God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1014: Magic cooperation

The cooperation of the first thousand and fifteen chapters

It is a deceit to the demon, and you can speak swearing with your eyes open.

"The old man did not deceive them. After this, there is indeed a way out. Moreover, although the Royal Lei cone is used to absorb power, it does have the power to resist the Thunder."

"They can come here, but also rely on the old man's Royal Lei cone, and this also let them know the existence of the giant door, knowing that they should go to the origin of the nest to seize the key."

"To tell the truth, if there is no outside strong intervention, they may one day gather four keys and enter this door. Of course, if you can get to the end, then you don't know." Hey, he laughed.

It’s not bad to say that if you really have a way out, then he didn’t deceive anyone. At most, there is no reminder that there is a door here, but this is not a big deal. It’s those who choose to go here.

Dangerous, from the very beginning, I knew that when Qi Qi gave Qin Qi Yu Lei's cone, he also said that this road was a dead life.

And if there was no existence of Emperor Ji, Qin Qi would probably have come to this huge column.

"How did the seniors appear here now?" Qin Qi was silent for a while, so asked.

"This is a long story. In short, the power that the old man used to use the Royal Thunder cone is used to maintain the lies of the two originated lairs. This is hundreds of years until you first come in. Complete the absorption of power from the two originated nests."

"You are the last person to get the Royal Lei cone from me." He said with a smile.

This luck is good or bad.

"The predecessors should be recovering now." Qin Qidao.

"I barely recovered some." He said that he did not know the truth.

“What are the plans for the seniors?”



"Yes, the old man intends to wait here until someone opens the door and then goes in together."

"The power of the older generation, it is not easy to get the key?" Qin Qi is a bit strange.

"If you have seen the Terran Wusheng, you should know that it is useless to get the key?" Xiaoqi laughed.

Qin Qi heard the words and blinked his eyes. After thinking about it, he asked: "When you stay here, you are not afraid of your troubles under the command of Wu Sheng?"

However, Qi Qi did not respond positively, but asked in reverse: "Small friends think that the Terran Wu Sheng will do it to the old man?"

Is he tempted?

Or is it a fake temptation?

Qin Qi is uncertain, and he does not know what purpose Qi Qi has. This magic is unfathomable. It is impossible to see clearly like a fog. Qin Qi does not know whether he already knows that Wu Sheng has been deaf, or take this opportunity to think from Qin Qi. Out of the mouth?

Can face such an old demon, good at deception, Qin Qi really do not know what kind of answer can not be seen through.

Simply, don't answer.

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Qu Qi did say a lot, and it was very calm. Many things that were not explained were explained, and it didn't seem to hide anything.

What is the purpose?

"The younger generation does not understand, why do seniors care so much about the attitude of the younger generation?" Qin Qidao, Qi Qi is unfathomable, and his strength should far exceed him.

"Because the old man is optimistic about you!" Qi Qidao said, "To tell you the truth, the road behind this door is not for anyone to go, nor the stronger the strength, the better, the old man needs your help."

"In other words, the old man wants to work with you and walk to the end of this huge column!"

Sure enough, as the only one who has entered this door except Wu Sheng, Qi Qi also knows that no one can enter the core area of ​​the giant pillar. Only the Goddess of Heaven who is favored by Heaven can have the ability to set foot in the area!

"The only words that are said are true. I hope that Xiaoyou can see the sincerity of the old man and abandon the prejudice against our Mozu. After all, our Mozu is not relying on conspiracy to count people."

Qin Qi’s light is constantly flashing. The words of Qi Qi have a certain degree of credibility. He may really want to cooperate. After all, he cannot know that Qin Qi has a gateway to the Thunder.

He exposed himself this way. In case Qin Qi went out to bring back a few Wu Sheng, it was not destroyed.

For Hermes, who once fought with Wu Sheng, the Terran will definitely spare no effort to kill him.

After all, this is Hermes, who can deceive everything and easily reach the inside of the human race, which is more dangerous than other demons.

"I need time to think about it." Qin Qidao.

"Yes, how old is the old man giving you a year?" He smiled.

Just hearing this, Qin Qi is a tight heart.

If Qin Qi does not agree with one year, what should I do?

Half of the forces of the Chaos Era Alliance have been invested in this thunderstorm, and the city of Chaos is also developing rapidly. If you let this konjac, the consequences are unimaginable!

"This is not very friendly to seniors." Qin Qi said indifferently.

"Cooperation, the most important thing is fairness, and the basis of fairness is mutual restraint." He said that he did not care.

Qin Qi nodded, and indeed did not have temper, he can indeed leak the existence of Qi Qi, but at the same time also suffer revenge.

Moreover, Wu Sheng, who leads the outside world, enters the Thunder madfield?

This kind of practice of introducing wolves into the room, Qin Qi can not do, when the city of chaos, I am afraid it will be easy to change.

Qu Qi clearly thinks very well, there is no fear, not afraid of Qin Qi food.

However, in a year's time, Qi Qi is not afraid that Qin Qi has more than his strength?

Hermes, really can't be underestimated!

After leaving from Qiqi, Qin Qi returned to the city of Chaos, but after telling them the existence of the difference, he returned again.

This time, he did not go to find the difference, nor did he go to the blind, but began to use the mysterious sword in the sword mark to temper his ancient sword.

He can't see the difference, but he knows that the difference must be perceived, but it is only uncertain, otherwise it will not come to this place.

He did not know that the Wusheng was in the sword mark.

As a result, it is only a matter of time before Wu Sheng’s fall is revealed. However, it’s not clear that Wu Sheng really died in a day. He didn’t dare to shake it in one day. Qin Qi stayed here and kept the day.

In this way, Qin Qi is tempering swords every day. He is extremely cruel to himself, often placed in danger. On several occasions, he is dangerous and lives in an invincible state.

However, the method of doing so is not to make Qin Qi's understanding of the sword meaning deeper. The power of the sword is beginning to improve. After two months, Qin Qi finally has a complete transformation!

On this day, the ancient sword is rushing, piercing the clouds, the sword is full of enthusiasm, and there is invincible shape, as if returning to ancient times, the ancient sword is crowned as the king's years!

The power of dust in history has once again sounded in this world, as if to continue to write the name of invincible!

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