based on Buddhism, eliminating the seven emotions and six desires. Only then can you become a Buddha!"

"In the religions of Western countries, gluttony, greed, laziness, lust, arrogance, jealousy, and rage are the seven deadly sins of human nature in Catholic teachings. Gluttony is also gluttony, which corresponds to Wang Dagen's case!"

"Catholic teaching holds that if a person fails to eliminate the seven deadly sins of human nature, he will be doomed forever."

"And '7' is a very mysterious number abroad. God created Adam in seven days and took out Adam's seventh rib to create Eve, and Satan's prototype is also a fire dragon with a head!"

"The murderer removed the seven deadly sins from the seven dead, that is, the person who wants to sacrifice is more perfect!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, Xue Danren suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he always felt that the seven emotions and six desires were a bit wrong before. It is possible to say that the seven emotions correspond to seven cases, but the clues of the seven emotions are not very prominent in the cases.

Su Yang began to write and draw on the paper.

The first case was a murder case in Jianghai City. The deceased had his hands and feet chopped off, corresponding to laziness among the seven deadly sins. He had hands and feet but didn't know how to work, so he was killed.

In the case of Hirakawa City, the stomach of the deceased was dug out, corresponding to gluttony, that is, gluttony.

Lanchuan City, Tang Yue case, the head was pried open, and the brain was contained in the mouth of the deceased, corresponding to anger.

In Jinzhou City, the eyes of the deceased were gouged out, corresponding to pride.

Changzhou City, the heart of the deceased was dug up, corresponding to greed!

Then there is the victim in Jiangning City, whose lower body was cut off, corresponding to lust!

The last case was that the deceased in Haozhou City had his lips cut off, corresponding to the last of the seven deadly sins, jealousy.

In the last case, it seems to be related to the gluttonous case, but because the deceased liked to speak ill of others behind their backs, this is an extreme manifestation, and it is reasonable to cut off his lips.

The group members also compared the case to the seven deadly sins of human nature that Su Yang said.

"Sure enough, he wanted to get a pure sacrifice, so he wanted to eliminate the seven deadly sins of human nature, so there were those phenomena in the case!" Guan Hongfeng said with emotion.

Chapter 1027 The Seven Deadly Sins of Human Nature! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Sure enough, he wanted to get a pure sacrifice, so he wanted to eliminate the seven deadly sins of human nature, so there were those phenomena in the case!" Guan Hongfeng said with emotion.

Fang Mu drew the portrait and uploaded it to the group.

"It's this person, is there this person in Hirakawa City?"

Su Yang saved the picture, and then smiled: "Is there any need to continue the investigation!"

After the case was thoroughly clarified, Su Yang felt a little relieved, so he was not in a hurry for the time being.

"Now that the case is completely cleared, the murderer's motive has been guessed, and his location is also being investigated on a large scale. Thank you all for your help (bfaa)!" Su Yang laughed.

The members of the group all laughed, and the clues deduced by the power of all the members of the group are basically very unlikely to make mistakes.

Su Yang also gained a further understanding of Xue Danren's ability, especially when Su Yang suddenly came up with the idea of ​​the seven deadly sins when he was on the phone with Qiu Nan.

At that moment, Su Yang really felt the mystery of his metaphysics ability. If this was put on the previous mysterious cases, it is estimated that the cases would also reduce a lot of confusion.

After chatting with the group members for a while, Su Yang passed the portrait to the city bureau.

The city bureau was already turbulent, and when Su Yang sent the portrait, the city bureau was even more excited.

"It's incredible. There were no clues a day ago. After this day, the case not only made a breakthrough, but also directly found the portrait of the murderer!"

"Consultant Su really is the best in martial arts. No one really has the ability to solve this case!"

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