"I heard that this case involved several cities. Consultant Su was stunned to use some clues to link these cases together, and it took only one day to discover the crucial clues of the case!"

"The suspect is still being investigated outside. What kind of person is the murderer this time, I'm really curious!"

On the side of the city bureau, there was an uproar over Su Yang's case.

In the director's office, Wei Hongyun looked at Chen Jiang and said, "How is it? Did you learn anything?"

Chen Jiang lowered his head and said, "Consultant Su...is really too powerful. I am still busy with Wang Dagen's case in this case, and he has already set his sights on other cities."

"Also, the contact points of Wei Mo's case were all found by Consultant Su. If I want to reach the height of Consultant Su, I'm afraid I have no chance in my life!"

Chen Jiang's tone was flat, and he didn't show any signs of discouragement. When facing a strong enough person, he couldn't raise any negative emotions at all. Instead, it aroused Chen Jiang's fighting spirit.

Since he can't catch up with Su Yang's footsteps, he can't let Consul Su look down on him.

"Well... how's the criminal investigation training class going?"

Wei Hongyun didn't ask anything about the case. In his opinion, the clues that Su Yang found by locking himself at home for a day could not go wrong.

Chen Jiangdao: "It has already been established, but there are quite a few students, but there are not enough teachers!"

"I will solve this matter. You are responsible for finding talented boys in the city bureau or the sub-bureau. The above has approved us to open a criminal investigation training course, which means that the above is still very optimistic about us. You are the squad leader in this criminal investigation training course. !"

"Director, I..." Chen Jiang felt that it was difficult for him to be a big boss.

Wei Hongyun waved his hand impatiently: "Go out, the case has to continue to be investigated. Consultant Su has given so many clues. If you even pinpoint the suspect, Consultant Su will have to take action, but Consultant Su will be looked down upon!"

"I know!" Chen Jiang saluted and slowly backed out. .

Chapter 1028 Light!

The corresponding position of the spoon mouth of the Big Dipper is in the south of the city of Pingchuan.

The south of a city is very broad, and it is very difficult to find the specific hiding place of the murderer inside.

People from the city bureau checked suspicious locations overnight, but they didn't find any suspects.

Early the next morning, Su Yang packed up and went to the south of the city in person, bringing a map with him.

The map was drawn by Su Yang the night before, and the corresponding position in the center of the mouth of the spoon is in the old town in the south of the city.

In addition to the more accurate map drawn, Su Yang also had a portrait drawn by Fangmu in his hand.

These two things have also been handed over to the Pingchuan City Bureau. This kind of search for suspects naturally falls to the City Bureau. The reason why Su Yang rushed to the destination was to see if there were any key locations. missed by them.

Walking on the street, Jiang Rou also followed Su Yang's side.

"Team leader, you said..." Jiang Rou looked up at Su Yang and said, "What kind of religious belief does the murderer have?"

"Religious belief?" Su Yang smiled and said calmly, "He has no religious belief!"

Jiang Rou looked at Su Yang suspiciously, and asked curiously, "Why don't you have religious beliefs? In this case, the murderer obviously wanted to contact the so-called immortals. How could there be no contact?"

"If it's just based on our Chinese religion, he may be religious, but in this case, the content of Western Catholicism is also involved, and the case will look complicated first!"

"Really crazy religious believers disapprove of other religious content!"

Su Yang said indifferently that the murderer in this case meant that he changed his life against the sky, and it was very likely for a critically ill patient. This critically ill patient could be himself or someone he loved deeply.

Jiang Rou is thoughtful, she can understand Su Yang's words, but the case involves religion, and the murderer has no religious belief, which is very strange.

The two seemed to be walking aimlessly on the street, but after walking for half an hour, Su Yang's footsteps slowly stopped.

"Is it here?" Jiang Rou asked.

Su Yang took out the map for comparison, nodded and said, "The final foreshadowed location should be here, but here..."

"The terrain here is a bit complicated. Most of the people living here are local people, mostly the elderly!" Jiang Rou said.

This place is similar to the old alleys in the past. They are all old houses. Looking up, you can see the bustling high-rise buildings in the distance, which forms a sharp contrast with this place.

Su Yang strolled in, and he could still hear some opera sounds on the left and right sides. There was an old woman washing clothes under the faucet.

"Team leader, how can you investigate this? You can't turn this side over to investigate, right?" Jiang Rou cried.

Su Yang nodded seriously and said, "It's not impossible!"

"Isn't it team leader, do you really think so? The population here is not too small. If you investigate one by one, I'm afraid it won't be able to investigate in a month or two!" Jiang Rou shouted again.

"Between the age of twenty-five and thirty years old, if you live here, the family situation will not be very good, and there has been a major incident at home recently, and the stupid way is the most reasonable way!" Su Yang said indifferently.

"If it is fast, it will take three to five days. If it is slow, there may not be any clues in ten days and a half month!"

"It is."

Su Yang nodded and said, combined with the local customs, it may take ten days and a half to lock the suspect, and it is uncertain whether the murderer will notice and escape during the period.

Running away would be a hassle again!

"That's the only way to check at the moment, but I think if he wants to ask God to save someone, he should make a mark there!" Su Yang said silently.

Crossing a few alleys, Su Yang also saw a few young people who didn't look like the murderer.

During the period, I also encountered two police officers. The two also followed the clues provided by Su Yang before, looking for the suspect here, but the suspect has not been locked at present.

Chapter 1028 Light! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

During the period, I also encountered two police officers. The two also followed the clues provided by Su Yang before, looking for the suspect here, but the suspect has not been locked at present.

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