God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1013: True and false

The first thousand and thirty-three chapters true and false

Entering that passage, it is not safe, and it is still full of Thunder power. There are many bones along the way, which should be left by the strongmen who have come here to explore.

Qin Qi propped up the soul, not afraid of the thunder, all the way to the depths, after half an hour, actually still did not reach the end.

This time, Qin Qi has some doubts in his heart. This huge column is indeed huge, but the former scorpion has also revealed the situation of this passage, and the speed of Qin Qi is not full. It is reasonable to say that it should have arrived.

Yes, it should have arrived soon, but Qin Qi has only sensed problems until now!

This is really a big problem!

Thinking of this, Qin Qi immediately stopped, did not continue to move forward, his mental strength vibrated, the dark wizards superimposed the soul, to maintain the strength of their own soul, without interference.

Immediately, Qin Qi’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and everything in the surrounding area showed a layer of fog, which became unrealistic.


Two words appeared in the brain of Qin Qi, and the heart suddenly sounded loud.

Qi Qi·Hermes!

The ancient sword is screaming and screaming like a diamond, and it is close to the sea of ​​souls. Qin Qi will never let himself fall into a lie.

At the same time, Qin Qi also hides all the power and can launch a Thunder strike at any time.

"I haven't seen you for more than a year. The growth of Xiaoyou is beyond imagination!" Wu Qiu opened, and the mist around Qin Qi was scattered, no longer a illusion of a lie.

At this time, Qin Qi discovered that he was still standing at the entrance. From the beginning, he did not walk in and was deceived.

"Come in." He opened his mouth and he was in the passage.

Qin Qi’s heart flashed countless thoughts. The appearance of Qi Qi was indeed beyond expectations. He was actually in this huge pillar. Then, did Wu Sheng’s death have already been known?

Qin Qi took a deep breath, calmed down and walked into the passage.

He was looking for a difference, and now that he has encountered it, he has saved the trouble of finding it, just to see what he wants to do.

This time, Qin Qi was not deceived, but there were indeed many sinister dangers along the way. The powerful Thunder could not be ignored, but overall, it was still shocking.

At the end, the space here is suddenly bright and huge, and the giant door does not need to be identified. It can be seen clearly at first sight.

This is a stone gate, very huge, and each of them has carved a statue on it, which is extremely majestic and shocking.

However, Qin Qi’s knowledge is shallow and he does not see the origins of these two gods. In the hands of the gods, there are chains connected. The center is a huge stone lock with four keyholes.

Indeed, it is here.

Looking away from the giant door, Qin Qi saw the difference. As he did more than a year ago, he was still sitting on the plate, his legs were abolished, and he could not act.

According to Xunzi, when Wu Sheng defeated Qi Qi, he wanted to die, but in the end he was escaped by ignorance, only to abolish his legs.

It’s just that the scorpion is so jealous now that his legs are still not cured.

Qin Qi can not believe it.

"Little friends don't come innocent." He smiled awkwardly, his voice was a little more angry than before, no longer a ruin, like a dead person.

And he looked at Qin Qi's eyes, there is a coverless surprise, apparently did not expect more than a year, Qin Qi has grown to such a point.

I must remember Qin Qi at that time, even Wu Wang is not.

"It seems that the seniors are also doing well." Qin Qi smiled.

Qi Qi shook his head and sighed: "I can't talk about it, I just live."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi is just a smile, this is Hermes, deceiving the Mozu, his words are as untrustworthy as his power.

"Predecessors, I have never seen a living person can hollow out two origin nests." Qin Qi smiled.

When the ambiguous words were heard, the light suddenly flashed and the breath changed and became sharp.

But then, he smiled and distracted. "It seems that the little friend has already had an insight into everything."

"Insight does not dare to do anything, but the origin of the nest is so strange, there is no second person to think about it." Qin Qidao.

"My existence, in fact, only the Terran Wusheng knows, you have seen him?" asked Qi.

This question is asked...

Qin Qi’s eyes are slightly picked up. Is this ambiguity testing him? Does he really know that Wu Sheng is already awkward?

"In fact, at the beginning, I knew the identity of my predecessors." Qin Qi did not respond positively, but said so.


This is to make Qi Qi really have some surprises.

To know his realm, even the blood of other Mozu, is not so easy to expose his identity, let alone he is a Hermes.

If he was not facing Wu Sheng at the beginning, his identity would not be exposed at all.

And the young man in front of him actually learned his details when he first met.

This is amazing.

“I don’t know how the little friends did it?” asked Qiuqi interested.

"This predecessor should not ask more, everyone has their own secrets." Qin Qidao.

Wu Qi nodded and said: "Well, the old man does not force you."

"You are here today, but you want to walk into this door?" Wu Qi turned and asked, looking at the giant door, the light in his eyes was hot.

"That is to see, after all, I did not collect four keys." Qin Qidao.

"If you want two other keys, the old man can help you."

Qin Qi was awkward, but he refused. "Thank you for your predecessors to raise love. This place is dangerous. It’s better to come early, or wait."

Qin Qi’s brain was squeezed by the door to accept the help of Qi Qi.

"It seems that Xiaoyou still has a prejudice against the old man. Although the old man is a demon, it is indeed a natural opposition to the human race, but the old man does not have a heart of harm."

No harm?

Qin Qi smiled and said: "Predecessors, the younger generation has something unknown, I want to ask."

"But it's fine!"

"Now it seems that the four keys needed to enter the depths of this huge column, then what did you give me this Royal Thunder cone?"

Qin Qi took out the Yu Leiwu cone, which was given to him by the first time. He said that he was able to resist the Thunder force in the giant pillar and help him go further.

At the time, Qi Qi also told Qin Qi that the end of this road might be the door to go out.

"This..." 驮 微 微 微 微 尴尬 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

Hey, the alternative Lei Ge plus blood links.

However, the Jun family is a combination of blood power plus forging and martial arts, and this is the deception, deceiving the Thunder, deceiving power.

I have to say that this ability is too good to use, almost omnipotent and enviable.

"How many people did you lie to?" Qin Qi was speechless.

"I can't remember, anyway, the rookie who came in every year was mostly deceived by the old man, and they did help the old man a lot. There are still a few of them that are extremely powerful. I really came here." .

He pointed to the skeletons in front of the giant door and said: "This is their body. It is not bad to be here. I have gained a lot of strength by using the Royal Lei cone."

"It's a liar." Qin Qiwei.

"Little friends said this wrong, the old man did not lie to them." He Qihe laughed.

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